TuesdayThe news of two mega-entertainers reunited after their divorce 11 years ago became the most followed story in China. Both are divorced and gave up their child custody to their exes. The responses were evenly divided between acceptance and idiotic “pursuit of love”. We pray for more Biblical teaching and discussion from this incident and that churches will teach and emphasize God’s blueprint for marriage and its covenant nature. May theLord safeguard our marriages, lest anyone of us use divorce foolishly as a solution to marital problems.
There are divorced believers in every church in China and even others who experience a poor marital relationship. Generally pastors lack the time or training to provide counseling. While lay people often help with the counseling, often the results are dismally poor. Divorced believers have complex relationships, responsibilities and obligations, and using the Bible as a stick to accuse or criticise is not helpful. We pray for all the divorced, for God’s strength, help and comfort, and also more acceptance and love from their church.
Hong Kong’s democracy is facing a dilemma. Beijing has made it clear that only someone who “loves the country and loves Hong Kong” is acceptable for the top post in Hong Kong. Beijing believes there are people who still do not accept Hong Kong's reunification with China and seek to subvert it. Anti-China sentiment has diminished significantly the passion of Hong Kong churches for mission into the Mainland. We pray for the future and direction of this island, may the Lord strengthen the believers and revive the passion for mission among all churches.
The Election Committee (with 1200 members) that oversees the election of Hong Kong's chief executive is under the control of the rich and powerful of Beijing and Hong Kong. Many believe a direct popular election is not meaningful if the candidates have been preselected by an undemocratic body. In this time of political uncertainty, we pray for patience and wisdom for Hong Kong churches, especially the role Christians should play in the public debate and even demonstrations. We know the Lord will continue to greatly use the Hong Kong churches in the growth of Chinese churches worldwide.
Thousands of university students in Hong Kong abandoned their classes to rally against the limits the Chinese government placed on voting rights. Many parents are leery about high school students taking part in such demonstrations because they feel they are not adults and should not be politically involved. Believers may have different political perspectives and views but there are great divisions among believers in Hong Kong which have even caused shouting matches there. We pray we will not fall into Satan's trap and lose our unity in Christ.
Thirty-two percent of parents in Taiwan intend to send their children abroad for study in either the United States or Canada. Meanwhile thirty-five percent of the parents in Taiwan enroll their children in English classes which is a much higher percentage than the average of twenty-one percent in the Asia-Pacific region. Chinese parents have high expectations for their children. We pray that Christian parents will have equally high spiritual expectations for their children as well and those who attended vacation Bible schools or retreats this summer, had life-changing experiences and are following up on them.
For the young workers in China today, a lifetime career and loyalty are a thing of the past. They work a while and then take a long break. It is said that these young people are incapable of enduring hardship and that they complain a lot. Some rural Christians thought that when they worked in the factory, they would be preaching the gospel but most of them have failed. We pray for young believers who work in factories that they will not only continue to read their Bibles and pray but will also refuse to give up fellowship and will worship with other Christian.
抗議中國政府對選舉權的限制,香港大學生罷課並舉行集會。有些多家長擔心罷課風氣蔓延到中學,認為中學生未成年不適宜在政治上過度參與。教會內信徒也可能有不同的政治立場及看法。 但是很明顯的,不同立場的基督徒各持己見,甚至演變成敵對是我們不樂見的,我們切切求神在祂兒女心中動工,不要中了魔鬼詭計,失去了主裡的合一。
Monday, September 29, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Prayer Request 9/23 - 9/29
TuesdayIn the coming years the phenomenon of ghost towns in China will be even more scary than in the past, especially in the smaller cities in the remote areas. A ghost town is a completely built community which lacks residents or buyers. The vacancies have been created by excess investment in real estate, especially in China’s third-tier cities. Many Christians are worried about the cost of living and not having enough money when illness hits, the stock market goes down, or home prices become stagnant. We pray for peace and joy from God as we all learn to fix our eyes on the Heavenly Father Who provides everything we need.
Third-tier cities such as Tangshan and Wenzhou have a high rate of vacancy (about 16%) while in Beijing and Shanghai, it is only at 10%. Nanjing, Chongqing and Shenyang are considered second-tier cities with an average rate of vacancy at about 13%. Due to over-investment these rates are expected to rise still higher. In China, it is hard to resist buying a second home for investment so many believers are saddled with mortgage payments. May the Lord help us each to be a good and faithful steward of what He gives us. We need to trust God to provide and then we do not have to worry.
