Thursday, May 22, 2014

Prayer Request 5/20 - 5/26

Churches in the large cities of China have been impacted in recent years by two very different groups of believers: intellectuals and migrant workers. Intellectuals are described as people who have an educational level above technical college and they have brought a new vitality to the Chinese urban church. We give thanks for the growth in the number of Christian intellectuals in China and for the new life they have brought to the ministry and evangelism of city churches.
The intellectuals in China are concentrated mainly in the university areas and new high-level technology companies in big cities. Many of them attend Sunday worship services at Three Self churches but others also attend services at their own group fellowships or meeting points. Pray that these believers might continue to have a positive impact on the church as they put their education, experience and finances to good use for God’s Kingdom. Pray that they might stand firm in their faith in the face of all the temptations around them.
Because of the intellectuals, on an average people in the urban churches in China are younger, better educated, and more professional than before. The income of this group is relatively high and many of them willingly give to God so the urban churches are comparatively rich. We are thankful to God that churches are shedding the image of being composed of largely rural, female, illiterate, and elderly people. We pray for more pastors who can preach with greater sophistication and relevancy to the spiritual needs of these highly educated people.
The migrant workers in the city churches in China have moved to the cities from rural areas and tend to have a low level of education so they have difficulty understanding the sermons and often consider them impractical and not helpful. Let us give thanks for the migrant workers who continue to serve the Lord after they move to the cities. We pray for those churches that target and reach out to them.
The thing that makes the migrant workers feel most dissatisfied in city churches in China is that the pastors are relatively distant from the believers due to the large number of people they must shepherd so there is no way to deepen communication with them. It is our prayer that all migrant workers might find a place where they can feel at home and get nurture for their faith as they worship weekly. Many of them simply stop attending church because they feel they are not accepted or welcomed.
Many believers in China who are migrant workers say that the people in the cities are not so fervent as rural Christians and they often feel there are barriers existing between the two groups. They even sometimes say that Christians in the city have no love. We pray that urban churches will be accepting and not judge those who are from the country or believers with different backgrounds or education. May the Lord give us love and compassion for each other in Him which will break down the barriers that prevent us from true unity.
China first attempted to ban smoking in some public venues in 1993 but smokers still light up in more than seventy percent of the restaurants there. No one takes the ubiquitous signs seriously since there is no penalty in place. An average of 740 million people in China are daily exposed to second-hand smoke. We pray for believers who struggle to get rid of the smoking habit. May the Lord give them strength and the resolve to break the bondage and give the glory to God.

近年來,兩個非常不同質的群體改變了城市教會- 知識分子和農民工信徒們。知識分子是指有大專學歷以上,他們使大城市裡的教會加添了活潑的動力。 我們 為知識分子信徒數量的增長感謝神,願主更多使用他們帶動教會,在各樣的事工和傳福音的大使命上注入新血。
知識分子集中在有大學和高科技公司的城市。他們常常會在三自教會參加主日崇拜,但有自己的團契及小組聚會點。 求主使用這些受過高教育的信徒們,在教會中能謙卑服侍,不論是在學識經驗或財力上都樂意為教會擺上。也求主幫助他們憑信心站立得穩,脫離種種引誘不致跌倒,在職場上為主做美好見證
因著知識分子的增加,城市教會的平均年齡也年輕化,信徒更知識化和專業化。此外,他們是高收入的群體,其中有很多樂意奉獻,也自然地使城市教會富裕起來。我們感恩:中國教會已不再是所謂的「四多」- 農民多,婦女多,文盲多,老人多。 我們祈求主賜給教會更多能服事高知識會眾的傳道人,能在靈命上實際地幫助他們成長。 
「農民工信徒」是指那些到城市打工的農村信徒,他們一般教育程不高。 農民工信徒常會覺得與城市教會格格不入,和他們熟習的農村教會非常不同,聽不懂信息,也得不到幫助。我們為農民工信徒進入城市之後仍能繼續聚會祈求;也為那些仍有教會生活及參與事奉的感恩。 我們在禱告中特別要紀念那些專門事奉農民工的教會,願上帝悅納、祝福他們所作的一切善工。
許多信徒反映:城市的信徒缺少農村教會的火熱,也有不少會認為不被城市教會接納,甚至會說城市的信徒沒有愛心。 我們為中國的教會有合一的靈祈求,求主挪去我們看不起貧窮的弟兄姐妹的自大,或是瞧不起不 同背景,教育程度的驕傲;賜下愛心和恩慈,學習祂的大愛,廢去所有阻攔我們彼此相愛的障礙。 

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