Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Prayer Request 11/24 - 11/30

President Obama met privately with his Kenyan half brother who lives and works in Shenzhen, China. Both men have written books about their father who was an alcoholic, did not treat his family well, and even abandoned his children. Many Christians do not have a good memory of their fathers and struggle hard to have a good relationship with their parents. Let us pray for forgiveness and healing by the Holy Spirit. We pray, too, for Christian men in China that the Lord will give them the conviction that they are the head of their family and they need to be like Christ who gave His all to His church.

In a speech on the US-China economic relationship, President Obama quoted the ancient Chinese philosopher Meng-tze, "A trail becomes a path in a short time." What he implied was that both sides should be removing mutual distrust and find a workable solution to their economic situation using a pragmatic approach. Many churches in China are exploring ways to have their churches "legalized" without the actual step of registering with the government. May the Lord continue to give these churches growth and boldness in sharing their faith in their communities.

In the past China seemed to have an endless supply of cheap labor. Today, however, many blue-collared workers are no longer willing to go to Guangdong province to work for low wages and be able to return home only once a year. There are more opportunities for jobs with the same pay in their own provinces. Rural churches have suffered greatly as their young people have gone away to the cities to work. Now more young people are working closer to home and can return there more often. We pray for the rural churches again, their vitality, their sense that God is still with them, and their feeling that they are "poor and cannot do anything".

Starting this year, China's elderly population is increasing by eight million yearly and it is estimated the total population of elderly will reach 200,000,000 by 2014. Currently 12.79% of the population of China (169,000,000) are sixty years or older. People are aging and they are facing the ever greater problem of having no "live-in-helper" to aid them. Many elderly believers are unable to attend church and their pastors do not visit them. Let us remember these older saints that they will continue in their faith and joy in the Lord. We pray, too, for all the churches as they work hard to find volunteers to do home visitation and encourage these home-bound believers.

Leaving their child with grandparents or relatives so both parents can go to the city to work is very common in China. The problem comes when years later the family re-unites and there is little or no bonding of parents with child. The parents are at a total loss in knowing how to deal with this strange child and vice versa, the child does not know his parents. There are many grandparents who bear the responsibility of raising their grandchild. Let us pray for them, for strength and wisdom. We pray, too, for those parents who are unable to connect with their child and build a bond to instill Christian beliefs and values even though they are apart.

In the past, working for a multinational company would be a dream for any talented young Chinese professional but in China these workers have a low retention rate since they switch jobs to go to a different company for even slightly higher pay. Now, they leave if they feel their company is not advancing in the market. Retaining church workers continues to be a tough problem for most churches, especially when their income is low or there is no good school nearby. Let us pray for all the churches who are looking for pastors, full-time or part-time. We pray, too, for those pastors who are thinking about leaving their churches because of these issues.

In China, highway 312 begins in Shanghai and runs though Zhengzhou (Henan), Xian, and Lanzhou all the way to Urumqi and to the Kazakhstan border. The last part was the famous ancient Silk Road so it represents both China's past and her future with the Han culture dominating the super-wealthy coastal metropolis and on over to the developing Muslim Xinjiang. Let us pray as the church in China continues to send workers to their Muslim neighbors in the West. This missionary journey has been a difficult one for them. We pray for all the Chinese believers who are working among the Islamic countries. May the Lord use them mightily as His light.




今年起中國老年人口預計將每年增加800萬人,至2014年時將逼近2億。2008年底老年人口已達1.69億,佔總人口的12.79%。隨著老齡人口急速增長,「空巢化」問題亦日益嚴重。 許多年長信徒無法參加聚會,牧者也無暇探訪。讓我們為這些長者祈求,願神將平安、喜樂和信心賜給他們。也求神興起教會弟兄姊妹多關心鼓勵和幫助這些身體軟弱、不方便常出門的年長肢體。



橫跨三千英哩的312國道,從上海途經河南鄭州、西安、蘭州、烏魯木齊一直到哈薩克斯坦。接連了漢族富裕的沿海大城市和發展中的新疆穆斯林,最後一段更是歷史有名的絲綢之路。 讓我們為中國教會能繼續差派工人到穆斯林國家來禱告。記念他們傳福音的艱苦;宣教旅程的孤單。更記念在伊斯蘭教國家中服侍神的華人,求主大大使用他們為主做見證。

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