Suicide is the leading cause of death in people 15-34 years old in China. About 250,000 die yearly from suicide and the rate is higher in rural areas but the government is very reluctant to disclose any specific figures regarding suicides among adolescents. Unfortunately, most churches lose their young people because the youth are busy with school or their parents stop insisting that they attend church. We pray for wisdom and faith in God for Christian parents that they will remember "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom".
It is still considered taboo to talk about suicide among youth in China. Of the seventy-nine cases of suicide among students in 2013, nearly all in elementary school occurred after the child had a quarrel with the teacher. In high school, the suicides were mostly related to examinations. Parents put a great deal of pressure on their children to get high grades. We pray that Christian parents will have wisdom to rear not only good but godly children and that they will not feel frustrated and like they are failures if their children do not do well academically.
Recently many of the churches in Wenzhou have faced the demolishing of their church buildings that had not been built according to code. On some they have removed the crosses and others still face these things. Let us pray for the leaders of the churches in Wenzhou and ask the Lord to give them wisdom to know how to deal with these rashes of demolition even while they are in a series of meetings and negotiations trying to find solutions to stave off the demolitions.
In China, many church workers believe that since the cross is the symbol of Christianity, we must not allow officials to demolish it. Others believe that the church building is not the church per se so they can accept the demolitions as long as the church is allowed to continue to function as a body. Let us pray for the development of all the house churches in China and for an even stronger faith in the Lord as well as unity for the entire church as they face increasing restrictions and attacks.
The government of China requires every university to establish a monitoring system to take swift measures to curb "negative speech" online or other dangerous tendencies among the students, including their calls to have outdoor gatherings. Christian gatherings of college students are often monitored closely and faculty leaders are admonished not to participate or risk losing their jobs. We pray for the growth and safety of both students and leaders in all of the Bible study groups near college campuses.
鬼城是指蓋好的社區,卻賣不出去或是沒有買主搬進。三、四線城市住宅嚴重過剩,多餘的空置住宅表明房地產投資過度未來幾年,中國的鬼城,尤其在是更小、更偏遠地方會更普遍。 不少信徒天天為生活費用高漲,不夠錢養病,股市與房價低靡而擔憂。 我們禱告求神幫助我們有來自祂的平安和喜樂,學習信靠神的信實,定在天父會供應我們的需要。
近來溫州教會所面對的政府拆教堂(都有違章的建築)和十字架的壓力並未減少。原來不受影響的地區也陸續收到拆十字架的告示,不僅要求清拆違章建築的,也包括十字架 。繼續為教會領袖禱告,求神給他們智慧,明白如何面對壓力,在一系列的會議及協商中能找到合神心意的方案。
Third-tier cities such as Tangshan and Wenzhou have a high rate of vacancy (about 16%) while in Beijing and Shanghai, it is only at 10%. Nanjing, Chongqing and Shenyang are considered second-tier cities with an average rate of vacancy at about 13%. Due to over-investment these rates are expected to rise still higher. In China, it is hard to resist buying a second home for investment so many believers are saddled with mortgage payments. May the Lord help us each to be a good and faithful steward of what He gives us. We need to trust God to provide and then we do not have to worry.
Suicide is the leading cause of death in people 15-34 years old in China. About 250,000 die yearly from suicide and the rate is higher in rural areas but the government is very reluctant to disclose any specific figures regarding suicides among adolescents. Unfortunately, most churches lose their young people because the youth are busy with school or their parents stop insisting that they attend church. We pray for wisdom and faith in God for Christian parents that they will remember "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom".
It is still considered taboo to talk about suicide among youth in China. Of the seventy-nine cases of suicide among students in 2013, nearly all in elementary school occurred after the child had a quarrel with the teacher. In high school, the suicides were mostly related to examinations. Parents put a great deal of pressure on their children to get high grades. We pray that Christian parents will have wisdom to rear not only good but godly children and that they will not feel frustrated and like they are failures if their children do not do well academically.
