Thursday, January 08, 2015

Prayer Request 1/6 - 1/12

Tuesday Millions of parents in China ​send ​their children to ''boarding kindergartens,'' every year, a tradition that began after the 1949 Communist revolution, where children as young as 3 live at school during the week — sometimes, but not always, returning home for the weekend.Some churches even openly discourage the presence of children because they interfere with adult services. We pray churches will see the importance of children​'s​ ministry, not causing any of the little ones to stumble and lose the opportunity to know Jesus.
China built many ''boarding kindergartens'' after the revolution in order to free parents, especially mothers, to work outside the home, as part of the official goal of women's emancipation that in reality was geared to the needs of the Communist Party. ​Many churches have no programs for children so parents ​can't take their children to church. We pray for training classes for teachers of children in Sunday school because this will truly bless the future churches of China.
“Boarding kindergartens” reached a peak during the Great Leap Forward from 1958 to 1962, when children were boarded in droves as Mao Zedong ordered China to outstrip the United States and Britain through agricultural collectivization and industrial production. We pray for adequate equipping of all of the Sunday school teachers of children so they will be able to effectively teach Bible truths. We pray specifically for the wisdom and love of Jesus for those who are passionate in serving the little ones but lack proper training.
​According to experts, separation anxiety in China today may be caused by the widely-accepted cultural practice of giving children to their ​grandparents to raise so the parents can work long hours due to intense economic pressures. Many believers do not raise their own children for various reasons. May the Lord comfort them, removing the guilt they struggle with, and listen to their prayer for their children to keep ​a close relationship with them.
​Chinese families are no longer scattered due to political campaigns but what about the impact of the "boarding kindergartens" today? On the internet parents say, "I'm so busy at work. Where is there a 'boarding ​kindergarten" in Nanjing or Shanghai? How much does it cost?" Many young Christian parents really do not know how to balance the demands of work, family and raising children. We pray for these parents so they will still have regular church lives and possess the wisdom of raising children knowing God.
​Approximately fifty-five million children in China are left behind with their grandparents on the farm as their parents go to the city to work, seeing their children perhaps once a year. Separation anxiety looms when the grandparents later hand the children back to the parents their hardly know. ​We pray for parents who are believers ​but are emotionally distant or even unable to communicate with their children. May the Lord heal their brokenness so they can once again fulfill their God-given role and duty.
Tens of thousands of parents in China choose an overseas education for their children each year hoping they will learn world-class skills grounded in liberal, democratic values in a healthy environment.​ May the Lord answer the prayers of all the believers who pray for a good education for their children. We pray that each of us would be reminded that God desires us to teach our children so they will know Him from a very young age.

每年有數百萬中國家長將孩子送去「托兒所」。這種做法始於1949年的共產黨革命,只有3歲大的孩子都是一整個星期待在學校裡,有時會回家過週末。 有些教會以「妨礙」成人聚會為由,在門口懸掛「禁止兒童進入」的牌子。我們為教會能看見兒童事工的重要性代禱,不使主所鍾愛的孩童因大人們在真理知識、信心和愛心上的不足而失去認識耶穌的機會。
1994 之後,為了給母親們騰出時間,讓他們能離開家門工作,中國修建了許多「托兒所」。讓母親們走出家門是解放女性這個官方目標的一部分,但實際上是為了滿足共產黨的需要。許多教會沒有任何孩童的事工,信徒的兒女缺乏針對他們的聖經的教導。 求主差派更多工人開展有系統的兒童主日學師資訓練課程,祝福中國教會的下一代。
每年都有成千上萬的中國家長為孩子選擇了海外的教育,希望他們在健康的環境中,以自由和民主的價值觀為基礎,學習世界級的知能。 多少信徒家長也為孩子能受好的教育祈求,願主垂聽他們的禱告,更是提醒家長,主希望我們能盡到親自教導子女成長的責任,使他們能從小認識主,學習真理,一生走在蒙福的正道上。

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