Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Prayer Request 5/31--6/6


Government gives a big push for the wider use of personal check writing. Much of the private Chinese economy depends on cash, with the largest denomination of 100 yuans (about 12 USD). However, it has imposed heavy fines to discourage abuses. The use of check requires faith and trust in the system, which the common folks are not accustomed to. Recently, many house churches have been invited and promised to register as opened-church. Let us pray also for the dilemma and the decision they are struggling with .

Vietnamese is the daily language in Dongkang, southern Taiwan, a fishing town. So many fishermen here married Vietnamese, who know little Chinese. Vietnamese is widely spoken by children and women while the men go away fishing. Like Dongkang, many Taiwanese cities have very elaborated temples and idols worship rituals. Many have no believers at all. Let us pray for those who faithfully sew the seeds in these “hardened” soils and for the new opportunities to reach those Vietnamese wives .

9 million children under age 14 (about 3% of Chinese children) are handicapped. Polio, blindness or mute are the leading causes. Few schools can accommodate such children. Discrimination leaves families with handicapped children with little education options. Churches are equally ill-equipped to minister families with handicapped children. A few believers have adopted the homeless handicapped children in Guangzhou and Xian. Jesus reached out repeatedly to those who had suffering children. Let us pray for this great need .

A reporter for the Southern City News (Guangzhou) was savagely beaten and had 2 fingers chopped off. The violent act sparked outcries for this progressive newspaper which often features exposés on corruptions and social injustices. Chinese insurance companies rank miners, policemen and reporters, respectively as the most hazardous professions. Let us also remember all believers who are still suffering persecution for their conviction to be faithful to the Lord .

Juvenile delinquency is rising alarmingly in all cities. Two obvious trends: more violent, rape and robbery. Ever younger in age. Typically, 75% are youth are from rural regions, “having nothing to do, and with nothing to lose.” There are non-Chinese Christians who run shelters for these homeless and delinquent youth in several cities. Let us pray for their ministries and the especially many youth who have attended church with their parents but no longer attend .

Bribery by sex has become a rampant problem, though vehemently denounced by the Party Chairman repeatedly, yet, it seems the problems worsened daily. With 60% of officials having “er nai”—mistress, it is now a symbol of success rather than a scorn. The problem of the society reflects in churches too. While we need to pray for those who rule, we too, pray for guarding of heart of all believers and even all the pastors and church leaders .

College cost has skyrocketed recently, pricing out mostly potential rural students. In Jilin province, average farmer earns 3000 yuans, while the yearly college cost is 12,000. 1 in 3 students give up further education because of the financial concern. Few rural church workers have education beyond high schools. Let us pray for the education of all workers, especially those who need assistance to enter into seminaries and Bible schools .



在中國0至14歲兒童中,殘疾兒童約900多萬人,占全國同齡兒童總數的2.66%。其中以小兒痳痺症、失明、失聰者居多 ,能提供殘障兒童所需的特殊教育屈指可數。這些家庭除了要承受照顧殘障兒的辛苦與歧視外,還要面對學習環境的不公。教會往往也無力支援輔導這些家庭。有少數信徒效法耶穌憐恤殘疾兒的榜樣,在廣東和西安收容街頭流浪殘疾兒童,讓我們為這廣大的需要禱告仰望主。





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