Recently many of the churches in Wenzhou have faced the demolishing of their church buildings that had not been built according to code. On some they have removed the crosses and others still face these things. Let us pray for the leaders of the churches in Wenzhou and ask the Lord to give them wisdom to know how to deal with these rashes of demolition even while they are in a series of meetings and negotiations trying to find solutions to stave off the demolitions.
In China, many church workers believe that since the cross is the symbol of Christianity, we must not allow officials to demolish it. Others believe that the church building is not the church per se so they can accept the demolitions as long as the church is allowed to continue to function as a body. Let us pray for the development of all the house churches in China and for an even stronger faith in the Lord as well as unity for the entire church as they face increasing restrictions and attacks.
The government of China requires every university to establish a monitoring system to take swift measures to curb "negative speech" online or other dangerous tendencies among the students, including their calls to have outdoor gatherings. Christian gatherings of college students are often monitored closely and faculty leaders are admonished not to participate or risk losing their jobs. We pray for the growth and safety of both students and leaders in all of the Bible study groups near college campuses.
鬼城是指蓋好的社區,卻賣不出去或是沒有買主搬進。三、四線城市住宅嚴重過剩,多餘的空置住宅表明房地產投資過度未來幾年,中國的鬼城,尤其在是更小、更偏遠地方會更普遍。 不少信徒天天為生活費用高漲,不夠錢養病,股市與房價低靡而擔憂。 我們禱告求神幫助我們有來自祂的平安和喜樂,學習信靠神的信實,定在天父會供應我們的需要。
近來溫州教會所面對的政府拆教堂(都有違章的建築)和十字架的壓力並未減少。原來不受影響的地區也陸續收到拆十字架的告示,不僅要求清拆違章建築的,也包括十字架 。繼續為教會領袖禱告,求神給他們智慧,明白如何面對壓力,在一系列的會議及協商中能找到合神心意的方案。
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Prayer Request 9/16 - 9/22
TuesdayThe average yearly wage for Chinese urban workers in 2003 was 14,040 yuan, and by 2012, that figure has more than tripled to 47,593 yuan. The average rural net income per capita has tripled over the same period from 2,622.2 yuan in 2003 to 7,916.6 yuan in 2012. City folks earn a staggering seven times more than peasants in China. This is one reason for the steep decline in the number of rural churches. We pray that more city churches will support the poor churches in the countryside with prayers and also financially by adopting their pastors and ministries.
Although the average income in China has increased dramatically in recent years, so has the basic cost of living. In 2003, the annual average cost of living for each rural Chinese worker was 1,943 yuan or seventy-four percent of his income and in 2012 it remained at seventy-four percent. In the countryside in China, the cost of living is still not cheap so that leads to pastors of rural churches having to work and being able to lead their churches in only their spare time. We ask the Lord for strength, renewal of their spirits, and a weekly supply of God's word for these pastors. May God bless them for their dedication and labor.
Rural pastors must work to support their families and then serve their churches with whatever time is left. The reasons that pastors in rural areas are poor and unable to care for their churches full time are various: poverty among the people themselves, little giving by members of the churches, and a lack of teaching on giving in the churches. In the past many pastors of rural churches received some financial support from overseas but China's booming economy and the seemingly outlandish way tourists from China spend money have caused giving for churches in China to decline significantly. May the Lord be gracious to rural churches in China and their shepherds.
Although it is not enforced well, the minimum educational requirement for factory workers in the coastal high-tech parks is rising from junior high to high school. Consequently this demand forces people with low education to go back to cities inland that are closer to their home villages. Most programs designed to train rural pastors in China demand a minimum of a high school diploma but the overall level of education of rural pastors is very low. We pray for time for study for these people and that the Lord will give them wisdom to know the message they need to deliver weekly.
Most farmers whose lands were taken over by the government receive some compensation which allows their children to attend high school. This also gives them the opportunity to stay in their home villages while they attend high school in a nearby county. The only viable option for rural youth who have completed high school remains to work in a factory. We pray that young people who are believers will love God and serve in their churches. May the Lord use them mightily to reverse the decline of China's rural churches.
The average laborer in the factories in Shenzhen is a 23-year-old male from a poor village with a low level of education and little work experience. The ration of male to female workers is about six to four and in the past four years their average salaries have grown 160%. In the past there were Christians from the rural churches who had received Bible training and went into the factories to serve the workers but they failed due to the hard work schedule. We pray that the churches in China will be for not only the white collar population but will show concern for the millions of working people.
