Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Prayer Request 5/1 -- 5/7

Itinerary preachers are common in China, they preach in various meeting places (points) in the large system of churches (plain). They provide the only "trained" speaker for a local congregation. Most of them have limited training and are often known to travel with a personal collection of no more than 7 sermons. Let us uplift all the traveling preachers, for spiritual renewal, new insights into Word of God and protection from temptation and attack of the evil one .

Shanghai leads China in being a convenient city, but surprisingly Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia, is the runner up. Ningxia has a large number of Hui people who are Muslim. The only university there hosts the only Islam Study Center. Sharing the Gospel to the Chinese Muslim is difficult and also dangerous. Muslims tend to live in tight neighborhoods and distinguish themselves with their clothing. Let us remember all those who are involved in this, particularly the few churches in Ningxia .

Residents of Hangzhou, Haikou, Chengdu, Kunming and Shanghai are most likely to express their desire to stay in their cities. But, most parents will want their children to settle in Beijing and Shanghai. All these cities are the key centers for China churches. All have large, open churches and very strong house churches. We lift up the two cities in the west, Chengdu and Kunming in particular, as they have special outreaches among the Tibetans and other ethnic minorities .

With the pressure to have a boy under the one-child policy, many illegal techniques are used to select male-sex during pregnancy. Chinese men born after the 1970s have found it difficult to find a spouse, as many more baby boys were born than girls since the 1980s. In contrast, China’s churches consist of an overwhelming majority of women--nearly 70%. We thank the Lord for the serving of the sisters, but we need to pray for the strengthening of male believers, since many believing husbands tend to be inactive and uninvolved in the church .

China is also known as the "bicycle kingdom," home to a world-record 470 million bicycles; one in 3 persons own one. But, 1% of bicycles are stolen every year and everyone must face the annoyance of becoming a victim of theft. Church meeting places have many bicycles parked in front. While the police may not bother, someone must guard the bicycles to deter thefts. Let us pray for safety, freedom from disturbances, thefts and neighbors’ complaints of all churches, especially the house churches .

It is said that people from Guangdong and Wenzhou are the best businessmen in China. But, even the Wenzhou businessmen have proven too tough to beat because they can cut cost and squeeze out any competition by bringing in their relatives. Many churches in China have links to their mother churches in Wenzhou, receiving financial support as well as the training of church workers. Let us pray for strong growth, solid teaching, and passion for missions in all of the Wenzhou-related churches .

Even with booming economy, competition for jobs is fierce and is expected to intensify, with projections that another 10 million people will join the ranks of the urban jobless by 2010. Many college graduates know that, inevitably, graduation means unemployment. For those college students who accepted Jesus but failed to land a job, it is very trying on their new found faith. Let us pray for the watering and growth of thousands of these new seedlings, as they learn to trust that God is good and faithful to them .





中國號稱“腳踏車王國”,擁有4.7億腳踏車,相當於每三人中就有一台。而每年卻有1%腳踏車失竊 ,令車主感到十分煩惱。教會聚會處門口常停放許多腳踏車,即便公安不會干 擾,卻需要有人看守以防被偷。讓我們為所有教會,特別是家庭教會禱告,求神常常保守他們的安全、不受盜賊和鄰舍的投訴攪擾。



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