Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Prayer Request 2/26 - 3/4

At the present time, people who live in China shop outside of mainland China where there is less tax and the yuan is strong for most of the luxury goods they buy. Indeed, they buy only about ten percent of their luxury items in China but people from China account for twenty-five percent of the revenue gained by retailers of those items in the world. A disparity of wealth extends into churches in China as well as outside of it. We pray for compassion, consideration, and that we will not neglect those who are poor in our churches. May the Spirit of God remind us to care more for others than for ourselves.
There are two types of house churches. One is the "centralized-team" type which has a mother church with a network of daughter churches, such as those in Henan and Anhui. The mother church wields a strong influence and these churches tend to be charismatic in nature. In most of the churches in China the pastor or his/her family makes the decisions. Let us pray for the spiritual life in these churches so that believers are not merely desiring to be outwardly fervent but able to live out God's word through their lives.
Besides the "centralized-team" type of churches in China there are also the "federal and decentralized" ones which include both house and open churches. In essence these churches are independent, and self-governing entities that have no mother churches and do not follow directives. Among these churches there are usually a few leaders but not necessarily a pastor for each church so they are conducted as small groups. Let us pray for their leaders that they will be good caretakers and the Lord will add to these groups many believers and help them grow strong spiritually.
When a "centralized-team" type of church wishes to expand to other locations, they usually seek financial support from churches abroad. The Chinese government is leery about this approach and tries to clamp down on them. However, persecution often leads to more expansion and support. We pray especially for the relationship between this type of church and the government. The leaders of these churches need wisdom and favor in the eyes of the officials so their churches can expand and grow in numbers.
House churches in Henan and Anhui have a history of continuous confrontations with the government. Often the more they are persecuted, the more outside support they receive so the churches expand and grow. As a result, they tend to be politicized or else are watched more closely by the officials. We pray specifically for churches that have had run-ins with the officials. We pray that cults and heresies do not take advantage of this tricky situation. Leadership in these churches is complicated and we pray that the leaders will have integrity and not just personal ambition.
In the "federal and decentralized" type of churches in China there is fellowship between churches and usually there is some co-ordinating committee responsible for internal affairs for the churches in the region since by this set up, each church is part of the federation. There is always the danger of someone wanting to grab power and control in this type of leadership. May the Lord have mercy on us and give the churches in China more leaders who will serve sacrificially, not for fame or the expansion of their own territory or influence.
The "federal and decentralized" type of churches in China emphasize their independence as well as their theological independence. The prefer not to cooperate with the government or foreign denominations and pastors. These churches are truly self-governed and self-propagating. Churches in Wenzhou are a great example of this as well as those in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and others. Let us pray for their ministry and may the Lord grant them revival with a greater opportunity to grow numerically.

中國人通常都向國外購買奢侈品回來,因為相對的稅率低及人民幣升值。實際上,全球25%的奢侈品買家都是中國人,卻只有大約10%的奢侈品買賣是在中國境內成交。中國的貧富差距極為懸殊,在教會裡亦難免有穿著華麗的和窮苦人家。求神的靈常常提醒我們,不可按外貌待人,也不可偏心或惡意歧視。求主憐憫,好叫我們都能更多體諒別人的處境 ,為別人設想,不單顧自己的事,也顧念別人的事。
中國有一類教會是「聯邦分權」模式的地方教會,包括部份的 「家庭教會」 和名義上的 「三自」教會。這類型教會相互之間沒有上下級的從屬關係,每一個教會都是獨立完整的自治體。這類教會大多沒有牧者,只有幾位帶領的同工,絕大部份是以小組方式進行牧養。我們為這些教會的關牧同工祈求,願賜平安的神在各樣善工上,保守、成全他們,使他們能夠敬謹遵行神的旨意。又求神藉著耶穌基督在他們身上,成就祂所喜悅的事,使神得著榮耀。
「聯邦分權」模式的教會, 教會之間有協調機構,專門負責教會之間的內部事務。因此這種教會體系不可能建立中央集權式的團隊類型,而必然呈現出聯邦制的特徵。團隊帶領的模式在教會裡難免會有「爭權奪利」現象。求主憐憫並賜下更多肯為主擺上,不求自己益處,只求神的名被高舉的領袖。

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