For the young workers in China today, a lifetime career and loyalty are a thing of the past. They work a while and then take a long break. It is said that these young people are incapable of enduring hardship and that they complain a lot. Some rural Christians thought that when they worked in the factory, they would be preaching the gospel but most of them have failed. We pray for young believers who work in factories that they will not only continue to read their Bibles and pray but will also refuse to give up fellowship and will worship with other Christian.
在深圳工廠男生多於女生(6 對 4的比率),男生平均23歲、來自農村、沒有太高的教育水平,也少有工作經驗。在過去四年,工人基本工資增長超過160%。過去有不少接受訓練裝備去服侍打工群眾的信徒。他們雖具有聖經的知識,但是無法承受繁重的打工生活。求主幫助中國教會有前瞻性的視角,不單單是歡迎年輕白領家庭,也能關懷注目於數千萬的打工群眾。
對於現今中國的年輕工人來說,效忠公司或在一家公司做一輩子已是不太可能。許多人工作一段時間,就拿了薪水去度假;也往往吃不了苦,總是抱怨連連 。有些農村信徒進城打工,想向工廠的工人傳福音,但後來大多數人連自己都軟弱退縮了。求主幫助在工廠打工的年輕信徒,有讀經禱告的操練,有基督徒的同伴,更要堅持信仰並恒常參與聚會,跟其他肢體互相扶持砥礪。
Although the average income in China has increased dramatically in recent years, so has the basic cost of living. In 2003, the annual average cost of living for each rural Chinese worker was 1,943 yuan or seventy-four percent of his income and in 2012 it remained at seventy-four percent. In the countryside in China, the cost of living is still not cheap so that leads to pastors of rural churches having to work and being able to lead their churches in only their spare time. We ask the Lord for strength, renewal of their spirits, and a weekly supply of God's word for these pastors. May God bless them for their dedication and labor.
Rural pastors must work to support their families and then serve their churches with whatever time is left. The reasons that pastors in rural areas are poor and unable to care for their churches full time are various: poverty among the people themselves, little giving by members of the churches, and a lack of teaching on giving in the churches. In the past many pastors of rural churches received some financial support from overseas but China's booming economy and the seemingly outlandish way tourists from China spend money have caused giving for churches in China to decline significantly. May the Lord be gracious to rural churches in China and their shepherds.
Although it is not enforced well, the minimum educational requirement for factory workers in the coastal high-tech parks is rising from junior high to high school. Consequently this demand forces people with low education to go back to cities inland that are closer to their home villages. Most programs designed to train rural pastors in China demand a minimum of a high school diploma but the overall level of education of rural pastors is very low. We pray for time for study for these people and that the Lord will give them wisdom to know the message they need to deliver weekly.
Most farmers whose lands were taken over by the government receive some compensation which allows their children to attend high school. This also gives them the opportunity to stay in their home villages while they attend high school in a nearby county. The only viable option for rural youth who have completed high school remains to work in a factory. We pray that young people who are believers will love God and serve in their churches. May the Lord use them mightily to reverse the decline of China's rural churches.
The average laborer in the factories in Shenzhen is a 23-year-old male from a poor village with a low level of education and little work experience. The ration of male to female workers is about six to four and in the past four years their average salaries have grown 160%. In the past there were Christians from the rural churches who had received Bible training and went into the factories to serve the workers but they failed due to the hard work schedule. We pray that the churches in China will be for not only the white collar population but will show concern for the millions of working people.
For the young workers in China today, a lifetime career and loyalty are a thing of the past. They work a while and then take a long break. It is said that these young people are incapable of enduring hardship and that they complain a lot. Some rural Christians thought that when they worked in the factory, they would be preaching the gospel but most of them have failed. We pray for young believers who work in factories that they will not only continue to read their Bibles and pray but will also refuse to give up fellowship and will worship with other Christian.
