Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Prayer Rrquest 8/4 - 8/10

TuesdayThirty years ago every Chinese in China had a copy of “Quotations from Chairman Mao” and the streets were filled with young Red Guards.​ Now one can find young people reading the Bible and students attending the college fellowships for Christians. We praise God for this wonderful development and pray that more people and churches will get involved in college ministries that will lead students to know Jesus Christ in salvation from sin.
Various studies​ have said that 7-10% of college students in China are Christians (7% in Beijing University and 9% in Zhejiang University). Christianity is behind only Buddhism (11%) as the religion of choice among college students. There are Bible study fellowships in nearly every college and university in China and the leaders are from diverse backgrounds (Some are even from cult groups.) We pray for purity of faith and soundness of doctrine for all leaders, especially those who are professors in the colleges.
College students constitute the​ fastest growing segment of the churches in China--nearly five times faster than other age groups. Half of the new converts attribute their conversion to the influence of a Christian friend. We praise the Lord for churches near colleges that are experiencing much growth and we pray that many more urban churches will open their doors to take in the college students who are new believers and provide them with discipleship.
The burgeoning of Christian fellowships on college campuses in China is surely the work of our God.​ Their hearts have been prepared through the combination of big changes in the country and the emptiness of their hearts. We pray for all the Christian college students in China that the Lord would call many of them to serve Him. Many of them have not yet told their families of their Christian faith. May the Lord help them to be a great testimony to their parents.
To those students who were born in the 1990's​, getting into college is a huge relief and allows them to search out the true meaning of life. Unfortunately, many turn to smoking or romance to fill their empty hearts but some have found what they are seeking in God. It is a fact that many college students who are Christians will be lost to follow-up once they graduate. We pray for steadfastness in their faith and that they commit their search for both a job and a Christian partner in marriage into the hand of God.
Christian​ college students often find their lives lonely and empty so their turn to sex and other pleasures to fill the void in their hearts. Some discover that "God is better" as they attend the Christian fellowship meetings. Many young Christians are not able to overcome temptations and not a few Christians cohabitate. We pray that each of us would experience the life-transforming power of God, especially young Christians who are in college.
Discussing one's Christians faith on college campuses is no longer alarming.​ Many Christians are willing to share their faith privately and online which contributes to the growing influence of the student fellowship meetings. We pray that more college students will come to know Jesus and many of them will go on to serve Him all their lives. Praise the Lord that this is indeed an exciting harvest field in China now.

根據不同地域的調查資料 ,大學裡的基督徒平均有 7%~10%,如北京大學有7%、浙江大學高達9%,僅次於佛教的11%。基督教目前在大學內成為第二大的宗教選項。幾乎在每一所大學附近都有查經班,但帶領的人也有不同的背景,包括異端、邪教。我們為大學團契能有信仰純正,忠於闡揚聖經真道的帶領者祈求,特別是那些校園基督徒教職員帶領者。

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