Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Prayer Request 12/12 -- 12/18

When the government surveyed Christians in Beijing, they found that nearly seventy percent of them attended church at least once a week. In their response to this, some officials openly question why believers need to be so faithful in going to church. Going to a church in Beijing is not easy. In order to find a seat, one must get there early. To attend a house church one must have a referral and invitation. Let us pray for spiritual growth among the pastors and church workers and that all of those who minister in all of the meeting points in Beijing will have the ability to challenge their flocks to grow, too .

The government estimates that 3 - 20 % of college students in China may be Christians. Christianity is the fastest growing faith of any among college students. In 1998, 5.2% of Beijing College students claimed to be Christians. The government cautions that such rapid growth is dangerous. Many of the fellowships near campus are led by local or foreign students. Let us pray for the safety of all the groups and their meeting places. May the Lord raise even more who will join such efforts .

A recent survey of 22,712 college students in Zhejiang showed that over 13 % had had sexual experiences (18% male and 9% female). These students were also more likely to smoke and drink as well as participate in dances and karaoke. Many ministries have targeted college students as the most receptive to the gospel and see them as the future of the church in China. Let us pray for a great harvest from all of the Bible study groups on campuses and for purity and the courage to share their faith for all the believers in college .

Big taxpayers, heavy investors, families where both parents hold doctorates and returned overseas scholars in Guangzhou, are allowed to have a second child, along with other special groups of people such as the remarried. Special treatments, such as exemptions from one-child policy are available to the rich. Bible teaches that there should be no favoritism in church. Let us pray for acceptance of poor, less educated and rural believers by the urban believers.

Official Chinese radio broadcasts include programs in Mongolian, Tibetan, Uighur, Kazakh, and Korean. Officially the government does not force ethnic minorities to learn Mandarin but most young people can speak both Mandarin and their own language. Christian programming is available in these languages, too and this is often the only way to reach these ethnic groups for Jesus. Let us pray diligently for these groups and the often difficult effort to build a church among them .

Calling someone "bu xio zhi" (a son who is not filial) is the greatest insult one can give a Chinese, for to them "Retirement is having a son." For centuries Chinese parents have expected their children, especially sons, to support them when they get old. This generation of young believers is the first one to enjoy the freedom of living independently from their parents. Many have even forgotten the Biblical command to care for one's parents. Let us pray for them, especially those whose parents are still not believers .

More than half a million people applied for government jobs for 2007. The ratio now approaches 50:1, with increase of applicants by 50% yearly. In the past, most college graduates would preferentially seek employment in foreign-owned or private business. We praise the Lord for many college students have come to know Jesus. Many have also dedicated their lives to serve full time, but face family opposition. We pray specifically for them, for continuing faith and their study in various training centers .



一項對22,712名浙江大學學生取樣調查顯示:超過13%(18% 男生,和9%的女生)有過性行爲,而跳舞、唱卡拉OK、抽煙、喝酒等行爲頻率與性行爲發生有關。許多宣教事工把大學生列爲最能夠接納福音的群體,視他們為中國教會的未來。求神大大使用校園查經班,成爲傳揚福音和堅立信徒的地方。並保守大學生基督徒能彼此提醒和扶持,竭力追求聖潔純全,以信德見証福音。





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