在深圳工廠男生多於女生(6 對 4的比率),男生平均23歲、來自農村、沒有太高的教育水平,也少有工作經驗。在過去四年,工人基本工資增長超過160%。過去有不少接受訓練裝備去服侍打工群眾的信徒。他們雖具有聖經的知識,但是無法承受繁重的打工生活。求主幫助中國教會有前瞻性的視角,不單單是歡迎年輕白領家庭,也能關懷注目於數千萬的打工群眾。
對於現今中國的年輕工人來說,效忠公司或在一家公司做一輩子已是不太可能。許多人工作一段時間,就拿了薪水去度假;也往往吃不了苦,總是抱怨連連 。有些農村信徒進城打工,想向工廠的工人傳福音,但後來大多數人連自己都軟弱退縮了。求主幫助在工廠打工的年輕信徒,有讀經禱告的操練,有基督徒的同伴,更要堅持信仰並恒常參與聚會,跟其他肢體互相扶持砥礪。
Tuesday, September 09, 2014
Prayer Request 9/9 - 9/15
TuesdayFew modern day religious sects in China have been more liable to attract controversy then the Church of Almighty God with its apocalyptic visions. It has cast itself as battling against the "Great Red Dragon", a term for the Chinese Communist Party. Let us pray for churches that have been entirely devoured by cults and the unsuspecting believers who have been led astray all over China. This kind of thing used to be mainly in rural regions, but now cults are attracting people and attacking in cities, too. May the Lord have mercy and bring those who have gone astray back to the truth.
Leaders in the Communist Party are alarmed by the spread of heterodox religious beliefs despite repeated government crackdowns. There have been repeated campaigns to eradicate spiritual and religious groups deemed to be cults that foster crime, coercion, and political defiance. Naïve believers are often attracted to the cults because they are fervent in sharing and caring for people. We pray that churches will be extra diligent in protecting their sheep and that they will teach believers how to discern cults and defend their faith.
Some cults spread widely in rural China because emptiness of heart and peasant Christians have little foundation of faith. Cults appeal to the poor Christians by providing hope to the impoverished farmers, and some even provide financial assistance to its followers. Many rural believers fell victim to cults because they know little of what they believe and there is a dearth of well-qualified church leader who can discern orthodoxy. We must pray for all the believers trapped in cults, the Lord lead them out of their captivity, and be free again in the Truth.
Churches in Hong Kong have always help out churches inside China before the island was returned to China in 1997. Some pastors say, Hong Kong churches have not really advanced in their understanding of China churches since then. We pray for Hong Kong churches as partners with church in the Mainland, with their humble servant attitude, not as superior but rather as equal, creating a model of mutual trust and learning with the Mainland church leaders.
Linxia is known as "China's small Mecca,", a city of two millions, mostly Hui Muslims and Han Chinese. The city boasts a hundred plus mosques, the most in China, and received many Muslim pilgrims every year. Dongxiang is a group of fanatical Muslims, some evangelical researchers think they are Chinese territory of one of the largest unreached people. We thank God for the some missionaries being sent out by few churches in China. We pray that we should not discount tens of million Muslims in the northwest China, because they are the Judea and Samaria of China churches.
Lhasa has been a spiritual fortress of extreme anti-Christianity. Yet, there are encouraging developments in recent years and even some Tibetan believers worshipping among the Han Chinese house churches. Praise God! Some workers have moved there and tried very hard in sharing the Gospel with those who are open and willing. We pray for the local believers and pastors, and the unreached souls in this spiritual darkened land.
There are a small numbers of Han Chinese churches in existence even in cities with Muslims as majority population. But, these believers lived in fear because their Muslim neighbors are very resistant to the Gospel. We pray for courage for these believers to share the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ to their neighbors. We ask God for believers who love the Lord so much and willing to move to northwest China where there are so many Muslims.
“全能神教會”(前東方閃電)是異端中最引起政府注意的,因為它宣揚在世界末日,將有一個與“大紅龍”的爭戰,“全能神教會”認為大紅龍”指的是共產黨。 從前異端在農村相當普遍,但是近來,異端邪教已經進入城市。 我們為被異端攪擾和搶奪的教會代禱,願神的憐憫臨到他們,引領他們回到主的懷抱。
異端在農村中的興盛是因為人心的虛空,信徒沒有提供足夠真理的教導。 異端的教導不僅為那些在貧窮中掙扎的農村信徒帶來盼望,甚至也提供政府所沒有做到的生活保障體系。農村家庭教會因為缺少受裝備的帶領者,信徒往往被這些異端迷惑。我們為陷入異端的信徒祈求,求神引領他們走出迷惑,能再次得著真理和自由。
Leaders in the Communist Party are alarmed by the spread of heterodox religious beliefs despite repeated government crackdowns. There have been repeated campaigns to eradicate spiritual and religious groups deemed to be cults that foster crime, coercion, and political defiance. Naïve believers are often attracted to the cults because they are fervent in sharing and caring for people. We pray that churches will be extra diligent in protecting their sheep and that they will teach believers how to discern cults and defend their faith.
