Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Prayer Request 11/2 - 11/8

Although in the past ten years the average wage in China has risen 2.5 times and the annual increase is about 10%, there is still a great discrepancy in the amount of wages earned for the same job across China. According to a survey, nearly a quarter of wage-earners have not received an adjustment to their wages for five years. In the Three Self Churches, salaries for workers tend to be much better than those in the house churches, and are adjusted yearly. It is very rarely that a worker in the house churches receives a raise and this fact of lower compensation is the major reason young people are unwilling to go into the ministry. May the Lord remind each of us to respect His servants.
“It matters not to the Chinese government whether you are the Red Cross or the Catholic Church. If you gather people, have authorities in place, financial means and some control over groups of people, the government wants to know and have a say.” We lift up those churches that are constantly being monitored by the police. May the Lord give them favor in the eyes of the officials and help them to be a good testimony in each of their neighborhoods. We pray for growth both in numbers and in their understanding of God's word and His will.
Chinese society is still heavily influenced by patriarchal traditions and businesses and companies tend to be very family-oriented. The wealth they accumulate is passed down to their heirs. This is quite different from the American way of thinking which encourages people to "start from scratch", be independent, and advocates "self-made success". Many Chinese churches give the impression of being family-run or father-and-son enterprises. We know that multi-generational families faithfully serving the Lord is a beautiful testimony and pray that God alone will receive all of the glory.
Years ago, Chinese went overseas to find work, now wealthy Chinese merchants are seen with suspicion by the locals. "We (overseas merchants) don't know what to do. China is big and getting stronger, but here we are still outsiders." There are thousands of Chinese churches in the world, unfortunately the great majority of them have little interaction with or outreach to the locals. Overseas Chinese churches are mission-minded but focus mostly on fellow Chinese. Let us pray that our eyes would be opened to see from His eyes as well.
Chinese youth are catching a "collective nostalgia" and a retro trend has spread throughout China. It is interesting to see stylish young people wearing rubber-soled shoes from the '50's and 60's, a naval shirt, or carrying a Liberation Army green canvas bag. Young believers have few memories of the days when churches were persecuted. We pray that God will raise up a new generation of believers and younger leaders who are more fervent that their predecessors and also more passionate about serving God.
Beginning next year all employees of state-owned enterprises in China must do the exercises broadcast on the radio at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. After it was started in the 1960's, this tradition became unpopular but now it is being re-instated. We all need spiritual exercise, too. There are many Chinese believers who have not been in church for years and many do not know how to pray or read the Bible for themselves. Let us pray for genuine and deeply-rooted growth of all believers there.
In China the government mandates daily fitness routines which are broadcast on the radio as a way to combat the epidemic of obesity. Five thousand exercise instructors are sent to the factories to teach the program because they say, "Individual exercise is boring but group exercise is fun and good for the job, too."Few churches have midweek prayer meeting because of low attendance. Let us pray for those who are the prayer warriors, who stand as guards for churches, and who provide the spiritual fuel for revival in their local churches.

中國社會深受傳統的宗族觀念影響,家族至上,並以將財富傳給子孫後代為己任。而美國人則奉行「勤儉刻苦」、「自立」、「自我實現」等價值觀,崇尚白手起家, 讓後代自我奮鬥成功。全家蒙恩、奉獻事主,多代服侍神是何等的美事,我們特別為這樣的家庭獻上感恩。求主讓他們服事的心志、為神全然的擺上,成為美好的見證,將榮耀歸於神。
中國年輕人掀起「集體懷舊熱」, 復古思潮早已蔓延到全國各地。路上不時能看到時髦男女腳踩回力鞋,解放鞋,身著海魂衫,或挎著軍綠色的帆布包。年輕一代的信徒對往昔教會被迫害的經歷已無印象。讓我們求神賜給中國教會新一代的信徒及領袖,比他們的前輩更愛主,更加火熱服侍祂。
明年中國所有國營企業的僱員,都必須做上午10點和下午3點的廣播體操。一天兩練的運動成型於 60年代,後來不再流行。但現在又撿起了老傳統。同樣的,神的兒女也需要屬靈的操練。許多中國信徒已多年未踏進教會,也有不少信徒不會自己讀經禱告。求主賜給我們對神有真正的渴慕,使靈命成長有根有基,且向上結實豐碩。
中國人收入越來越高,體重也不斷增加,政府推動全民運動,派出 5,000位教練教授廣播體操。「一個人鍛煉很無聊,集體性鍛煉會使人們更放鬆,工作效率也更高。」信徒參加周間教會禱告會的人數越來越少了。讓我們以禱告托住所有中國的禱告勇士們,他們是教會信徒的守望者,也是點著當地教會屬靈復興火炬的强力燃料。

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