Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prayer Request 5/18 - 5/24

In the past month there has been a series of stabbing attacks in China aimed at grade schools and kindergartens in several provinces with many fatalities. Although they are unrelated and seem to be copycat in nature as well as perpetrated by deranged individuals, this kind of violence has stirred great fear in all households. Parents in China have good reason to be fearful for the safety of their "one and only" child. Let us pray for all those who are believers for wisdom to raise up godly children and be a model of God's love with a willingness to serve the Lord gladly.
The government of China has announced the biggest jump of the Consumer Price Index in eighteen months (2.8%) which means the cost of food and housing have skyrocketed passing the rate of savings in the banks. Because of unusual weather and drought in the Southwest, the price of vegetables has increased most dramatically. Inflation worries everyone, particularly those who are on a fixed income. Let us pray for all the believers who are retired and live on a pension or with their children. We pray for peace and assurance in this time of uncertainty and that they will trust the Lord Who will take good care of those who faithfully love Him.
When quality is lacking in church leadership, it is not only a disservice but hurtful to the body of Christ. Whenever a leader strays, becomes greedy, focuses on financial gain or buying a big home or car or land in the cities while the rest of the workers are scrambling to make ends meet, it really damages the rest of the team and ruins the image of the pastor among the believers. However, in China a majority of the believers neglect the care of their leaders because they wrongly believe that church workers should live in poverty in order to be spiritual. Let us pray for wisdom for the churches and for faithfulness for those whom God has called to serve. Lord, teach us to honor Your servants and not treat them as if they were our servants.
Teenagers running away from home has become a big problem in China. Age fourteen is the peak time for this to happen but even children who are in elementary school run away. Of all the run-away 73.65% are in junior high with boys being more frequent than girls and those in grade five and grade eleven being the most common. Most of those who run away are from cities and towns. On the other hand, youths of the same age are also running away from churches because they have few programs for them and they have no friends in the churches. We pray earnestly that church leaders would not only see the epic proportion of the plight but have the resolve to rectify the problem.
In China literally nothing gets done without a big meal. Banquets are held for occasions such as asking for a simple favor, a wedding, to celebrate a baby's being a month old, old people's birthdays, a promotion, a new home, and so on. Banquets facilitate a close relationship and they get business done under the table. The common saying is, "Relationship gets closer and rules looser with a meal." Chinese believers know well what fellowship means but few churches have the facilities to host meals for everyone. It is, however, common for people to stay and eat together after meetings in the rural house churches. We pray that as they enjoy meals in church they will also make newcomers feel accepted and included as a part of the family.
The "4-2-1 family" consisting of four grandparents, two parents, and one child is the typical Chinese family. Soon after marriage a young couple must shoulder the responsibility of taking care of four elderly parents so this definitely presents tremendous social, financial, and family tension. Let us remember many believers who have difficulties in their relationship with their parents and in-laws. Our relationship with our family is the foundation for being able to share Jesus Christ with them . Lord, grant us all in Your love, Your patience and Your grace.
Two vices on which the Chinese government tries very hard to crack down are corruption and pornography. A new medium for pornography is the mobile phone. This is particularly serious because young people and even teenagers are the ones most likely to receive these messages. Christian parents have a nearly impossible battle to keep their children unpolluted and pure. Let us pray that parents do not forget to teach their children the word of God and that they will have the courage to discuss with their children the why and how of staying pure and chaste.

近年來中小學生翹家人數不斷上升,14 歲是中國青少年離家出走的高峰年齡。初中生占離家出走總數的73.65%,且男生多於女生;以小學五六年級和初中二、三年級學生為主;城鎮青少年居多。這些逃家的青少年,也同樣逃「教會」。因在教會少有適合他們的活動,人數少,同輩的朋友更少。我們迫切求神讓教會領袖不單看到這日益嚴重的困境,更能找出相應的對策。
在中國做任何事情,凡舉求人辦事、結婚、孩子滿月、老人壽誕、升官、喬遷,晉升等等,都少不了請客吃飯。 酒席功效是拉近感情,消除隔膜,俗語說:「酒杯一端,政策放寬」。中國信徒同樣知道聚餐的團契意義,但很少教會有設備和能力為大家辦聚餐。反而在農村家庭教會,會友常能在聚會後留下來用餐團契。求神讓信徒同享聚餐的之際,不忘招待新朋友,讓他們感到被接納,賓至如歸。
中國現在最典型的「四二一家庭」 模式指(四個老人,夫妻二人,一個孩子)的形成,兩個年輕人一結婚就要負擔起4個老人的養老重任,要面對巨大的社會經濟壓力和家庭張力。很多基督徒夫妻與彼此父母相處不快。讓我們禱告記念他們的難處。因為我們與家人的關係,是向他們傳福音分享基督救恩的基石,求主賜下愛心、忍耐和恩慈給有不信主父母的夫婦。
中國政府一直不斷致力擊打貪腐及色情這兩害。手機成了傳播色情信息的新媒介,令危害情況更為嚴重,因為未成年人更容易接觸到手機色情,以致身心健康受危害。 基督徒父母要保護孩子純潔不受污染,幾乎是不可能的任務。讓我們為父母親們禱告,幫助做家長的不忘教導孩子神的話,並且能夠坦然與孩子討論保持貞潔與聖潔生活的教導。

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