Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Prayer Request 1/14 - 1/20

TuesdayHit TV Shows resonate with fathers in China. Since the first episode aired in October, the reality show “Where are we Going, Dad?” has climbed to the top of television ratings and ignited a popular debate not only on parenting but also on gender equality within the family. Many male pastors do not spend enough time with their families and their teaching on how a man should be a good father has become ineffectual. We pray that churches will redouble their efforts in preaching how Christian men can be godly fathers and that the Lord will raise up many godly fathers as examples in the churches.
The premise of ”Where Are We Going, Dad?” is simple. Five famous fathers from urban areas accompany their young children on three-day trips to the countryside and compete with each other trying to show how they spend quality time with their children. This TV show could spark a parenting revolution in the country. We pray for church families with an unbelieving father in the house. May the Lord give the wives an extra measure of mercy, patience, and resolve so they will be able to have a godly influence in their homes accompanied by the blessing of God. We pray that through their daily prayers salvation will come quickly to their homes.
The celebrities on “Where Are We Going, Dad” come from a range of different backgrounds: singer, actor, and Olympic gold medal winner. They share one common trait—none of them felt that he had enough time with his children before the show began. Young Chinese men generally have little knowledge of being a good role model or even having had a good role model as a father. We pray that there will be more seminars, preaching, and church fellowships that will stress the importance of being a godly father.
On the TV show “Where Are We Going, Dad?” all the participating fathers admit, “I’ve been taking care of my son for only three full days and I feel as if I’m breaking down. I can’t imagine how my wife has managed to do this for the past six years.” Many wives in China are encouraging their spouses to watch the show. Traditionally, men in China see child raising as a woman’s duty. We pray specifically for all male believers in China. May the Lord give them a renewal of spirit and mind to be humble to learn what the Lord requires of fathers to do to turn the hearts of the father to his children.
The TV show “Where Are We Going, Dad?” has become a catalyst that is changing social expectations for fathers in China. It shows many fathers that they can have great joy when they pay more attention to their children. The results from this show will be a hundred times better than any well-intentioned advice wives could give them. Fathers in China are often pressured into working long hours and socializing after work. Even Christian men see church as a place for the women to be involved or see themselves as spiritually inadequate to lead their children. As a father has pity on his children, so the Lord has pity on those who fear Him (Psalm 103:13)
More than two-thirds of the fathers surveyed in China ranked driving their children to school and to their extracurricular activities as their most important child-care responsibilities. In contrast fewer than twenty percent of the respondents viewed changing diapers or making lunches as part of their parenting duties. Many believers in China have great difficulty seeing God as the Heavenly Father because they do not have a healthy relationship with their own father. We pray that Christian men will strive to be gentle, warm and communicative with their children and above all, spend time teaching them Bible stories and praying with them.
In another survey, eighty-one percent of the respondents said that fathers do not play a large enough role in educating their children. Only seventeen percent said the their own fathers had played the principal role in their upbringing. Fathers in China are seen as stern and unapproachable. We pray that fathers will not provoke their children to wrath but will “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord”. (Ephesians 6:4) May the Lord give forgiving hearts and healing to those who have a strained relationship with their own fathers.

另一項調查資料顯示,81%的受訪市民感覺當前社會中,父親在子女教育中扮演的角色不夠充分;僅17%的人表示,父親在自己的成長過程中承擔了重要的教育責任。「嚴父」是一般中國人對父親的形象符號。求主幫助 「作父親的、不要惹兒女的氣、只要照著主的教訓和警戒、養育他們。」 (弗6:4) , 我們來為與父親關係不好的信徒祈求,求主賜下寬恕及醫治,重拾神要賜福我們享受的天倫之樂。

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