Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Prayer Request 4/19 - 4/25

Although teachers in rural schools do not enjoy the same status and pay as their counterparts in urban schools, more than seventy percent of the teachers in rural schools in China tend to come from poor village families and teaching school is a good and stable profession. There are literally no good steady paying jobs in the villages besides teaching. We pray that God will call some young Christians to become teachers in villages because they can help many children that way.
It is a good sign that young people from rural areas in China are able to​ be school teachers after graduation from college. Apart from nurturing the next generation, they are able to also look after their parents. May the Lord bless and help those teachers, to be good models and set a good example of filial piety. We pray especially for those Christians teachers who will help shoulder ministry in their churches; also pray for the older Christian parents, may the Lord answer their prayers that their children stay close to God in the cities and grant them wisdom as they care for their grandchildren.
Although being a school teacher in a village in China is not so glamorous as being a teacher in the city, they have one of the few jobs with a government salary.​ Teachers are respected in the villages because they are highly-educated. We pray for leaders in the churches, many of whom had little or no formal education. May God give them opportunity to get more training and be more effective.
Due to the lack of pastoral leadership, many rural churches in China do not have a clear vision, work plan, or knowledge of their true purpose. Some even wrongly think that it is enough to have money and committed believers. We pray especially for rural churches that have no shepherds. Many depend totally on sharing by a few sisters who had a bit of Bible training. May the Lord give them wisdom, discernment, boldness, and direction for their churches.
Many of the rural churches in China have not engaged in any strategic evaluation of their ministries. They struggle along with merely meeting week ​after week with no effort to reach others. We pray for those who do the caring and visitation work in these small churches. May the Lord protect them from the vicious attacks of heresies and cults and add to them strength and joy as they care for His sheep.
Compared to the older leaders, younger ones in the church have more chances for​ Bible study, pastoral, and missions training, yet it is more difficult for them to play a leading role in rural churches as compared to urban churches. May the Lord give them the courage and determination of Joshua in the Bible and the wisdom to work among traditional cultures in the church. May they work well with the older generation of Christians to help in the healthy development of their church.
Historically house churches in China have not provided financially for their pastors and many of them are very poor. In northern China, churches often give their pastor a token salary which is more symbolic than really helpful.​ The fact that many Chinese believers wrongly feel their pastor must be very poor to be faithful and depend on God, is a deep-rooted idea that is borrowed from Buddhist monks. May the Lord teach us how to trust Him with all of our hearts and honor those who faithfully serve Him in the church.

中國有超過70%農村教師是由農村貧窮家庭出身的。雖然農村教師在地位及薪資上都不能和城市教師相比,但是老師在農村中仍然是體面和穩定的職業。在農村裡,除了做老師之外,根本沒有什麽好工作可言。求主賜年輕信徒負擔,藉著擔任教師,幫助農村孩子們認識人生的價值, 見證聖經原則的價值觀, 讓孩子們走在正路上。
傳道人生活艱苦的現况,暴露出家庭教會存留已久的薪水制度的老問題。一些北方家庭教會,僅給傳道人一點點微薄的補貼,這些象徵性的補貼連糊口都遠遠不夠。 " 出家人一定要窮",傳道人越窮才能操練信心。這是中國信徒對他們傳道人錯誤的觀念!求主幫助我們更多學習依靠、仰賴神,也敬重神的僕人,使他們能毫無掛慮地在教會事奉。

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