Thursday, July 17, 2008

Prayer Request 7/15 -7/21

Seventeen thousand Olympic athletes will be staying in the brand new energy-saving Olympic Village. Right now the village is one of the three hottest spots for the Beijing real estate market. Many Christians would like to have an opportunity to share their faith with the Olympic visitors, both foreign and nationals. Let us pray for them as they must plan cautiously in their outreach and sharing activities as security permits.

McDonald's new slogan for the Olympics is "I love it when China wins". Many of the well-known multinational companies have devised Chinese-themed catch phrases to hitch on to the feverish nationalistic sentiments of the Olympics. Many people in China boldly proclaim that this is the age of the Chinese church taking on a major role in world evangelism. We praise the Lord for such an awakening but we also pray for a heart of humility to accept each other and work together as spiritual leaders in the church.

In Dongguan, Guangdong, three thousand companies are closing this year. This recent flurry of closure in the companies run by foreign investors is attributed to the implementation of the "Labor Contract Law", the appreciation of the Chinese Yuan, and increased taxation. Many are reaching out to those who work in these factories. Their closing means that there will be certain interruptions in the ministries carried out in them. We remember the diligent work of those who have led workers to faith in Christ and equipped them to lead other workers to Him.

In Chinese urban churches there are always many singles, mostly women, who often struggle with questions like, "Should I wait for the person God has prepared for me?" or "Do I have the gift of celibacy?" and need counseling and comfort from church leaders. Let us pray that God will raise up more Christians who have some formal or even informal training in counseling. We remember, too, all the singles as they try to discern the plan of God in their lives and true fulfillment in Christ Jesus.

Recruiting college graduates, paying them salaries equivalent to those given in cities, and sending them to be officials in the villages is a way to revamp and inject new blood into the rural governmental system. The usual contract is for a three-year term and many see this as a way to secure a job for life later. This is the time some college students are deciding whether they should go for Bible training and answer God's call to serve Him full time. Let us pray along with them for their families and their churches. May the Lord have plenty of workers for the harvest field.

Single Christian women in China face much pressure. It is not uncommon that fellow workers will try to match them up with others who work there or they will face sexual harassment. In churches, they are expected to serve because "they have nothing else to do." Their parents also put pressure on them to get married while "there is still someone who wants you." Let us pray for the often unspoken pain and loneliness these sisters face. We pray for their careers, their service in the church, a time to relax, and their personal walk with the Lord.

In the past caring for aging parents could be shared by several children or done by a child who didn't work. With the one-child policy the question of whether to send one's parent to a nursing home or not has become a highly debated topic for young people. Honoring our parents is a Biblical command. Chinese people value filial piety highly. Let us pray for all the believers who have older parents to have patience, tenderness, and joy in serving their parents and most importantly to be able to share Jesus with them.



麥當勞在中國的 新口號是"我就喜歡中國贏"。許多知名的跨國公司都趁北京奧運熱之時,推出中國式的宣傳口號。中國有許多人大膽宣告,21世紀是中國教會挑起世界宣教擔子 的時代。我們為著主內肢體有此醒覺感恩,但也求主賜下謙卑的心,並讓屬靈領袖們能夠彼此接納,同心合意興旺福音。


迄今年底在廣東 省的東莞市,約有3000工廠關閉。最近外企業紛紛關閉,與實施的"勞工法"、人民幣升值及加稅等因素有關連。一直以來都有同工在工廠區服事工人們。工廠 關閉,意味著這些事工會受一定程度的影響。讓我們在禱告中記念這群殷勤在工人當中事奉的肢體,他們帶領了許多工人歸主,又裝備他們向其他工人傳福音,雖然 工廠的數量減少,求主讓福音工作和對拯救靈魂的火繼續在他們當中不斷的燃燒。




爲了給鄉鎮政府 注入新軍,政府將招聘大學生村官,予以城市官員相同的新酬,爲期三年的合同,一般被視爲終身工作的保障。畢業季節在即,一些年輕大學生正考慮回應神的乎 召,為全職服事而接受培訓。讓我們與他們一起同心為他們以及他們的家人和教會禱告。也求神也不斷呼召他自己的工人來收割片片已熟的莊稼。


在中國,單身姐 妹都會面對許多壓力。在工作場所,或會有同事常為她們配對,也可能遭遇性騷擾。在教會,則因爲“她們有空”而期望她們事奉。在家,父母也不時嘮叨“乘還有 人要,趕快嫁掉吧!”讓我們為這些姊妹們不爲人知的心痛和孤單禱告。記念她們的工作,事奉,休閒,以及她們自己與神的關係。


在過去的大家庭 裏,年老的父母有數個子女分擔照顧。在現今一胎化政策之下,是否把父母送交養老院照顧,就成了年輕人熱烈討論的課題。聖經命令作兒女的要孝敬父母。同樣 的,華人向來亦看重孝道。讓我們禱告求神加添家中有父母的基督徒有愛心和耐心,有溫柔和喜樂來服侍父母,更能與他們分享基督的福音。

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