Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Prayer Request 3/4 - 3/10

TuesdayChina’s new high-speed trains first started five years ago, now practically every train is sold out, with trains leaving for cities all over the country every several minutes. There is always a long lines snake back from ticket windows. We praise God for the sprouting up of new churches in large and midsize cities, currently, a church of less than 150 is tolerated by officials. So, we pray for protection for all these churches, so they will be bold in sharing their faith and lead them to Jesus.
The high-speed rail system carries nearly twice as many passengers each month as the country’s domestic airlines and increases 28% a year. A 430-mile trip from Guangzhou to Changsha, took a full day by regular trains, now takes only 2 hours 20 minutes. Young people, well-educated and professionals are flocking to churches in the cities. We pray for spiritual growth for these "cream of the crops", so they would used mightily by the Lord, serving with humility and exercise their spiritual gift.
As a hundred cities are connected by the high-speed rail system, efficiency of workers grew. And, companies find themselves within a couple of hours’ train ride, there are now tens of millions of potential customers, employees and rivals. We thank the Lord for His grace for the red hot growth among all the college ministries. We pray that these college fellowship will connect with local churches, so new believers are plug into serving in churches and many will answer the call to serve the Lord full time.
Companies usually open research and development centers in more glamorous cities like Beijing and Shenzhen with abundant young, highly educated workers, but use them to take frequent day trips to factories in cities with lower wages and land costs, like Tianjin and Changsha. More colleges graduates are able to find work in the cities they graduate without moving to bigger cities. This allows better follow up of graduates in the college ministries too. We pray that young believers will continue to attend church and grow in Christ.
Some Christian couples live apart—one in one city and the other in a different city. Some husbands work in cities while their families remain in the villages. While these things are not ideal and weaken the marriages, this kind of arrangement is quite common in the rural churches of China. We pray for the strengthening of the marriages of all believers and that the Lord will guard the hearts and thoughts of all of us. May the Holy Spirit empower us so we will not be tempted. We pray for the parent-child relationship in these “separated families”.
Historically, in the churches in China women are in the majority and many of them are married to unbelieving husbands. Many of the sisters are single and looking for mates. They are pressured to marry unbelievers and many succumb experiencing more problems after marriage. We beseech God to have mercy on those sisters who are married to unbelievers and face opposition, even persecution. Unfortunately, some have totally given up attending church. May the Lord help them and protect their desire to serve Him.
Many women become Christians after they are married. They experience much pressure from their unbelieving husbands. Some husbands even go to church but demand their wives stay at home rather than going with them. Let us pray for these sisters that the Lord will give them comfort from above. We pray that the difference in their value systems will not be an obstacle or a source of misery but rather, a great opportunity to live out God’s love.

高鐵旅客量已是航空業的兩倍,並且每年增長達28%。 從廣州到430英里外(約合690公里)的長沙,傳統火車需要坐一整天, 高鐵現在只需2小時20分鐘。中大城市中的教會增多了,成員也多為知識份子、青年、青年家庭,都是社會精英。我們為這些新信徒靈命長進祈求,願他們被主大大得著,有謙卑服事的心智,靠者主發揮恩賜。
超過100座城市因為高鐵網絡更緊密的連接在一起,無疑地提高了效能。企業在只有幾個小時的車程範圍內,增加了數以千萬計的潛在消費者、僱員和競爭對手。感謝神! 近來大學生歸主是最火紅的事工,這是神特別的恩典。我們禱告各地大學生事工能與當地教會配搭,不僅僅是團契,更是能建立學生為主體的教會,並能回應神的選召跟隨主。

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