Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Prayer Request 3/13 - 3/19

In China, living together without marriage is considered to be no big deal and people are puzzled by the opposition of the church. Some believers even openly question why churches continue to preach against it.​ We pray pastors can teach powerfully and effectively God's command, possessing wisdom as they admonish their members who cohabitate. “Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body.” 1 Cor. 6:18
The attitude toward sex is very liberal and cohabitation is prevalent in China. Apartments for unmarried couples near college campuses are in​ great demand and very profitable to run.We pray that young Christians will please the Lord as they encounter temptation and remember that we are purchased with a great price and are to glorify God in our bodies. (1 Cor. 6:20)
​Cohabitation is a real issue that pastors in China face now. No matter the size or location of their church, they will​ be asked to conduct a wedding by a couple who are living together. We pray for these pastors that they will have wisdom, grace, and use Biblical principles in being able to counsel those young people to live a life pleasing to God Who charges all shepherds to lead and guide the sheep entrusted to them.
Many Chinese Christians still believe marital affairs​ will not happen to church families. We pray specifically for Christian couples that they will guard their hearts and be diligent in protecting their marriage. “Have respect for marriage. Always be faithful to your partner, because God will punish anyone who is immoral or unfaithful in marriage. “ Hebrews 13:4
In China, the common attitude now is “get married for a good life, and get a divorce for a better life.” Gone is the conservative view of marriage, in its place are the quality of life and happiness of marriage. We pray for believers who are contemplating divorce or are separated. May the Spirit of God convict them and​ teach them how to please the Lord and trust Him for the strength and love to save their marriage.
Christianity emphasizes family harmony and morality, opposing all immoral sexual behaviors. These beliefs cause others in China to see Christians as being stubborn and intolerant hypocrites. Christians who fail in their marriage or commit sexual sins lose their testimonies. We all need to glorify God in our bodies. We pray for those weaker believers so they will not be stumbled by the news of famous preachers who have​ committed immorality.
In China, the “sexual revolution” seems to have no limits. The media seems to be driven by people who use it to promote a moral agenda that is completely hostile to the Word of God. Chinese media also promotes​ the pursuit of wealth promiscuity and promiscuity. We need to pray for all believers so they will constantly safeguard their minds and thoughts, just like Joseph in the Book of Genesis who uttered “how could ​I ​do this and sin against God?”

婚前同居在中國已被視為理所當然,一般人對教會為何還要反對婚前同居不解,有些信徒甚至懷疑教會還能在這立場上堅持多久。求主幫助傳道人能堅定有力地教導神的話,也有智慧勸告那些已經選擇同居的會友。「你們要逃避淫行。人所犯的,無論什麼罪,都在身子以外,惟有行淫的,是得罪自己的身子。」林前 6:18
中國社會對性的態度越來越開放,未婚同居已成為越來越嚴重的社會問題。一些大學周邊地區的「情侶宿舍」有供不應求的現象,更是商人在大學城區賺錢的好方法。求主保守年輕基督徒在這些試探中,深知神保守我們婚姻的心意,堅定持守貞潔,因為「為我們是重價買來的。要在我們的身子上榮耀神。」 (林前6:20)
不少基督徒還認為婚外情只會發生在那些「婚姻有問題」或「婚姻不幸福」的人身上,事實上,婚外情亦可能出現在看來正常的夫妻,甚至信徒家裡。我們為信徒夫妻祈求,求神保守他們的心懷意念,又幫助他們儆醒自己心思,謹守保護自己的婚姻。因為神訓誡我們要嚴肅看待婚約:「婚姻,人人都當尊重,床也不可污穢;因為苟合行淫的人,上帝必要審判。 來13:4 )
基督信仰注重家庭的和睦、具有極強的倫理性、反對一切不道德的性行為。因而在很多人看來,基督徒是一群頑固不化,缺乏包容,甚至是偽善的「怪物」。我們為每個信徒都能在生活上見證榮耀神禱告。不少信徒在婚姻,貞潔上失敗,就失去了應有的見證。 又求神保守軟弱的信徒,不因他們看見名牧或信徒跌倒而對信仰失望冷淡。

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