Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Prayer Request 4/7 - 4/13

TuesdayWith the death of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew, China’s Party leaders lost a role model who showed that economic prosperity could be achieved under crisply efficient one-party rule, immunized from the temptations of liberal democracy. We praise God for the phenomenal growth in the churches of Singapore although it is mostly in English-speaking churches. We pray that the churches in Singapore will reach out to the influx of new, young, affluent, and well-educated immigrants from​ China.
Singapore which is one-fourth the population of Beijing has had a large influence and been an inspiration for policy makers in China since 1980 when they embarked on an experiment with controlled capitalism that turned China into the world's second-largest economy. ​We praise God that churches in Singapore have supported ​those in China financially and with missionaries. We thank the Lord for their generosity and their desire to give "above and beyond" and we pray especially for all of the ministries they support inside of China.
Since the 1980's thousands of officials from China have visited Singapore to learn how their government works or burnish their​ credentials with the tour. Singaporean universities offer programs in public administration and courses tailored for these administrators. ​Tens of thousands of believers from China have flocked to Korea and Singapore to learn about church growth but with much lower results than they expected. We pray for revival of all of the churches in China beginning with selfless giving and a passion for winning souls for Christ.
Mr. Lee's more authoritarian admirers abroad have failed to note that he allowed a degree of regular electoral accountability and insisted on an incorruptible system. These requirements are not available in states where there is only one party.​ ​The churches in China greatly need transparency and a lifestyle that is beyond reproach. We pray for the cleansing of the Holy Spirit and revival to come upon all of the churches that seek to grow in China and that they will not merely emulate the style of leadership of certain people.​
It is not too clear what practical lessons officials in China can learn from Singapore since there is an enormous difference in being able to run a city-state of 5.4 million and a country of 1.3 billion people.​ It is very tempting for Chinese believers to copy what is alluring in Korean and Singaporean churches. We pray churches will not take the spiritual shortcut, merely copying worship or preaching formats, without being transformed and touched by God.
Many of Singapore’s policies for fighting corruption, such as salaries for officials so high that the commercial sector and graft have less allure, could not be replicated in China. ​In Korean and Singaporean churches, pastors are respected and well-compensated. We pray that each of the churches in China will truly respect and appreciate those who have answered God's call and not feel they are unable to get regular jobs so they have become pastors.
Soon after Chinese officials arrive in Singapore to learn about Singapore, they realize that they cannot copy the Singapore experience, but they all return to China and claim, “If Singaporeans can do it, then we can. ” ​Models or techniques for church​ growth are impossible to duplicate but many pastors in China are learning this the hard way. We pray for each of the leaders in the churches who earnestly seek to have revival. May the Lord answer their prayers with unity and vision for their churches.

自1980 年以來,已有兩萬二千多名中國官員經常性考察、訪問新加坡。他們試圖汲取經驗,或以訪問來為己資歷增添光彩。新加坡的大學也開設專門針對中國管理者的公共管理課程。成千上萬的華人信徒,到過韓國、新加坡學習教會增長,但效果卻並不明顯。我們為華人教會的增長祈求,願主賜我們甘心奉獻的心志及搶救靈魂的迫切感。
在推崇李光耀的威權主義治國時,其崇拜者往往忽略一個重點,就是他允許了一定程度的定期選舉問責制。他堅持要保有公正廉潔的官吏制度;可惜在純粹的一黨制國家卻不存在。中國教會需要制度透明化,領袖公、私德無可指摘。我們禱告:聖靈的火潔淨我們 ,激動教會願意竭力在真道上成長,妝飾整齊等候主來,而不是追求「名牧」。
官員到了新加坡學習幾周後,就能馬上意識到,他們不能照搬新加坡的經驗用在國內。但他們回中國時,總是宣稱:『新加坡能,我們也能!』教會增長是聖靈的作為,不是靠技巧或方法來複製,這是許多傳道人在偏差中領悟到的經驗。 我們為教會領袖及信徒追求靈命成長來禱告,求聖靈激動人心,賜給教會合一及異象。

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