Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Prayer Request 4/2 - 4/8

Hong Kong implemented a restriction on the export of baby formula so that an adult traveler can take only two cans of it out of Hong Kong. Many people who live in mainland China buy baby formula abroad and avoid the domestic formula because they are afraid it might be inferior or harmful. Let us pray for families of believers who have infants or toddlers. Many of them have the grandparents raising the little ones while the couples work. We pray that the little ones will receive spiritual nourishment and blessing from their parents and the parents will also continue to mature in Christ.
According to a state-run newspaper, at least thirteen million abortions are performed each year in China, about 25 cases every minute. Abortion is done mostly by single women. The actual number, however, is believed to be even higher since this figure includes only those terminations done in hospitals. Many women in the churches have undergone abortions for various reasons. The churches in China are unusually silent on the issue of abortion. Even in the churches some people feel abortion cannot be avoided so let us pray that Christians will be able to offer counseling or support for those who choose to abort.
The thirteen million yearly abortions reported by the Chinese government includes only those done in regular hospitals and it does not show unreported abortions or those induced by the ten million abortion pills sold in China each year. Let us remember in our prayers those young couple who are facing the decision of whether or not to end an unwanted pregnancy. We ask the Lord to give them clear direction about what to do, especially those who know the will of God but have not lived accordingly.
The high rate of abortion in China has been attributed to the one-child policy but young unmarried women under twenty-five years of age are the biggest group of those having abortions (about six million cases yearly or about half of the total cases). These young women are not under the jurisdiction of the one-child policy. Premarital sex is quite prevalent and happens a lot even among church-going young people. We pray for those who have become pregnant and are considering abortion that they will experience the forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ and grow closer to God.
In the 1970’s China imposed strict laws about birth control limiting couples to just one child through the use of sterilization and various contraceptive devices. If a married woman has more than one child, the family faces a fine and the risk of job loss. Let us pray for Christian families who struggle with the scar, the guilt, and the regret of abortion. We ask the Lord to comfort them and give them fresh hope and joy. May their marriages be renewed and grow even stronger than in the past knowing the Lord has forgiven them and will bless them.
Every year twenty million children are born in China but the annual number of abortions is thirteen million. This makes China the leading country in the world in terms of the number of abortions performed yearly. These statistics reflect the sad general view of life in China. It is very difficult for Chinese churches to speak on the sanctity of life because abortion is so prevalent and accepted as the norm. We ask the Lord to lay the burden on the hearts of more pastors to speak up about this, to help people realize that we are made in God’s image, and that each life is precious to Him whether it is an unborn fetus or a deformed child or adult.
There are many churches worldwide and especially in the Guangdong region that speak Cantonese. People in Guangdong were especially blessed to be the earliest Chinese believers of the Gospel. But, fluency in Mandarin is a must to share Gospel in the rest of China. We give thanks to God for all the Cantonese-speaking churches and the mission works they support and the missionaries they sent out. We pray for the continuing growth for them and the training ministries they lead inside China.

中國每年墮胎數字約1300萬例,這是依政府立案的正規醫院所做的統計,但並不包含那些未申報的墮胎手術以及通過藥物進行的流產,據估計市面上每年售出1千萬顆以上的避孕丸。因此實際的墮胎數字遠高於1300.我們要在禱告中記念存墮胎念頭的信徒們,不論他們的理由是什麼, 求主引領保守他們,讓他們知道如何去做,尤其憐憫那些已經明白神的旨意,但卻在現實生活中得罪神的弟兄姊妹。
長久以來墮胎原因是因為中國一胎化政策。但是近年來 25歲以下的未婚女性的群體,佔了所有墮胎數的一半。這些未婚女性並不在計劃生育的管轄範圍內, 但每年的墮胎人次也約為600萬。教會中的年輕人部也不免落入試探有婚前性行為,讓我們為那些懷孕,並在考慮人工流產的姐妹代禱,求主的赦罪,也願神幫助他們面對這樣的困境。
70年代中國實行嚴格的計劃生育,限制每對夫婦只能生一個孩子,要求已婚婦女接受結紮手術並廣泛地推廣各種的避孕器,對於不願墮胎的家庭,則面臨罰款或失去工作的威脅。墮胎必定會留下看不見的疤痕、內疚和遺憾,我們要為曾被迫 做過人流(墮胎)的肢體禱名,求主安慰她們並更新她們的家庭,賜下新的希望與喜樂, 我們相信上帝願意赦免我們的過犯,祂要賜福給傷心痛悔的心靈。
中國每年的新生兒數字是2千萬,相對的每年的墮胎數字高達1,300萬,這樣的數字乃是世界之冠,顯示中國人對維護生命的價值觀十分低落,令人憂心。中國教會很難教導生命是神聖的,因為墮胎是合法, 並且非常普遍。求主興起更多的牧者,能忠於聖經真理來講解我們都是按著神的形象所造,不論是未生的胎兒,或是殘缺的孩子,每個生命都是主所寶貴的。
廣東一帶和講廣東話的地方教會很多,神興起廣東人,讓他們先有機會得著福音。但福音未得之民多在中國中部和西部,普通話是必需的,也是廣東教會弟兄姐妹先要跨越的挑戰。我們為所有操粵語的教會感恩,他們樂於傳福音也支持不少宣教士。 求神祝福使粵語教會繼續成長,也大大使用粵語教會在內地參與的培訓事工。

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