Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Prayer Request 10/24 -- 10/30

In a newly released multi-city survey of urban working women only 46% of Chinese women describe their marriages as happy. Only 38% of those 51-60 years old say their marriages are happy. Traditionally Chinese family values stress harmony rather than happiness in marriage. The husband-wife relationship is hardly mentioned. Churches have also been shy about speaking about the Biblical teaching on family. Let us pray for healing and renewal of family relationships among believers in China .

Nine out of ten Chinese women complain of stress at work. Those in their 30's and 40's and those with higher education experience far more pressure in the work place. The stay-at-home mother is nearly unheard of and nearly all mothers must balance work with raising a child. Traditionally, typical Chinese men play a minimal role in raising children. Let us pray for believing fathers, as they fulfill the Biblical role and responsibility of godly fathers. We too pray for many examples of godly fathers in local churches .

Which line of work is most stressful in China? The media (communication) is the most stressful, followed by medically related jobs, education, and the insurance business. The most frequently given reasons are "Being too busy" and "too much competition." Interviews with Chinese church workers reveal that many of them have symptoms of being "burned out". They preach often but lack spiritual nourishment themselves. Shouldering a heavy task alone is not necessarily a healthy thing. Let us pray especially for those who are struggling with thoughts of leaving the ministry .

Nearly all the women in China have great concern about consumer product safety. A whopping 38% worry about the safety of food products. Chinese women make the decision for what her family eats in nearly 80% of the cases. Who is worrying about the spiritual health of the children in China? In the churches there are many "spiritual single parents"--families where only the wife is a believer. Let us pray along with all the Christian mothers who are concerned about how their children will grow up loving God .

Seventy percent of the women in China are optimistic about the quality of life they will have in the next three years. These are mostly working women considered to be middle class and above. Younger women are more optimistic than older ones. Women aged 40-50 years old are the core of Chinese churches. They serve in all positions including preaching sermons. Let us pray for wisdom and strength for all the women serving in leadership positions .

A full 20% of Chinese women describe their marriage relationship as "xiangjing rubin" (respecting each other as a guest). This Confucian term describes the ideal relationship of husband and wife but the modern usage refers to a tie that is merely cordial, icy, and without pleasure. How many Christian Chinese families are together merely for the sake of the children? We do not know but the high divorce rate among believers is alarming. Let us pray again for all wives who struggle with an "unhappy marriage" and submission to husband and God .

In a recent nationwide survey of working women, wives in one out of three marriages in China describe their marriages as "bland". Chinese men are not generally known for their romanticism and they grew up without a role model for being considerate to their wives. Western values presented in movies are helping to change this but the idea is still foreign to most Chinese men. Let us take time to pray for all Chinese male believers as they try to live out the Biblical mandate for men and the call to love their spouses as Christ loved the church .


根據一份中國女性生活狀況的調查報告: 9成女性回應有工作壓力。尤其30-40歲年齡層並高學歷的女性更覺壓力重大。國內留在家中不用出去工作的母親幾乎聞所未聞,母親們必須在工作和教養孩子的責任上作出平衡。而傳統的中國男人在教養孩子方面扮演很小的角色。我們特別為基督徒父親們禱告,求神幫助他們擔起敬虔的父親當有的責任。也求神在所有教會裏陶造更多敬虔父親的好榜樣。






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