  Tuesday According to a large survey, the vast majority of people in China feel their country is heading in the right direction. Although there is rising discontent over issues from corruption to the safety of food and a growing fondness for U.S.-style democracy, there has been a surge in nationalism recently, especially since the anti-Japanese demonstrations. We pray that the growing confidence of people in the churches in China will translate into a strong sense of evangelism and mission and above all, a continuing trust in God rather than in their own strength. Wednesday Most of the people in China say they are better off financially than they have been but inflation remains their top concern with sixty percent of them saying it is a "very big problem". People in China are increasingly worried about corruption, social inequality between the rich and the poor, and safety of the food supply. Christians experience the same anxiety and angst as others and it often stops them from giving offerings to God or serving in church. Let us pray that Chinese believers will trust God to care for them without fail and be willing to serve Him because they are content and thankful. Thursday Consumers in China are becoming more sophisticated than in the past and their motivation for purchasing luxury goods is complicated. Younger consumers are more conscious of value than their elders and the buying pattern suggests less of an emphasis is being placed on things with certain logos on them. There are bound to be differences and inevitably some friction between older and younger members of the churches. We pray for patience, kindness, and humility for the older members and a spirit of obedience for the younger ones. Friday When a pastor in China asks for financial compensation from a church, he is invariably criticized as "unspiritual" or that he "has a lack of faith in God". As a result many pastors are unable to serve wholeheartedly because they must take a side job and as a result they become very fatigued physically mentally and spiritually. The favorite criticisms Chinese people give are "not spiritual enough" and "not enough faith". We all need to be humble before the Lord so we can see how others serve Him in private rather that tout our own spirituality and brag about our faith. Saturday Outside of China it is a given that pastors receive adequate financial compensation for their services but in China's house churches it is hotly debated whether they should or should not pay their pastors. Those opposed to giving the pastor a salary often cite the example of the Apostle Paul who was a tentmaker. We cannot pray for the pastor to give his best effort doing the work of the church and then not supply his daily needs. May the Lord be gracious and kind to each one of His countless servants? We need to remember that each of us will one day stand before His judgment seat and show our work and service to Him. Sunday Since many of the older pastors in the house churches never had a salary, they will say, "God is faithful. He will supply the needs of His own servants so we will lack nothing." Thus, they do not ask the churches for a salary since it is in their view a test of whether they are spiritual or not. Let us pray for churches in China that they will do well in teaching about tithing and giving to God's work. We pray, too, that shepherds in the churches in China will be respected and loved by their sheep. Monday Pastors in the house churches in China usually do not receive salaries. The main reason they do not ask for a salary as well as the fact that the offerings in these churches are meager, is that people are really not able to give their pastors a salary. Also, many churches do not consider it is their responsibility to pay for a pastor. We pray for pastors in China who are able to give all they have with little to worry about as far as supporting their families since they have supportive spouses and children who are proud of their parent's dedication. 星期二 根據一項大型民調發現,大多數中國人認為國家正朝著正確的方向發展;不過,人們對官員腐敗和食品安全等問題的不滿日益加重,而對美國式民主的好感正日漸強烈,人近來民族主義意識急劇提升,尤其特顯在反日示威暴動裡。我們為中國教會發展越見興旺感恩,求主繼續使用教會,勇敢把福音傳開並成為宣教的新動力;更重要的是使中國信徒更親近、倚靠神,而不是靠自己的力量。 星期三 雖然大多數中國人認為經濟情況已經大有改善,但是通貨膨脹仍是他們最關心的問題,60%的人認為這是一個「嚴重的問題」。老百姓對官員腐敗,社會貧富不均和食品安全越來越擔心。基督徒也有相同的憂慮,也因此導致他們對教會無法全心全意地奉獻與擺上。求天父幫助我們看見,祂連卑微的麻雀都不會忘記,神的兒女實在不用懼怕,我們比許多麻雀貴重多了!又求主時刻提醒我們,敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了! 星期四 中國奢侈品的消費者變得越來越成熟,他們購買的動機也複雜多了。年輕消費者的價值意識遠比老一代的人強,他們購買的原因,不僅是看在品牌的名氣。現今教會裡年輕一代和年紀大的信徒,的確有許多的不同點,在教會中難免有摩擦出現。求主賜給年長的信徒有耐心,更有恩慈的愛心,也給年輕的一代有謙卑受教及順服的靈,彼此能在事奉及相交裡承傳豐富的屬靈資產和活潑的創意。 星期五 傳道人向教會商討薪資議題,常會被批評「不屬靈」、「沒信心」。因而導致很多傳道人因爲生計的問題,身心俱疲,不能專心牧會,使教會的牧養果效大打折扣。「不屬靈」、「不夠信心」常是信徒「指責」別人的用語。我們都該謙卑在主面前,認真看待別人為主所擺上的,而不是自詡屬靈又有信心,並以此尺度來考評別人的事奉成效。 星期六 在海外傳道人受薪制度根本不算是問題,但在中國的家庭教會卻是爭論已久的熱點。反對傳道人拿薪水的人通常以使徒保羅一邊支帳篷、一邊自力傳道的模式作爲聖經依據來支持自己的觀點。我們不能單單要求傳道人專心在教會服事,卻不供應他們日用所需。求主恩待、賜福每一位教會裡神的忠心僕人;也互相鼓勵: 「到那日」,我們都要站立在基督的審判台前 ,顯出我們金銀寶石的工夫並永遠服侍祂。 星期日 很多中國家庭教會的老一輩傳道人都是不拿薪水的,「神是信實的,祂會供應自己僕人的需要,必使我們不致缺乏。」因此,在他們看來,拿不拿薪水即是有否信心和屬靈表現的試金石。我們為中國教會在奉獻心志和十一奉獻的教導上,能夠本於神的心意及原則來實踐。更為傳道人都能得著信徒的愛戴與實際的支持來禱告。 星期一 中國家庭教會的傳道人通常都收不到薪水,主要原因第一是傳道人主動提出不拿薪水;第二則是教會的奉獻收入太少,根本無力支付傳道人薪水;第三就是會認爲沒有義務支付傳道人薪水。中國教會要能健康地增長,必須有健康的傳道人及教會同工。我們為傳道人沒有後顧之憂來祈求,求神賜給他們有安貧樂道、願意配搭的配偶,而傳道人的孩子也以父母親為榮,不因貧窮侍奉神而感到羞辱。 |
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