A new era has arrived for the church in China. What are Chinese churches doing to prepare for and respond to this changing environment? In the past year, many churches have reported a dramatic rise in restrictions. We praise God because He is always with the Chinese believers and is close to them in times of trouble. We know that God uses trials and persecutions to bless and refine his Church, pruning and making them ready so they will bear more fruit.
The great majority of churches in China can be described as “traditional” in their style of worship. However, the newer churches in the cities offer contemporary worship and preaching that are popular and appealing to young Christians. The leaders of traditional churches are generally older and will need to plan for their eventual successor. We pray that God raises up new leaders, like Moses and Joshua to lead a new generation in their footsteps.
Traditional churches in China are mostly patriarchal and the leaders are the sole decision makers. We are thankful for the faithful service of the older pastors whose labor will be rewarded by the Master. We pray for His blessing for them to continue to be effective even in their advanced age, and that the churches will appreciate their contribution. At the same time, we pray that the Lord will raise up younger leaders to serve.
The Chinese government regulates many aspects of private family life, including religion and pregnancy. Marriage and family are seen as a stabilizing force and the government wants to keep men and women in marriages. We pray for the spiritual well being of believers and their families who are going through a divorce, so they will rely on His grace to face many hurdles during this traumatic time. We pray for God’s comfort, lessening of their guilt and regret, and that He will enable them to continue to glorify God.
In all the divorces in China, husbands and wives share a similar level of education. Divorce rates are higher among those who have a junior high education or lower. Nearly all cases involve child custody issues. Many Christian women in China have husbands who are unbelievers or not-so-strong Christians. They are indeed the so-called “spiritual single parents”. We pray that God will give them a powerful testimony at home, and answer their prayers for the salvation of their husbands and children.
It will be helpful for churches in China to form smaller groups or fellowships, led by a trained coworker, for those who are divorced or going through a marital breakup.Each Christian couple has its own set of unique problems and different abilities in coping with stress and pain. We do pray specifically for their children, asking God for special mercy so they will not hate God but be able to hang onto their faith.
It is difficult to know how much of the current growth of urban churches is due to new conversions or the influx of rural believers. Rural migrants are beginning to move and settle in the second- and third-tier cities in China. City residents often look down on people from the countryside. We pray that churches will be ready to adjust and accommodate the rural believers, ministering to them without pride and prejudice.
在過去一年,中國教會進入了一個新時期,我們看見從當局來的限制和逼迫大幅度增加。中國教會如何預備及回應正在改變中的環境? 感謝神,「主曾說:我總不撇下你,也不丟棄你。」(來13:5) 神必與信徒同行(尤其在艱難的時刻)。求主在逼迫患難中祝福並煉淨祂的教會,使他們生命更豐富,更加有能力彰顯基督,結出更多豐碩果子。
在所有中國的離婚案件中,夫妻同為高學歷的離婚率要高於那些高、初中學歷的夫婦,而幾乎所有案例都牽涉到爭奪子女的撫養權歸屬。教會中有許多姐妹的丈夫在屬靈追求上與她們步伐不一致,甚至還有不少是未信的。她們真是所謂的 「屬靈的單親」。求主幫助她們在家中有美好的見證,以主的愛來愛丈夫和家人;又記念她們的丈夫、子女能早日得著救恩。
教會若能為離婚或正遇婚姻難題的肢體成立適合的小組或團契,並由受過訓練的同工在其中負責帶領,應該會對他們有很大的幫助。每一對基督徒夫妻的婚姻狀況不同,而每個基督徒身心靈能承受的壓力和痛苦的程度也都不一樣。我們特別為身經離異家庭的孩子禱告,求主賜下格外的憐憫和恩典,撫慰他們的傷痛,保守他們的信心,對神不產生怨恨而放棄信仰 。
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Prayer Request 2/19 - 2/25
The ratio of female to male people in churches in China is usually two to one and sometimes even higher but this disparity is the opposite of society in general. Women also outnumber men in seminary training and many of them minister effectively and faithfully. We pray for all the women pastors, for strength, a close walk with God and powerful teaching.
