Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Prayer Request 12/25 - 12/31

In the classic “24 stories of Filial Piety”, a collection of tales of obedient children, the heroes include the son who strangled a tiger to save his father, and Dong Yong, who sold himself to pay for his father's funeral rites. The new list appears to be more practical and prosaic.In China, Christianity has always been seen as a foreign religion that asks its followers to love Jesus more than parents. We pray that believers do honor their parents and take good care of them; it is one of the best testimonies to win unbelieving parents too.
Data shows that near half of the Chinese households are “empty nested” - without children. Some cities are nearly 70% empty-nested. In 2010, there were 41.5 million 65 years old and older who are living alone; by 2015, one quarter of older Chinese will be living alone. Let us lift up all those elderly who live alone and unable to attend church worship anymore. We pray that more people from church are willing to go visit them, cheer them up and pray and read the Bible with them. May the Lord bless those who bring joy to the elderly saints.
Changing social mores, the lack of a mature social safety net, and a fast-aging population have made officials keener than ever to promote filial piety. Recently, officials have updated an ancient morality text, as they seek to encourage a new generation to show suitable gratitude and respect to their parents. What the Bible said about honoring our parents has not changed at all. We pray that all believers will support our elderly parents, financially, willingly and knowing God does bless us when we do so.
The original 24 Filial Exemplars have been updated and designed by Chinese government bureaucrats to encourage good behavior in the "modern era". There is now a big push in schools to encourage “honoring parents” in songs and promotions. As believers honor and love our parents, even the non-believing parents will be touched. Here, we pray especially for the parents who are still resisting the Gospel - may the Lord hear our prayers and soften their hearts.
The new version of "24 acts of filial piety” starts with: 1. Take spouse and child home to visit parents; 2. Spend holiday with parents as much as possible. We want to pray for those believers who do not have a close relationship with their parents. Some are out of neglect and some are because of past pain and hurt. We ask the Lord to give us His forgiveness, knowing we must forgive because our Heavenly Father has forgiven us first. We too pray for those who have problems with in-laws.
The new version of "24 acts of filial piety” includes3. Give them birthday party; 4. Cook for parents; 5. Call parents at least once a week; 6. Give parents enough spending money. Many of these acts are rather easy, but all of us are guilty of not doing them. It is very difficult to share about Jesus with those who we love and also who know us very well. Let us ask the Lord to remind us that our most important harvest field is right here at home.
Two new things Chinese should do for their parents which caused a bit of confusion are: 7 - get a credit for parents to use and pay for it. Also, 14 - Children should not oppose the remarriage of divorced or widowed parents. Money and remarriage certainly can add many wrinkles and heartaches to parent and child relationship. Let us pray for wisdom, patience, generosity and kindness on our part, as we support our elderly parents.
中國傳統中的「24孝」故事有許的英雄人物:十四歲的孝子打虎救父;漢朝孝子董永賣身葬父等。與傳統「24孝」相比,最近出爐的「新24孝」更簡潔易懂,孩童輕易可朗朗上口。 基督教在中國一直被視為外來宗教,尤其要求信徒不燒香祭祖,似乎有違於傳統對孝道的表達方式。我們禱告所有基督徒都能在生活中孝敬父母,細心照顧他們,成為贏得不信父母的好見證,以實際行動來改變國人對孝親的刻板觀念和對基督教的誤解。
根據數據,目前中國城鄉空巢家庭超過50%,部分大中城市甚至高達70% 2010年,全國65歲以上「空巢老人」有4150萬人,預計2015年將超過5100萬人,佔老年人口的近1/4。讓我們為所有獨居,不再能參與教會崇拜的老人們祈求。願主興起教會中更多信徒願意探問年邁長者,鼓勵並陪伴他們禱告讀經。願主記念並賜福給那些安慰老人的信徒們的愛心擺上。
全國婦聯發布了新版「24孝」行動標準,從「孝」字入手,在全國推行孝道,宣傳新「24孝」行動、傳唱新「24孝」歌曲和童謠,倡導「新24孝」運動。孝敬父母是信徒的本分,更是能感動不信父母親最直接有效的行為。我們特別為那些仍拒絕福音的爸媽們代求,求主聆聽我們不斷的禱告,軟化他們剛硬的心;也賜下恒心 、毅力在每天生活中活出敬虔、孝順的好見証。
新版「24孝」行動標準中第一到第三項是 1.經常帶著愛人、子女回家; 2.節假日盡量與父母共度; 3.為父母舉辦生日宴會。我們為那些與父母親關係疏遠的信徒來禱告, 或許是我們忽視,或許是其中有苦楚及受過傷害,都求主賜給我們擁有寬恕的能力,先饒恕他們,因為天父已經饒恕了我們。 同樣的,我們也為有如婆媳矛盾等姻親不合的家庭來求主賜下醫治。
新版「24孝」行動標準:4.親自給父母做飯; 5.每週給父母打個電話; 6.父母的零花錢不能少。其實這些行動並不是很難做到的,但是我們往往沒能做到。向我們的家人,我們所愛的人分享耶穌,也常是最難的,因為他們認識我們最真實的面貌。 求主提醒我們,我們的家人是我們生命中最重要的禾場,我們每日在親人眼前的更新和變化也是最強而有力為主做的見証。
在新版「24孝」中,有兩項比較特別的項目:第7項「為父母建立『關愛卡』」- 這應該是替父母親開信用卡讓他們使用,而孩子們來支付; 還有就是第14項「支持單身父母再婚,不要一味地反對」父母與成長的子女之間的關係,也會因著錢與再婚的問題而造成緊張。求主加給我們智慧與耐心,用寬廣與良善的心態來鼓勵、支持年邁父母對他們人生所作的決定。

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