Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Prayer Request 7/4 - 7/10

Throughout​ China, there are many impressively modern airports but she also has some of the world's worst flight delays and missed connections. China is also famous for having angry and unrulely passengers on its airlines. We thank the Lord for the way churches in China have grown in spite of the many difficulties they face. However, we also diligently beseech the Lord to undertake in the significant increase of strife and division among them even while cults and other extreme teachings are rampant and growing worse.
China has begun a huge airport building project that could give the country 60 more airports beyond the current total of about 200 by 2020. We praise the Lord for many beautiful new church buildings throughout the country. We pray that these will be much more than destinations but place​s​ of worship where people come and receive the salvation of Jesus Christ, setting them free from the bondage of sin.​
Less than a decade ago, the newly-built international terminal at Beijing's old airport was widely lauded as the symbol of China's industrial might and political​ power. Last year, however, the old airport had to handle nearly ninety million passengers which was ten million more than it was built for. We pray for humility for the rapidly-growing urban churches in China and for God's comfort for the declining rural churches. May we each be like the church of Philadelphia in Revelation--"Behold, I put before you an open door and no one can shut it." (3:7)
As Chinese pockets have deepened and leisure time has grown, so has the flood of air traffic in China. Chinese airlines ferried 440 million passengers in 2015, with that number expected to grow to 1.19 billion by 2034.​We praise God for the new wealth and ability to travel for believers in China. Churches used to host special meetings during holidays but the attendance at such meetings has dropped greatly because people are out traveling. We pray that prosperity does not lead to spiritual poverty for churches in China.​
Airports in Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Nanjing are notorious for flight delays. Those in Xiamen, Guangzhou, Kunming, and Beijing were not far behind. This year airports in Beijing, Shanghai, and Nanjing were not allowed to add more flights until they could improve their record for late flights. Many churches in China are facing bottlenecks in their ministries and some are not even growing at all. We pray for the fire of revival among them and that they will once again become passionate about sharing the gospel in their communities.
In China, an over-investment in the heavy industrial sector has led to an oversupply of goods, severe competition, lower prices, and the dumping of goods to foreign countries. This has created a vicious cycle where the government has to subsidize factories that are losing money. Some believers in China have profited much from the stock market and real estate. We pray for their walk with the Lord and that​ they will know "The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and He adds no sorrow with it." (Prov. 10:22 NLT) We also pray that none of us will become ​like ​the foolish rich man in Jesus’s parable.
In China, hundreds of millions of people still live in rural areas with few prospects for jobs. Competition to get into universities is fierce, and competition for good jobs after college can be fiercer. The Lord has mercy on us, so we learn to truly love one another, because He first loved us and so others will know Him by our love. We pray the Lord will correct the way we judge a person by their profession and the work they do.

中國有世界最先進的機場,但也有世界上最嚴重的航班延誤和轉機延誤問題。憤怒及不守規矩的乘客在中國的航空旅行中比比皆是。感謝神一直保守中國教會在難處中仍然不斷成長;然而教會內爭鬥與分裂,以及異端叛逆卻也不斷增多, 讓我們更多為中國教會儆醒守望禱告。
不足十年前,北京機場新建的國際航站樓被讚譽為工業實力和政治實力的象徵。去年,首都機場接納近九千萬乘客 ,比原設計容量多出一千萬。 在中國城市教會不斷成長的同時,農村教會卻繼續沒落,異端猖狂。求主施恩憐憫,城巿教會不以人數自傲;農村教會亦不灰心喪志,讓我們都像非拉鐵非教會一樣,竭力遵守主的道,因為主為我們開了一扇門,就無人能將它關閉。(啓三:7)
中國的航班經常誤點,導致令人沮喪的延誤,尤以上海、杭州和南京的機場最嚴重,厦門、廣州、昆明和北京的機場也相去不遠。今年,中國的航空監管機構禁止北京、上海和南京的機場增加航班,直到它們能夠提高準點率為止。許多中國教會在事工上,也遇見瓶頸,人數不僅沒增長甚至還減少了。 我們求主復興,再次點燃向社區傳福音的火熱。

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