Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Prayer Request 2/14 - 2/20

As the economy in China stumbled, wealthy families wearied the depreciation of their assets and tried to move large sums of money abroad.​ It is reported that the government has implemented strict measures to stem the outflow of currencies. Negative financial news will certainly make believers less likely to give to their churches.​We pray that God will remind each of us of His great blessings to us and that we then should be thankful for all of this.
For many years China has soaked up much of the investment money in the world as its economy grew at annual rates in the double digits. However, the present slo wdown of the economy has led to a massive exodus of money ​from the country. This slowdown of the economy in China has led to a massive exodus of money. We praise the Lord for the steady prosperity the churches in China have enjoyed in the past decade but many have observed that churches are best described as lukewarm now. Let us pray for revival and for people to have deep commitment to Jesus in every church in China.
As the economy of China​ slows down, large sums of money are flowing out of the country. For a long time renminbi was very stable but now it is not and many want to get rid of their Chinese currency.Although compensation for pastors in China has improved somewhat, many are leaving the ministry because of financial concerns or not having enough money for their children's education. We pray for those who are considering such a move. May the Lord give them faith and a renewal of the spirit and desire to serve Him.
The value of currency in China​ has been dropping against the US dollar as part of a shift to a more market-oriented approach and to help exporters. That move, however, has set up sharp drop in stocks. People are shaken because what was once thought to be a sure way of making money (such as the stock market and real estate) is no longer working. We pray for believers as they learn to be faithful stewards of what God has entrusted to them rather than being envious and greedy
With the shortage of "shepherds"​ in China and the lack of concern people show for their pastor's family issues, pastors and church workers need God's help in knowing how to balance the demands of their family with those of the ministry. Churches also need to learn to show more concern for the families of their workers, help them when they are experiencing difficulties and show love and understanding to them since we all experience the same problems and have the same weaknesses.
Serving in churches in China is very demanding.​ Although there is a general respect for church workers, people do not inquire about spiritual and family matters of their pastors. Some church members even think that pastors are not supposed to have family problems at all. We pray for God's grace for church workers and their families. May they be blessed in all they do whether in church work or family which are both a part of God's work.
​Some of the people who work in churches in China​, have to leave their school-aged children alone or with their grandparents part of the time. These churches do not feel that this is not prudent, nor do they try to keep the family together. Without their parents around​ these children are greatly at risk. We pray for the parenting difficulties many families of believers have. May the Lord help them to know what the Bible says about godly parenting and how to apply those truths.

隨着中國經濟走勢不再看好,富裕家庭擔心人民幣貶值,自己的存款價值縮水,過去一年不斷試圖將巨款轉移境外;最近市傳中國監管機構正推出史上最嚴厲措施之一,力求阻止人民幣轉移出。負面的經濟訊息,自然使國民緊縮開支。求主提醒屬祂的人,堅信神是那位養活麻雀者, 我們當存感恩的心,盡好奉獻的本分,並以祂的信實為糧。

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