Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Prayer Request 10/25--10/31

In a dramatic step, China lifts the personal income tax cutoff point from 800 to 1600 monthly. Many consider a monthly income of 1600 near-poverty, given the skyrocketing children’s education and health-care expenses. House churches face an acute shortage of workers because many abandoned their flocks or must keep a side-business to supplement income. Let us pray for the good stewardship of believers and those who continue their calling in faith.

Ba Jin, an influential writer, died at the age of 100. He was part of the young intelligentsia in the early 20th century that looked to Western philosophies — Marxism, anarchism, and liberalism — for solutions to China’s backwardness and social inequality. China churches desperately need a new generation of writers and thinkers who can address the unique needs in contemporary social and cultural context. Let us pray for all the younger generation involved in writing, theology, and church leadership.

The little-known city of Zhaozhung boasts of an avenue which is twelve lanes wide--wider than Changan Boulevard in Beijing. Nearly a third of six hundred Chinese cities have planned to be world-class cities with airports, squares, subways, and convention centers. In the future it looks as if churches well be located in medium-sized cities. Let us pray for all the churches whether open or house churches and their training of their pastors.

Ninety-four percent of Beijing's outdoor medical advertisements are illegal. Exaggerated claims for the results of treatment and misrepresentation of hospital services are the most common violations. Chinese people love to take medicine and they never question a remedy which claims to cure all ailments. Let us pray for the alarming trend in many regions that the Gospel of Christ is preached to promise a better life without having to turn away from sins.

In the past three years Korean television dramas have captured China. Youth idolize Korean stars and the media intensely follows each episode. The government is now considering controlling this Korean cultural invasion. Thousands of Koreans who are involved in church planting and community work are also making a great impact on Chinese churches. Let us give thanks for the fervent missionary spirit of the Korean churches and pray for the safety of every Korean worker inside China.

A ring of criminals were sentenced to death for abducting nearly 61 children in Guizhou province. Children under 5 years were stolen and sold for huge profits. 36 children remained missing. As a whole, Guizhou remains economically disadvantaged and a very hard soil for the Gospel. Let us pray for the struggling churches and the training of pastors among the house churches here .

The venerable CCTV (China Central Television) is losing many of its highly visible program presenters, personalities recognized in ordinary households and adored by billions. They quote low pay, high pressure, and restrictive employment arrangement as the reasons. The Chinese church faces the same loss of its leaders. We ask your prayers for the guarding of hearts and protection from the evil one .



目前600多個城市中有183個提出要建成國際化大都市,即使名不見經傳的小城市也以此為目標,一味的追求大規模發展。例山東棗莊是個很窮的小城,卻建造了中國最寬的12 線道馬路「光明大道」,比北京長安街還寬。讓我們在禱告中紀念中國的各教會,能有因應城市規劃的智慧與策略,將福音傳揚給更多未得之民。





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