Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Prayer Request 9/16 - 9/22

TuesdayThe average yearly wage for Chinese urban workers in 2003 was 14,040 yuan, and by 2012, that figure has more than tripled to 47,593 yuan. The average rural net income per capita has tripled over the same period from 2,622.2 yuan in 2003 to 7,916.6 yuan in 2012. City​ folks earn a staggering seven times more than peasants in China. This is one reason for the steep decline in the number of rural churches. We pray that more city churches will support the poor churches in the countryside with prayers and also financially by adopting their pastors and ministries.
​Although​ the average income in China has increased dramatically in recent years, so has the basic cost of living. In 2003, the annual average cost of living for each rural Chinese worker was 1,943 yuan or seventy-four percent of his income and in 2012 it remained at seventy-four percent. In the countryside in China, the cost of living is still not cheap so that leads to pastors of rural churches having to work and being able to lead their churches in only their spare time. We ask the Lord for strength, renewal of their spirits, and a weekly supply of God's word for these pastors. May God bless them for their dedication and labor.
Rural​ pastors must work to support their families and then serve their churches with whatever time is left. The reasons that pastors in rural areas are poor and unable to care for their churches full time are various: poverty among the people themselves, little giving by members of the churches, and a lack of teaching on giving in the churches. In the past many pastors of rural churches received some financial support from overseas but China's booming economy and the seemingly outlandish way tourists from China spend money have caused giving for churches in China to decline significantly. May the Lord be gracious to rural churches in China and their shepherds.
Although it is not enforced well, the minimum educational requirement for factory workers in the coastal high-tech parks is rising from junior high to high school. Consequently this demand forces people with low education to go back to cities inland that are closer to their home villages. Most programs designed to train rural pastors in China demand a minimum of a high school diploma but the overall level of education of rural pastors is very low. We pray for time for study for these people and that the Lord will give them wisdom to know the message they need to deliver weekly.
​Most farmers​ whose lands were taken over by the government receive some compensation which allows their children to attend high school. This also gives them the opportunity to stay in their home villages while they attend high school in a nearby county. The only viable option for rural youth who have completed high school remains to work in a factory. We pray that young people who are believers will love God and serve in their churches. May the Lord use them mightily to reverse the decline of China's rural churches.
The average laborer in the factories in Shenzhen is a 23-year-old male from a poor village with a low level of education and little work experience.​ The ration of male to female workers is about six to four and in the past four years their average salaries have grown 160%. In the past there were Christians from the rural churches who had received Bible training and went into the factories to serve the workers but they failed due to the hard work schedule. We pray that the churches in China will be for not only the white collar population but will show concern for the millions of working people.
​For the young workers in China today, a lifetime career and loyalty are a thing of the past.​ They work a while and then take a long break. It is said that these young people are incapable of enduring hardship and that they complain a lot. Some rural Christians thought that when they worked in the factory, they would be preaching the gospel but most of them have failed. We pray for young believers who work in factories that they will not only continue to read their Bibles and pray but will also refuse to give up fellowship and will worship with other Christian.

在深圳工廠男生多於女生(6 對 4的比率),男生平均23歲、來自農村、沒有太高的教育水平,也少有工作經驗。在過去四年,工人基本工資增長超過160%。過去有不少接受訓練裝備去服侍打工群眾的信徒。他們雖具有聖經的知識,但是無法承受繁重的打工生活。求主幫助中國教會有前瞻性的視角,不單單是歡迎年輕白領家庭,也能關懷注目於數千萬的打工群眾。
對於現今中國的年輕工人來說,效忠公司或在一家公司做一輩子已是不太可能。許多人工作一段時間,就拿了薪水去度假;也往往吃不了苦,總是抱怨連連 。有些農村信徒進城打工,想向工廠的工人傳福音,但後來大多數人連自己都軟弱退縮了。求主幫助在工廠打工的年輕信徒,有讀經禱告的操練,有基督徒的同伴,更要堅持信仰並恒常參與聚會,跟其他肢體互相扶持砥礪。

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