Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Prayer Request 7/24 - 7/30

A very prestigious junior high school in Beijing​ requires incoming seventh graders to complete the Chinese language homework for the following summer, to do calligraphy, to recite classic poems, to complete required book reading, visit a museum , and then to make a report of their summer experiences. ​Many churches offer summer activities or even retreats for their youth. We pray that the young people will not only know more about God but will also realize that God has a special plan for them and be willing to follow Jesus even though they are still young.​
In China, young people who are going into junior high are required to do math and English homework before they can enter​. Schools discourage students from playing computer games and require them to play Sudoku instead. There are also English stories they are required to read. ​We pray that Christian parents will use the summer break to help their children work on their relationship with the Lord--that they will help them to pray and daily read the Bible along with sharing stories of Jesus with them.​
In contrast to China, students in Taiwan who are going into junior high school have little homework​ to do that summer. Junior high and elementary schools in Taiwan no longer require homework during summer and winter breaks. ​Many Chinese Christian parents allow their children to skip church during the school year. ​ We pray that churches will have a concrete strategy to help parents teach their children to walk with Jesus and to know that "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."
The people in China who are in their 20's are much more liberal than their predecessors were. While there is still some stigma in rural China against divorce, some either "marry quickly and divorce quickly" or they were hurried into marriage by their parents.​Divorced people are no longer confined to middle-aged people. They also include younger couples. We pray that churches will accept them without criticism and that they will have a clear strategy to help them grow spiritually and know that God always loves them.
A majority​ of young people in China work far away from home. Many married couples have a poor relationship because they live apart for a long time because of jobs. Wives often cited poor relationship and chauvinism as reasons for divorces. We pray for Christian couples who live apart because of work, that God will give them extra grace, protect their marriages, and give them the determination to safeguard their minds.​
In China, about fifteen percent of divorce petitions are due to domestic violence which is next to the top reason for divorce. Men are the overwhelming culprits, engaging in beating and verbal abuse. Most churches there are still "stuck" in deciding whether a divorce is Biblically sanctioned.We pray that churches will provide counseling​, assist in temporary separation, or accompany the couple to tests, reports, and seeking legal aid.
The law in China now readily grants a divorce if evidence of physical violence, abuse, or abandonment​ can be proven and interventions have failed. ​We pray that churches will attempt to provide​ at least some teaching on preserving marriages. Pastors are often overwhelmed with many ministry demands, and we ask the Lord to raise up mature older believers whom young couples can model and seek for guidance and encouragement.

夫妻申請離婚的原因中,大約有15%是因為家暴,是離婚原因的第二位。其中,絕大多數是男性施暴 (毆打和辱罵)。許多教會領袖在遇到信徒家庭發生家暴時,仍停留在討論是否應該離婚的階段。求神幫助中國教會能安排輔導者以陪伴、安慰,協助暫時分居,陪同去驗傷、報警、尋求法律援助等等實際行動來支援受傷害的肢體。
在家庭暴力的問題上,如果一方能證實自己身體遭暴力、虐待或被遺棄,且曾嘗試尋求調停仍無效,新的中國婚姻法會批准離異。 求主幫助教會能提供適當的婚姻輔導。傳道人可能無法兼顧教會各方面的需要時,求主使用靈命成熟的年長肢體,成為年輕夫婦效法的榜樣,也能適時給予輔導和鼓勵。

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