Monday, September 25, 2017

Prayer Request 9/26 - 10/2

Many Chinese intellectuals who became Christians while they were abroad are influenced by rational thinking. They often believe in only what they can see with their eyes and tend to approach understanding their faith rationally. When these people speak in a church, they are able to influence many people. Let us pray for this dangerous trend of rejecting the miraculous work of God and rationalizing the Christian faith among the highly-educated believers. We cannot pride ourselves on intellectualizing Christian faith and leave out God's sovereign power.
As more people in China move from the villages to the cities for work and to live urban churches need to be more committed and generous in helping the smaller poor churches in the countryside. ​We pray that churches will be more transparent and equitable in the way they compensate their pastors so it will at least be fair and all will get a similar salary. That way even poor churches will be able to provide the basic cost-of-living salary for their shepherds.
Being a Christian pastor in China is an enigma to common people because their jobs are not legally defined or accepted socially, especially pastors from the unregistered house churches. They also need to face police scrutiny but cannot compromise their faith. We pray for pastors in China as they face so many challenges daily. May the Lord guard their hearts since Satan tries to strike the shepherds before the sheep. May the Lord bless their families and let them know that their calling is greatly blessed.
Pastors in China face a complicated interpersonal relationship because their roles and identities are foreign and not universally accepted socially. They have to deal with traditional cultural and political environment unfriendly to “foreign religion”. We praise God for pastors who are uncompromising in their conviction and faith. May the Lord give them daily strength, wisdom, cunning as snakes yet pure as doves, especially as they interact with local authorities and religious affair officials.
Although migrant workers earn lot more in cities than those who stay in the countryside, they are excluded from key welfare benefits and subsidized housing reserved for registered city residents. Rural churches lack the manpower and offerings because young people move to cities to seek jobs. We thank God for pastors who stay and serve in rural churches, with meager or no salaries. The Lord richly rewards and blesses them, so they will not be discouraged but remain faithful in serving.
Graduates of seminaries and Bible schools in China are not willing to return to their churches in the countryside because the compensation is much lower compared with urban churches. Whether to return to their home church is not only a practical issue but also a matter of faith. We pray for those who are returning to serve in villages, the Lord gives them strength, courage, and fruitfulness, knowing it is God’s calling and He will faithfully provide everything they need.
The number of young believers who decide to enter the ministry​ and enroll in seminary is dropping in the major cities of China. Those who do, would prefer to enroll in Hong Kong or abroad. Those enrolled in seminaries in China are mostly from villages. ​We pray for all who are planning to enter ministry full time--for their learning of theology, ministry, and interpersonal skills so they will know how to "live in poverty or in plenty" and not blindly follow what is merely entertaining and easy or what is in vogue.​

中國人口從農村移到都市,城市教會需要更多承擔,以一個大地區教會,甚至一個大中國教會的心胸來關心農村教會微弱的生存現況。求主幫助教會在傳道人的待遇上更透明,以免有待遇不公的情況。 就算是貧困的教會,至少也要給予傳道人基本的生活需要。
中國的傳道人的社會角色及身份定位不清,政府也沒有明確的職業定義,一般人也不明白或被社會大眾所認可、接納。尤其是家庭教會的傳道人,在持守信念之外還要面對政府的壓力。我們為家庭教會傳道人能面對每一天特殊的處境來禱告, 願神保守他們的心懷意念,因惡者總是先攻擊牧人。求主賜福他們的家庭,深知他們的呼召是蒙福的。
現在神學院畢業後, 一般傳道人都不願回到農村事奉,想在城市裡的教會服事,主要原因是城市和農村教會的收入相差太大了。這是考量實際生活上的需要,也是信心問題。 我們為那些要回農村教會服侍的人禱告,求神大大加添給他們能力,膽量和果效。深知神的呼召是沒有錯誤的,只管剛強壯胆邁岀大步,祂必信實供應一切需要。

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