Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Prayer Request 9/20 - 9/26

China leads the world in the number of suicides committed each year. Suicide is the leading cause of death for teenagers and young adults there with more than two million attempting to kill themselves and almost 250,000 of them succeeding. Let us pray about this "unspeakable illness". Many believers, especially those in rural churches, know of someone who has committed suicide. May the Lord grant believers opportunities to help these depressed people who feel so hopeless and helpless with never a chance to hear what Jesus can do for them.

Suicide is the leading cause of death for teenagers and young adults (aged 15-34) in China. The study found that teenagers were put under pressure due to the burden their studies placed on them, troubled relationships they had formed, and the problems they faced in trying to find a job. Young adults, on the other hand, faced problems like pressure from work, financial burdens, and securing proper education for their children. We pray that there are older believers who will be able to give counsel and encouragement to the young people in the churches.

Some urban Chinese pastors have declared that "we should no longer allow our children to receive atheist education in school five days a week and get only Sunday to God's truth!". The call for churches to provide alternative Christian education is ever more urgent and several urban churches have started up their own church-based schools. Let us pray for those churches who have opened kindergarten classes, even up to junior high school level. They hope to get assistance from oversea churches or organizations so they can provide a curriculum continuing on to high school level. Without a high school curriculum, parents are reluctant to enroll in atheist schools. All these schools and their supporting churches need our prayers and support.

Currently, tuition at Peking and Tsinghua Universities is among the lowest nationwide because China invests more in them and keeps tuition low. Private universities, however, have no access to state investments, subsides, or donations and must rely solely on tuition fees. Thus, these schools can be very expensive to attend. Parents in the villages hope their children can find good jobs and not have to continue doing the hard work of farming. We remember all the parents in the rural churches knowing God hears and answers our prayers for our children to love Him and stay true to our faith.

While the relatively affluent urban children have more access to the nation's prestigious institutions with a minimal investment and a high return, poor children from rural areas are paying more to go to a general school with a lower return.Chinese parents are willing to do anything for their children. One way they save money for their tuition is to be very frugal. This is a major reason why the offerings in rural churches are so low. May the Lord grant believers in those churches more faith and trust in Him so they will be able to give financially to the ministry of the church, especially those who work in the cities but have left their children back in their homes in the villages.

Every year tens of millions of Chinese women submit to the traditional practice of confinement during the month after childbirth. In Chinese this is called "sitting the month" as new mothers are pretty much expected to just sit around in pajamas for a month to recover from childbirth. The new mothers aren't allowed to bathe and they must eat bland food. New mothers in the churches need a lot of coaching and support from their families as well as from the sisters in their churches. We pray that a close bond will form as the older believers reach out to help the younger ones. We lift all the new Christian mothers up to God. May the Lord give them the conviction that their child is a gift and an inheritance from God.

New mothers are not allowed to eat raw fruit or vegetables, drink coffee, cold drinks or even cold water. Anything they drink must be tepid or hot. Such rules are aimed at restoring balance to the new mother's body after childbirth and also protecting the baby's digestive system. New mothers must quickly learn to care for their babies and adjust to the new schedule. Most of them return to work and hand the care of their babies over to the grandparents. We pray for Christian grandparents who are taking care of the new babies. May everything they do bless their grandchildren and instill in them a love for God.


自殺是中國15至34歲的青壯年人群的首位死因。少年人的壓力來自升學、感情和就業。對青、成年人而言,有工作壓力、經濟負擔,及子女教育經費的重擔。 基督徒年輕人也難免要面對來自各方的壓力,求主施恩給教會年輕一代,讓年長、成熟的信徒能幫助輔導他們,在真理上、信心上建造、鼓勵他們信靠主,祂必帶領我們脫離未知前途的憂慮,且要得勝有餘。






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