Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Prayer Request 6/3 - 6/9

TuesdayPolice in Shanghai are now allowed to bear arms and to fire them under certain circumstances. This is historic for police in China and gives them the power to deter criminals and terrorists. The same policy will soon expand to the rest of China Police carrying real guns will hopefully improve the sense of security for many people. Let us pray that churches will redouble their efforts to share Jesus Christ with their neighbors as people grow cynical about the pervasive corruption and lack of security in society.
Allowing policemen in China to carry firearms is necessary since the number of criminals and terrorist attacks are increasing. In recent months three separate knife attacks in train stations caused multiple injuries and rocked the nation. These attacks were attributed to people from disgruntled ethnic minorities and those who were mentally ill. The general attitude toward Muslims is full of suspicion at best. We pray that Christians will not lose their zeal and compassion to share the Gospel with the Muslim minorities.
More middle-class Chinese are applying for emigration to the United States, Canada, Australia, and even Europe than ever before. About 80,000 Chinese have been given permanent residency in the United States. These are mostly mid-career professionals who have little to gain financially by leaving China. Chinese churches in North America and Australia will definitely benefit from this new wave of immigrants. We pray for this wonderful opportunity to share the Gospel, baptizing and teaching them as churches reach out and embrace these immigrants.
Most of the Chinese who emigrated abroad gave their main reason as “seeking a better quality of life”, giving up the rat race in China for the boring lifestyle of the West. Many families also choose to send the wife and children abroad while the wife stays in China to work. We praise God for the steady growth of Chinese churches abroad, not only in student ministries but also in that with new immigrants. We pray specifically for the new crops of Mainland-born seminary students and pastors who are now serving the Lord in China. May the Lord use them with their background to connect with the new immigrants overseas.
The issue of a Christian seeking a compatible spouse who is also a believer is not new but a new twist is dating websites that are designed specifically for Christian singles. These websites advise people that “online dating is still somewhat risky. Be sure to verify the true faith and personal information” of the person you are contacting. We pray for wisdom for those who use these large dating web sites that the Holy Spirit will give them discernment and protect them from the dangers of malicious users and that all will desire to seek God’s will and not compromise their faith for friendship or love.
Because of the expectations of society and the family for young people to marry, young Chinese Christians (especially those whose parents aren’t believers) are under extreme pressure to marry. Their parents do not understand or accept their commitment to marry a Christian. We pray for all of the sisters who are unmarried or divorced but wanting to get married again that the Lord will give them peace and joy in their lives as they grow deeper in the truth and trusting God for His provision and timing in all things.
Single Christian ladies find the situation quite disappointing because there are few available men in the church and they face tremendous pressure from their families to get married quickly and produce a son. There is a great need in the churches for more pastors and older couples who can minister to the large numbers of unmarried or divorced believers who need to be cared for and encouraged so they will not feel inferior or unloved by God or their church.

近幾個月,中國發生了三起城市火車站持刀襲擊致人死亡的事件。由於罪案和恐怖襲擊數量增多,有必要給巡警更好的裝備。 官方的說詞是,這些攻擊者是少數民族恐怖分子及精神病患者,導致人民對穆斯林群體產生更多猜忌。我們禱告,求主幫助信徒不失去向回民傳福音的熱心,又能以主的愛去憐憫社會邊緣族群。
近年越來越多中產階層的中國人申請移民到美國、加拿大、澳洲及歐洲。估計大約有八萬中國人有美國的永久居留權,他們大多是職業生涯中期的專業人士,移民到國外並不是為了經濟利益。這一波新移民潮將是一個傳福音的大好機會,求主幫助 海外華人教會能作好預備,努力撒種,領人歸主,栽培門徒。
大多數中國新海外移民是為「更好的生活素質」而離鄉背井,他們寧可擁抱西方的「枯燥」生活,也不願要中國「火併式」而得的成功。其中亦有不少家庭會選擇將妻子和孩子送到國外,而丈夫則繼續留在中國賺錢。 我們為海外華人教會不斷地增長感謝神,不僅在留學生,還在新移民的事工都有收穫。 我們特別為許多中國出生的新一代神學生和傳道人禱告,願主使用他們的背景,大大地拓展祂的國度。

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