Monday, July 10, 2006

prayer Request 7/11 -- 7/17

Chinese Bible have been available mostly in the Three-self churches, but that is about to change. Hopefully by the end of this year, Bible will be available in secular bookstore nationwide because the newly printed Chinese Bible will have an ISBN number.With the Bible soon become openly available. Let us pray that many more will be drawn to the Word of God and the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We also remember all who have made sacrifice in the past making Bible available .

Many people who are from the very poor ethnic minority in Guizhou feel it is necessary to sell their blood to add to their finances. If they sell blood twice a month (85 yuan each time), they double their income and the plasma collected goes to make various medicines to fight Hepatitis B. Selling one's blood carries a social stigma similar to that of being a prostitute. We take this time to remember all the poor, despised, and homeless people whom Jesus loves .

There were about 260,000 foreigners holding stable jobs in China in 2005. To qualify for a Chinese green card, to stay without a visa, one must have made “outstanding contributions” or be “of special importance to China.” Obtaining a visa to stay is a headache for nearly all missionaries in China. Many have to exit and reenter China 1-2 times a year. We pray for all foreigners involved in church work and those who have been rejected and must leave China .

The popularity of the "10 yuan" store is much greater than that of the old "1 yuan", "6 yuan", or "8 yuan" stores in nearly every city. People feel they have more choices this way. Low cost and a high volume gives the owner a good profit. In churches, the larger churches always offer stronger preaching and more programs which make it difficult for smaller churches to compete with them. We pray for divine encouragement for churches that are losing members and their discouraged leaders .

According to a survey done in Hebai of 1021 companies, 42% of them did not pay their workers the minimum wage and 76% of the workers did not receive the overtime pay which the law mandated. Serving the Lord as a church worker is never for the money one gets yet low compensation has deterred many who wanted to serve God. It has also contributed to the lack of workers. We pray for those who continue to serve and live by faith. We pray, too for strength and passion for those who serve in a church and also work a full-time job .

Three hundred recent master's degree graduates in law from the respectable Wuhan University could not find jobs and only five of them landed a position as a civil servant. A college degree is no guarantee one will get a job these days in China. We take this time to pray for all those who have received Bible training in the past but are not for some reason serving in a church now. There is a great need for workers in churches but the attrition rate is very high .

A mere 56 people work in various departments for Olympic planning this summer after having completed the Beijing Olympic Volunteer Training Program in June.Volunteering to work without compensation is still a very foreign concept for most Chinese. In most churches the work is generally done by elderly or retired people. There is still a great lack of young people involved in volunteering. Let us pray for this selfish tendency in all of us and for more giving among the young believers in churches in China .






最近有300名武漢大學法律碩士班畢業生找不到工作,僅有5人覓得普通公務員之職。看來在中國擁有文憑不再是工作保障。 反觀教會卻是工人短缺,一些受過神學訓練的人因種種原因不在教會服事,也有些人服事不能持久。讓我們為這些現象禱告,求神興起更多能負主軛的工人,並給教會領袖有栽培和訓練新血輪的智慧和恩賜。


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