Monday, January 11, 2010

Prayer Request 1/12 - 1/18

The hit television series Dwelling Narrowness was recently banned. The series focused on the skyrocketing property prices and the pressure on the middle class to put up mortgages. It also highlighted the anxiety of Chinese authorities over the widespread public discontent about the steep prices put on homes. We can all pray for young Christian couples who work to make their house payments as they learn to set priorities in life and put God first, and to invite Christ to be the Master of their home. Many young believers have unbelieving parents and we pray for their desire to witness to them and still honor them.

A well-known euphemism for the common practice of married men keeping mistresses (colorful flags), is "The Red Flag does not fall at home, yet colorful flags flutter outside". Such an arrangement is almost considered acceptable in China today and those who are faithful to their spouses are ridiculed as impotent and oppressed. We pray for the alarming and rapid decay of morality in China. May the Lord guard our own hearts and protect our families starting with a true hunger for His Word and His holiness. We also remember and pray for deliverance of all those who have fallen away from the faith and are now living in sin.

In China, trying to find a suitable living arrangement for orphans is still a thorny social issue because the society is known for tight family relationship. There are government-run orphanages but their overall quality are inconsistent or inadequate at best. Most orphanages receive financial support from abroad. There are also smaller scale orphanages, often a few orphans adopted and cared for by local churches. We are called to show compassion to the poor and orphaned. We pray that more churches will reach out to their communities and serve those who are weak and even despised.

The majority of Chinese parents who push their child to attend college do not have college degree. They know without a college education, their child will “go no where” in today’s society. Parents feel lost and even hopeless when their child does not make it to college. We pray for parents who are anguish and disappointed by their child’s academic performance. We pray for faith in God and their willingness to trust God have the best for their child.

Chinese parents literally believe once their only child get into college, it is like getting into heaven. Conversely, not getting into college is a miserably failure and shame. Such attitude encourages parents to give their college-bound child all the money they need, even if they have to go into debt. For Christian kids, going to college implies a disconnect from their home church and many are lost to follow-up and stop going to church/fellowship completely. Let us pray for the continuing faith and attending churches of all the young people who grew up in Christian homes.

A young Chinese urban family (those who are 25 years old) saves almost 30% of their disposable income, as do those that who are headed by 60-year old. Young families and old people are the most thrifty, one saving for their children' education and the other for medical expenses. In China the cost of everything keeps increasing and people feel uncertain about having enough money for living expenses in the future. Let us pray for faith in God for all of us, for without such trust in God we find it difficult to give to God's work or even to send people as missionaries.

China is the nation with the most smokers, nearly 350 million people, about 1/3 of the world's smokers. Interestingly, 56% of male Chinese physicians smoke, too, and the majority of them do not know how to effectively kick the smoking habit. It is predicted that Chinese hospitals will become smoke-free in 2011. Many believers struggle to stop smoking but are not able to. They have trouble not only with smoking but also with gambling, cussing, and abusive language. Let us pray for the powerful transformation of life by the Holy Spirit in all who seek to live a new life for Christ

在中國熱播的電視劇《蝸居》被禁了。這齣電視劇關注到國內房價暴漲及中產階層承受物業按揭的壓力,突顯出政府擔憂房價不斷攀升帶給民眾廣泛的不滿。 我們要為所有年輕基督徒夫婦禱告,他們一方面要工作償還按揭貸款,另一方面亦要學習管理好生活的優先次序,凡事以神為先,讓基督成為一家之主。很多年輕信徒的父母都是未信者。願他們敬愛父母,行事為人有美好的見證。




中國家長們都期盼自己的兒女能考進大學。如果成功考上,感覺就像進入天堂般美好;反之則是一個失敗者。家長們往往用盡方法務求讓孩子考上高校, 甚至不惜債台高築。我們要特別記念信徒的子女,有不少孩子考上大學後就減少參與教會活動,甚至停止到教會敬拜或團契。讓我們為他們能有追求的心志來守望。


中國有近3.5億吸煙人口,是全世界煙民最多的國家,約佔全球煙民總數的1 / 3。其中男性醫生的吸煙比率竟高達 56%,且大多不知該如何戒煙, 實在令人吃驚。據消息顯示,中國的醫院到2011年便會全面禁煙。 許多信徒亦曾試圖努力戒煙卻不成功,在賭博、罵人及粗言穢語等陋習上也是如此。我們祈求聖靈繼續動工,幫助立志在基督裡過新生活的人,能有堅強和恆久的鬥志,勝過私慾等舊習性。

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