Some cults spread widely in rural China because emptiness of heart and peasant Christians have little foundation of faith. Cults appeal to the poor Christians by providing hope to the impoverished farmers, and some even provide financial assistance to its followers. Many rural believers fell victim to cults because they know little of what they believe and there is a dearth of well-qualified church leader who can discern orthodoxy. We must pray for all the believers trapped in cults, the Lord lead them out of their captivity, and be free again in the Truth.
Churches in Hong Kong have always help out churches inside China before the island was returned to China in 1997. Some pastors say, Hong Kong churches have not really advanced in their understanding of China churches since then. We pray for Hong Kong churches as partners with church in the Mainland, with their humble servant attitude, not as superior but rather as equal, creating a model of mutual trust and learning with the Mainland church leaders.
Linxia is known as "China's small Mecca,", a city of two millions, mostly Hui Muslims and Han Chinese. The city boasts a hundred plus mosques, the most in China, and received many Muslim pilgrims every year. Dongxiang is a group of fanatical Muslims, some evangelical researchers think they are Chinese territory of one of the largest unreached people. We thank God for the some missionaries being sent out by few churches in China. We pray that we should not discount tens of million Muslims in the northwest China, because they are the Judea and Samaria of China churches.
Lhasa has been a spiritual fortress of extreme anti-Christianity. Yet, there are encouraging developments in recent years and even some Tibetan believers worshipping among the Han Chinese house churches. Praise God! Some workers have moved there and tried very hard in sharing the Gospel with those who are open and willing. We pray for the local believers and pastors, and the unreached souls in this spiritual darkened land.
There are a small numbers of Han Chinese churches in existence even in cities with Muslims as majority population. But, these believers lived in fear because their Muslim neighbors are very resistant to the Gospel. We pray for courage for these believers to share the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ to their neighbors. We ask God for believers who love the Lord so much and willing to move to northwest China where there are so many Muslims.
“全能神教會”(前東方閃電)是異端中最引起政府注意的,因為它宣揚在世界末日,將有一個與“大紅龍”的爭戰,“全能神教會”認為大紅龍”指的是共產黨。 從前異端在農村相當普遍,但是近來,異端邪教已經進入城市。 我們為被異端攪擾和搶奪的教會代禱,願神的憐憫臨到他們,引領他們回到主的懷抱。
異端在農村中的興盛是因為人心的虛空,信徒沒有提供足夠真理的教導。 異端的教導不僅為那些在貧窮中掙扎的農村信徒帶來盼望,甚至也提供政府所沒有做到的生活保障體系。農村家庭教會因為缺少受裝備的帶領者,信徒往往被這些異端迷惑。我們為陷入異端的信徒祈求,求神引領他們走出迷惑,能再次得著真理和自由。

Wednesday, September 03, 2014
Prayer Request 9/2 - 9/8
TuesdayDuring the Mao Zedong era, China had no landlords and there were no capitalists. These two classes of people were demoralized and after 1949 they were quickly dispossessed of any holdings they had. The property of landlords was confiscated and private factories were nationalized. Church leaders who have lived through Mao’s days feel intimidated when their authority is challenged in church. We pray for humility for all of the leaders in the churches, not because of their experience of suffering but because they model Christ's servant heart.
During the Mao era when material shortages were the order of the day, everyone was a pauper. Those former landlords and capitalists were paupers, too--in most cases they had even less than they had before. Yet every day people still shouted, "Never forget class struggle!" The great obstacle and enemy the churches in China face today is prosperity. We give thanks to God for the improvement in the standard of living over the past twenty years but we still pray for true contentment and godliness for all believers as well as a continuing desire to always seek the Lord.
