Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Prayer Request 4/12 - 4/18

Beijing asked local governments not to abuse the Reform of Rural Land Use by forcibly occupy the farm land, by demolishing homes of farmers against their will. Government said measures must be taken to correct the wrongs done to many farmers whose land were taken away in the name of development and less-than-fair compensation. Without land, a farmer has no livelihood. Rural Chinese church workers usually must supplement their income by growing crops on their own plot. Let us remember all those shepherds who are also farmers. May the Lord give them strength, wisdom in discerning and preaching God's Word. We pray that they will have good harvest, both in their own cultivation and in the spiritual seed they planted.
Many local governments have engaged in the land grab by putting excessive land for urban and property development. This had led to forced eviction of farmers and much grievances. Local governments then sell these land to developers and encourage much speculation and fraud. Government again stresses the aim of the Land Reform should be increasing grain output and improving the livelihood of farmers. As people lose their land or forced to seek work in the cities, their departure further accelerates the decline of rural churches. It is disappointing to see the numbers of worshipers dwindle. Again, we lift up all those who serve among the rural churches, we pray for sense of importance, vigor and yes, joyful spirit as they serve the Lord faithfully.
Although the minimum wage in Beijing was raised from 960 yuan per month to 1,160 yuan monthly. But in the latest survey, it was found 47% of the migrant workers in the city are making less than 2,000 yuan a month. These workers tend to have little education, 52% with junior high school or lower. 75.4% of them are without any skill, 3% of them have driver's license, 1.5% have electrical work permit. A Beijing house church has received much attention because they could not secure lease of meeting place and must again worship outdoor. Any church work receives close scrutiny from the officials in the Capital. We lift up all the Christians in Beijing, the intellectuals, the student ministries and those who quietly serving the lowly migrant workers.
Among the low-wage migrant workers in Beijing area, 43% of them work 8 to 10 hours daily, 60% of them are working without a labor contract. They are often owed or received no pay by their employers. For these people, 45.7% of them spend their free time watching TV, 12.6% of them occasionally go watch a movie in the theater. Many of the migrant workers have actually attended churches back home, but they do not feel welcomed in the open churches in the cities, or are not able to find a house church to join. Let us pray for those rural Christians who are now working in the cities and stopped attending church, may the Lord have mercy and protect their faith in Him.
We might ask the question, "Are people who live in China's big cities happier than those who live elsewhere?" Metropolises like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou have terrible traffic congestion, pollution, and a high cost for housing. Some have gouped these modern urban problems together and labeled them "urban disease". A big problem facing China's city churches is that believers complain they are so busy. We want to pray earnestly for revival in the urban church in China. May the Lord stir up their love for Him and give them a desire to make God's way their priority.
The high-speed railway between Beijing and Shanghai was originally slated to be completed in 2012 but it is now expected to be in service later this year. Once in operation it will take only four hours to travel 1318 kilometers, starting in Beijing's South Station and going to Shanghai's Hongqiao Station. They are expecting that 160,000,000 passengers will travel annually on this line. We look forward to the "shortening" of distances between all major cities which will definitely bring the churches in differnt parts of China closer together. We pray that regional churches will no long have any excuse to broaden their ministry from city to city and will also be willing to help needy churches that once were "very far away".
In an effort to increase sports exchanges and improve relationship, the Cross-Straits Softball Cup was launched in 2010. The match is alternatively hosted by the mainland and Taiwan. Taiwan excels in softball and plays at a world-class level while China has been catching up. This year, both Taiwan teams lost badly to the China teams. Across the Taiwan Strait, everything can quickly turn competitive and divisive. Many Taiwan churches are questioning whether they need to support China churches, given the improvement of China's economy and strong currency. We pray that there will be unity of believers on both sides, sharing with each other the Lord's blessings and blessing each other graciously.

「生活在大城市還有多少幸福感?」已經成了北京、上海, 廣州等大城市的熱門話題,大都會生活中的種種不便造成了城市居民欲罷不能的心結。都市信徒似乎有太多的理由無法參與教會的各樣聚會。「忙」是最常見的藉口 。我們為城市教會的復興禱告,求主興旺信徒愛主的心,在時間金錢等資源的分配上及一切決策、行事,都能讓主居首位,遵主的教導為最優先準則。

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