Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Prayer Request 1/10--1/16

Over 65% of Chinese do not have any kind of medical insurance. Nearly a quarter of them say they cannot pay the premiums. Common people cannot afford to go to a hospital and only half of them seek medical attention even when they have a severe illness. Church workers have no medical coverage at all. There are no insurance systems for the clergy or church staff. Let us remember all who have chronic illness but choose to continue to serve in faith. We pray for special provisions and the mercy of God.

The credos for many modern day career-driven professionals are: “Before age forty, one exchanges life for money; after forty, it’s money for life.” and “Not making the first million before age thirty is a life of failure.” Urban Christians feel the pressure to achieve and gain wealth. Let us pray for all who are balancing career with family but above all wish to serve God and fellow believers.

Japan wants to discontinue by 2008 its huge economic aid to China which it considers as reparation for war. In terms of disaster relief, China wants to play the role of a donor nation now, as demonstrated in the Indonesian tsunami and the Pakistani earthquake. We pray that churches in China will soon become giving churches and China will become a missionary-sending nation as well .

China craves for all kinds of books on management styles and advice. “Learn From the People Liberation Army – Manage organization efficiently” is a book published recently to answer this huge demand. Since 1950 the church hierarchy is either the “tiered” Three-Self Church leadership system or the “leaders” of house churches. Let us pray for godly living and faithfulness of all who are in management positions for all of the churches .

In 2001 marriage laws in Guangdong defined cohabitation as living with a person steadily for at least three months. This legal definition provided grounds for divorce, illegitimate child rights, and child support."Er ni" (having a mistress openly) has become a status symbol of success. Let us pray for a loud voice in the churches denouncing this serious and damaging influence on traditional family values. We pray for the guarding of hearts of all church workers and missionaries who must travel alone.

Tsinghua University ranks as one of the top ten schools for studying electrical engineering in the world. A famous statue of a sun dial on its campus has these words engraved on it, “Actions speak louder than words.” Let us pray for all believers who are engineers that they will serve the Lord with wisdom in their employment, in their service in the churches, and have a vision for evangelism and mission.

The first student to join the military from Beijing University received a gift of 3000 yuan ($375.USD) from the University’s party official. Historically, Ban Chao (73 A.D.) has served as a model for intellectual who sacrifice their academic study to defend the country militarily. Ban Chao’s entire family, father and sons served the emperor in Western China. We pray for special blessing for the families of all church workers who have served the King of Kings generation after generation.






合作媒體CMP集團旗下的EE Times評選全球10大頂尖電子工程院校排名揭曉,清華大學赫然上榜。在校園中有一日晷刻有「行勝於言」,提醒所有清華學子行健務實。讓我們為著所有擔任工程師的信徒禱告,願神大大的使用他們,不論是在工作崗位上,或教會服事中,都滿有屬天的智慧、能力,也有傳福音與宣教的異象。


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