The slogan "Never forget class struggle" was plastered on every wall in China, on the drinking cups, and even painted on toilets during the Cultural Revolution. These words were also printed on pillowcases commanding people even in their dreams not to forget class struggle. The idea of class struggle is poisonous and stirs hatred even for the Christians in the churches today. May the Lord have mercy on us all and fill us with the love of Jesus so we can truly accept and love each other and not just say, "I love you" in word only.
Today's China looks nothing like the China of Mao who died in 1979. There are classes now which causes class struggles and we can always see reports in the media about life at both extremes--the "filthy obscenely rich" and the "struggling poor". Even Christians are easily caught up in hatred for the corrupted officials and show contempt for anyone who is rich. The churches in China are often caught up in righteous indignation, especially toward corruption. May the Lord remove our self-righteousness and give us a tender and sensitive heart for sinners.
In China, a huge gap exists between rich and poor, and pervasive corruption has ignited conflict between officialdom and the population at large. Chinese society is riddled with contradictions, but “Never forget class struggle” has been replaced by “Harmonious society” and “Stability overrides all other considerations.” Although the church is supposed to treat all whether rich or poor alike, many poor migrant laborers find the welcome in church superficial at best. We pray that some people in every church will reach out and warmly welcome new-comers and model how we should care for others.
To qualify as a member of China’s new Middle Class, one must own an apartment in the city which is 80 square meters or larger and a car which cost at least 100,000 yuan. If they own these two things, others feel they have financial security. Young professionals who are believers spend a lot of their time working and really do not have much time to get involved in the church. We pray for wisdom and patience for pastors who minister to these families that present a real challenge because of their chosen priorities.
The people in the new Middle Class like to be fashionable but they do not feel they must wear limited editions of luxury outfits. Instead they feel that a clean and fresh hairstyle, healthy skin, and decent clothing are enough. They are environmentally conscious and involved in doing charitable works. Young professional families usually find that both spouses are busy executives trying to balance work, young children, and church. We pray for their marital relationship, guarding of their hearts from temptation of all kinds, and wisdom in rearing their children.
毛澤東時期的中國既沒有地主也沒有資本家。 1949年以後,地主和資本家被認為是剝削階級的代表,地主的田地在土改時被沒收了,資本家擁有的工廠在公私合營時亦被奪走。經歷過文革的老一輩,面對教會中有人起意變革時,容易認為自己遭受挑戰。我們要為教會領袖們有謙卑的心禱告,願他們常與主有親密的關係。在帶領群羊時,有效法基督,甘為主僕人來服事眾人的心腸。
「千萬不要忘記階級鬥爭」這句口號遍佈中國城市和農村的牆壁,喝水時杯子上印著、廁所牆上刷著、枕套上也印著這句口號,務求百姓在夢中仍不忘記階級鬥爭。 鬥爭的思想與毒素在中國教會中仍然處處可見,信徒彼此猜疑和不服,容易激起仇恨。 求主憐憫恩待我們,再次以基督的愛充滿我們,好叫我們能切實彼此接納,看別人比自己強,從心底裡愛弟兄姐妹,不流於空談。
當今中國經濟發展畸形,帶來貧富懸殊;腐敗叢生帶來官民鬥爭。社會充滿矛盾,「千萬不要忘記階級鬥爭」被「和諧社會」和「穩定壓倒一切」等口號所取代。 許多貧窮人和農民工,卻感覺在教會裡遭到冷落,沒有溫暖可言。求主興起弟兄姐妹,樂意伸出手歡迎新來者,讓新來者感受到基督的愛,也成為關懷信徒的好榜樣。
中國新中產階級雖熱愛時尚,但不是限量版的奢侈品包,而是一個乾淨清爽的髮型、健康的膚色以及得體的衣著。 新中產階級也熱愛環保和參與慈善項目。城市教會中的年輕專業人士家庭,一般都是夫妻倆忙碌工作,照顧孩子,還要忙教會。我們為這些年輕信徒夫婦的婚姻禱告,求主保守他們的家庭,不落入各樣的引誘和試探,更有智慧養育敬虔愛主的孩子。
During the Mao era when material shortages were the order of the day, everyone was a pauper. Those former landlords and capitalists were paupers, too--in most cases they had even less than they had before. Yet every day people still shouted, "Never forget class struggle!" The great obstacle and enemy the churches in China face today is prosperity. We give thanks to God for the improvement in the standard of living over the past twenty years but we still pray for true contentment and godliness for all believers as well as a continuing desire to always seek the Lord.
