Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prayer Request 5/12 - 5/18

The earthquake in Sichuan did something to the churches in China because we saw Christians from both Three-Self and house church going to the disaster area and serving together publicly. We are so thankful for this watershed event and we believe that Christians will one day step outside of their churches and become the light and salt of their communities, living out the teachings of Jesus Christ and serving those who are needy.

As the world looks at the rise of China both financially and militarily, many Christian leaders speak of her becoming a worldwide "army of missionaries". Such a grand vision can be misleading since the churches in China are still weak and Christians account for only a small fraction of the total population. We need to pray for the alarming tendency in the churches of China of thinking of themselves too highly. Let us continue to ask the Lord to grant them a life that is deeper, wider, more fruitful, and of greater impact.

College graduates are having difficulty finding a white-collared job. In the wealthiest region of Guangdong, college grads are fighting over even such positions as nannies. This year 6.1 million young people are expected to graduate from colleges but a third of last year's grads still have not found a job. Many young people accepted Jesus in Bible study groups in college. We pray their faith will sustain them and they will be able to connect with a local church quickly so they will not be like the seeds sown in shallow ground that Jesus spoke about.

One apt description of the churches in China is that they are "big in appearance but weak inside". They are big in the sense of the large number attending in both rural house churches and Three-Self churches, but the number of committed and Biblically-sound believers is much smaller than the number of those who attend. Again, we lift these Chinese believers up into God's hand. May the Lord stir each of us out of our complacency so that we will crave the spiritual milk of the Word of God. May we see a revival and awakening again.

Among foreign observers and Christian leaders there is a lot of anticipation for the future of churches in China. These people easily assume that China will be picking up the baton of world missions and rise up to be another Korea. Such expectation overlooks the true state of these churches. We beseech the Lord for His will to be done in the churches in China and that the gospel will be preached mightily there. We pray that believers will have the passion and vision to take the gospel to the world and not just dream about it and write slogans.

Today the church in China is in a time of transition, especially in those provinces like Henan where a majority of the people are farmers.The quality of leadership must be improved and the churches must have new strategies for stable and sustainable church growth. Rural churches must somehow find a way to appeal to and connect with the quickly-urbanized and the younger generation or face a rapidly graying church. We pray that the church in China will learn to connect with the present day young people. May the Lord raise up leaders who are sensitive to cultural changes and have a willingness to adapt their methods to attract the youth.

The church in China is weak in that it has few professionals, even generally educated people, and the financial level of the believers is low. In many provinces the Christian churches are still considered marginal and insignificant. As the society moves forward, churches are at risk of having graying congregations and being known as a place for only poor farmers. We thank the Lord for pockets of strong growth in China and we pray urgently for the vast number of churches that have in the recent past become stagnant and are dying.

四川地震後,我們看見許多海內外華人及海外基督徒的熱心,也看見許多三自或家庭教會的基督徒公開地、積極、急速和熱心的付出。為這些,我們向神感恩! 我們也禱告有一天中國的信徒都能夠走出教堂或聚會點,服事我們的同胞,活出主耶穌的教導,成為光和鹽。

隨著中國的躍昇,軍力和財力的騰飛,不少海外基督徒領袖期望中國教會很快就成為全球宣教大軍。面對此目標,我們需要努力,但更需要謹慎。 「外盛中虛」的中國教會需要著重「深耕廣種、立德立義」,絕不能輕浮,也絕不能忘記,相對於整個國家的整體力量和人數來說,中國基督教的實力仍屬薄弱,中國仍是「少數派」。 讓我們為中國教會能更實際的自我評估來禱告,求主繼續幫助教會建造更有深度與內涵,能多結果子、發光發亮的生命。






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