Monday, April 03, 2017

Prayer Request 4/4 - 4/10

Xinjiang has given many headaches to the Beijing government. China fears an increasing number of attacks by the local Muslim ​Uyghur people there against the Han Chinese who are in the majority in the rest of China.​ ​There is a great deal of distrust, if not downright prejudice against the ​ Muslim people from Xingjian found in the average Chinese person. We pray that Chinese believers will not have that same attitude and stereotype because the feeling of the superiority of Han people really permeates many churches in China.
Since 1949, ​Uyghur dominance in the province of Xinjiang has been shrinking. In that year Han Chinese people made up only six percent of the population but now it stands at over forty percent. Encouraged by Beijing, more Han Chinese are now migrating into Xinjiang. We pray for believers in Xinjiang because they ​have more exposure and contact with Muslims than those in churches in other places. May the Lord give these Christians boldness and compassion to share the gospel to their neighbors, both the Han Chinese and the Muslim minorities.
For hundreds of years, the Uyghur people have had a tense relationship with Beijing.​ Recent problems in Xinjiang have caused China to be unfriendly and even persecute its own Muslim citizens. ​Churches in China have long bragged that Chinese are the ideal missionaries in a Muslim world but this perceived advantage has been lost rapidly. We pray that churches in China will have the humility to learn from Western and Korean churches as they begin and organize their missionary efforts.
New laws have been put into place in Xinjiang, China making it illegal for men under sixty to grow beards, those under eighteen to pray in mosques along with encouraging women not to wear head scarves. Uyghurs, however are culturally more like the people of Central Asia than their fellow Han citizens to the east. We pray the Lord will give all Han Christians cultural sensitivity​ removal of ethnic superiority, and a spirit of compassion like Jesus Christ.
In the past, churches in China have focused on training but in the last two years, it is clear that they urgently need ​to develop a model of a healthy church. When the administrators of the church promote unhealthy, unbiblical ideas, ministries are done with only people and tradition in mind. We pray God will raise up leaders after His own heart in the churches in China and that they will not be seeking for large churches or complete control of the church for themselves.
Currently, the Three-self churches in China do not offer a healthy model such as the churches in China need. Although they are large in numbers, they are still not strong. We pray for believers in the TSPM churches that they will have the ability and opportunities to help the weaker and smaller churches to reach out to their communities and boldly proclaim the name of Jesus publicly.
It is said that officials in China know well all the meeting points ​of the church groups in China ​but often leave the worshippers alone. ​We pray for peace and room for ministry for each and every church in China and ask the Lord to​ help the believers to have good testimonies. We pray, too, that churches will continue to have a good relationship with the local officials.

自1949年以來,維吾爾人在新疆全省的優勢有所萎縮。 1949年漢族只占新疆總人口的6%,現在已達40%以上。在官方鼓勵下有更多的漢族人遷移到新疆。我們特別為新疆的漢人信徒代禱, 求主加添他們有勇氣和憐憫分享福音,不單單是向漢人的鄰居,因為他們對穆斯林有更多的接觸和了解,也走向社區中穆斯林的異族同胞。
中國教會亟須發展的「健康教會模型」, 目前在三自教會中並沒有看到。我們為三自教會的信徒祈求,能夠更有空間和能力來幫助弱小的教會,關心社區的需要,並勇敢公開為主做見證。
有不少人認為政府官員及地方的公安,一直以來對各小區内家庭教會的聚會點情況非常清楚,只是暫時不予干涉而已。我們為各地教會聚會點不受干擾代禱,求主賜信徒有美好的見證,在社區中作光和鹽, 幫助他們有智慧的跟執政掌權者打交道。

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