The slogan "Never forget class struggle" was plastered on every wall in China, on the drinking cups, and even painted on toilets during the Cultural Revolution. These words were also printed on pillowcases commanding people even in their dreams not to forget class struggle. The idea of class struggle is poisonous and stirs hatred even for the Christians in the churches today. May the Lord have mercy on us all and fill us with the love of Jesus so we can truly accept and love each other and not just say, "I love you" in word only.
Today's China looks nothing like the China of Mao who died in 1979. There are classes now which causes class struggles and we can always see reports in the media about life at both extremes--the "filthy obscenely rich" and the "struggling poor". Even Christians are easily caught up in hatred for the corrupted officials and show contempt for anyone who is rich. The churches in China are often caught up in righteous indignation, especially toward corruption. May the Lord remove our self-righteousness and give us a tender and sensitive heart for sinners.
In China, a huge gap exists between rich and poor, and pervasive corruption has ignited conflict between officialdom and the population at large. Chinese society is riddled with contradictions, but “Never forget class struggle” has been replaced by “Harmonious society” and “Stability overrides all other considerations.” Although the church is supposed to treat all whether rich or poor alike, many poor migrant laborers find the welcome in church superficial at best. We pray that some people in every church will reach out and warmly welcome new-comers and model how we should care for others.
To qualify as a member of China’s new Middle Class, one must own an apartment in the city which is 80 square meters or larger and a car which cost at least 100,000 yuan. If they own these two things, others feel they have financial security. Young professionals who are believers spend a lot of their time working and really do not have much time to get involved in the church. We pray for wisdom and patience for pastors who minister to these families that present a real challenge because of their chosen priorities.
The people in the new Middle Class like to be fashionable but they do not feel they must wear limited editions of luxury outfits. Instead they feel that a clean and fresh hairstyle, healthy skin, and decent clothing are enough. They are environmentally conscious and involved in doing charitable works. Young professional families usually find that both spouses are busy executives trying to balance work, young children, and church. We pray for their marital relationship, guarding of their hearts from temptation of all kinds, and wisdom in rearing their children.
毛澤東時期的中國既沒有地主也沒有資本家。 1949年以後,地主和資本家被認為是剝削階級的代表,地主的田地在土改時被沒收了,資本家擁有的工廠在公私合營時亦被奪走。經歷過文革的老一輩,面對教會中有人起意變革時,容易認為自己遭受挑戰。我們要為教會領袖們有謙卑的心禱告,願他們常與主有親密的關係。在帶領群羊時,有效法基督,甘為主僕人來服事眾人的心腸。
「千萬不要忘記階級鬥爭」這句口號遍佈中國城市和農村的牆壁,喝水時杯子上印著、廁所牆上刷著、枕套上也印著這句口號,務求百姓在夢中仍不忘記階級鬥爭。 鬥爭的思想與毒素在中國教會中仍然處處可見,信徒彼此猜疑和不服,容易激起仇恨。 求主憐憫恩待我們,再次以基督的愛充滿我們,好叫我們能切實彼此接納,看別人比自己強,從心底裡愛弟兄姐妹,不流於空談。
當今中國經濟發展畸形,帶來貧富懸殊;腐敗叢生帶來官民鬥爭。社會充滿矛盾,「千萬不要忘記階級鬥爭」被「和諧社會」和「穩定壓倒一切」等口號所取代。 許多貧窮人和農民工,卻感覺在教會裡遭到冷落,沒有溫暖可言。求主興起弟兄姐妹,樂意伸出手歡迎新來者,讓新來者感受到基督的愛,也成為關懷信徒的好榜樣。
中國新中產階級雖熱愛時尚,但不是限量版的奢侈品包,而是一個乾淨清爽的髮型、健康的膚色以及得體的衣著。 新中產階級也熱愛環保和參與慈善項目。城市教會中的年輕專業人士家庭,一般都是夫妻倆忙碌工作,照顧孩子,還要忙教會。我們為這些年輕信徒夫婦的婚姻禱告,求主保守他們的家庭,不落入各樣的引誘和試探,更有智慧養育敬虔愛主的孩子。
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