Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Prayer Request 6/28--7/4


Those government officials who take advantage of the time before their mandatory retirement at 60 years of age to embezzle funds are called “The Corrupted 59”. Many think this is the best opportunity they will have to fatten their purses before they lose power and influence. The inability to keep one’s integrity in old age is a problem both in secular and church circles. Let us pray for tens of thousands of church workers who have risen to leadership and are handling large amounts of money .

Chinese companies have made several high-profile bids for American companies such as Maytag (appliance maker) and Unocal (an energy company). Unlike the Japanese and Korean companies that are flushed with cash, Chinese companies are buying foreign brands instead of developing their own brands. Chinese church leaders who have not had a denominational influence for half a century, prefer to have their own worship styles and even indigenous theologies. Let us pray for the vision of mission and adherence to Biblical principles for all Chinese churches .

The two trains on which smuggled babies are taken to Beijing are K168 and K22. The baby-selling trade continues to thrive because of “Buy a baby for 200 yuan in poor Guangxi and sell it for 10,000 yuan in Beijing.” Poor parents sell their babies to make ends meet. In Guangxi, the few churches are usually weak. Many people have ever heard about how God gave His Son for us. Let us pray for special evangelistic efforts to being the gospel to these impoverished regions.

The first non-profit hospital in China is facing a financial crisis. Many of the patients think it is a free service and abuse the system, even refusing to pay any fee in the Shanghai Charity Hospital. Abuse of charity is an age-old Chinese problem. Many believers are accustomed to gifts and outside subsidies. Let us pray for more Chinese believers who will be generous and charitable with what God has entrusted to them .

There were 1.5 million documented cases of induced abortions in 2002, according to officials. Nearly one quarter of them was performed on teenagers. In May, the first teen pregnancy center opened in Henan, and provided services to 30 teenagers. With teenagers experiencing sex and a lack of sex education, teen pregnancy is no longer uncommon, despite the availability of over-the-counter abortion pills. Let us pray for this alarming trend and what churches can offer .

Government cracked down a Gonzi scam involving 500,000 people from 30 provinces. News labels it as an “Financial cult”. The scheme featured both charitable causes purportedly to help the poor villagers and promised huge return for promoting nutritional supplements. There are so many get-rich schemes in China now a day. Let us pray for the guarding of hearts of believers, from greed and temptations .

Despite the national policy of mandatory cremation, many continue the burial practice, by simply paying a “penalty” of 3000 yuans. Many also chose to pay for a much larger fine to have a “secret” second or third child, despite of one-child policy. Paying fines to circumvent the law is the way of life in China. Let us pray for believers who must deal with these ethical decisions on a daily basis .


近來中國財團頻出高價收購美國的大公司如美泰家電(Maytag),加州聯合石油(Unocal Corp)等,作風令人矚目。有別於日、韓財團的經營策略,中國人不自創品牌,反而通過收來打入市場。半世紀以來國內環境的關係,教會的領袖們能幸免涉入教派之爭,且發展出本土特色的宗教體系。讓我們為所有中國教會的異象和堅守聖經原則來禱告。

非法販賣嬰孩的交易持續火紅,在廣西可花200人民幣買個嬰孩,到北京可以10,000元高價賣出。168和 22號列車成了兩條從廣西走私嬰孩到北京的專送列車,許多家貧的父母在此與他們的親骨肉揮淚永別。廣西少數的教會多為屬靈的嬰兒,許多人甚至未聽過神賜愛子的基本福音。讓我們為該地的事工同心代禱,求主大大憐憫施恩在這片貧瘠的區域。





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