In the past twenty years there has been a huge migration of young people into the cities of China, especially among those who are highly educated and also those who are in construction. Both of these groups have more males than females in them. Churches, however, have remained with mostly women members and lack an appeal to younger men. We pray that church leaders will intentionally create programs and meetings that attract men and build up their ministry to men.
The disparity between men and women in the churches In China creates a problem as believers look for a mate. Men can marry a wife who is less educated than he is but it takes great courage for a woman to marry a husband who is less accomplished than she is. This is indeed a tough problem for the churches. We pray that many mature sisters or pastor's wives can provide good teaching and advice for the young ladies who are struggling with the decision of whether to date unbelievers or not.
In China, marrying a wife who is more accomplished than the husband creates certain problems when the couple wants to apply the Biblical principle of the wife obeying her husband. It is difficult when the husband is an unbeliever and the wife is active in the church. We remember in prayer all the sisters whose husbands are not believers. May the Lord give them faith along with an extra measure of patience and steadfastness in prayer so the salvation of their spouses will come soon.
In the churches in China there are more women than men and they are often more involved and committed than the men. They are usually more decisive and creative and in the long run attract more women members to come. May the Lord richly bless all of the Mary's and Martha's in the churches of China. We pray, too, for unity among all of the sisters so they will serve without jealousy or competition.
Since women outnumber men in the churches in China, worship, praise, and all ceremonies tend to become more feminine. The culture tends to be warm, highly personal, and tender. We praise God for what the ladies have contributed to the growth of the churches, especially during the days of persecution. We pray for these unsung and not fully appreciates heroes. May the Lord bless each of them as they serve Him and give selflessly.
It is a fact that there are more women than men among urban churches in China and among teenagers girls outnumber boys. This phenomenon is most likely due to their obedience and dependency on their parents. Very few churches have any program for youth and many refuse to go to church. We pray for wisdom and persistence for believer parents of teenagers, as they maintain a good relationship with their teens and continue to have a spiritual influence on them.
男弱女強的婚姻使夫妻不容易形成合乎聖經的家庭秩序。當然,夫妻中只有一方信主向來是牧養中的難題,特別是妻子熱心事奉主,而丈夫不信時,尤為艱難。我們為丈夫是未信的姊妹禱告, 求神將更多的信心與耐心加給她們,叫她們不灰心,仍恒切祈求,願主感動丈夫的心,早日得著救恩 。
婦女在教會中不僅人數居多,而且也往往相比弟兄更加投入教會。她們對神單純,願意付代價擺上自己,而且有創意和親和力,因此也就帶領更多女性到教會。願神使用眾多 "馬大" 和 "馬利亞" 般的姊妹們,在教會中充份發揮其恩賜,在主裡同心合意興旺福音,沒有任何嫉妒與競爭。
城市教會由於會衆女性偏多,在詩歌、崇拜、見證和禮儀等方面的安排也明顯較陰柔,教會文化注重和追求營造出溫馨、個人化、温情的氛圍。姊妹向來在中國教會的成長裡扮演了極重要的角色,尤其是在被迫害的日子。但是她們的貢獻和擺上卻常被忽略。 求主記念她們的忠心,也大大賞賜她們的事奉及無私的擺上。
都市教會中的男女比例失衡是事實。在 9 - 18歲的少年中,也是女多男少,因著男孩和女孩在順從和依賴感上有性別差異。中國的教會較少有青少年事工,年輕人也覺得教會無聊。我們要為青年信徒家長祈求,求神加添他們智慧,保持健康的親子關係,能繼續給子女們屬靈的影響。
The ratio of female to male people in churches in China is usually two to one and sometimes even higher but this disparity is the opposite of society in general. Women also outnumber men in seminary training and many of them minister effectively and faithfully. We pray for all the women pastors, for strength, a close walk with God and powerful teaching.
In the past twenty years there has been a huge migration of young people into the cities of China, especially among those who are highly educated and also those who are in construction. Both of these groups have more males than females in them. Churches, however, have remained with mostly women members and lack an appeal to younger men. We pray that church leaders will intentionally create programs and meetings that attract men and build up their ministry to men.
The disparity between men and women in the churches In China creates a problem as believers look for a mate. Men can marry a wife who is less educated than he is but it takes great courage for a woman to marry a husband who is less accomplished than she is. This is indeed a tough problem for the churches. We pray that many mature sisters or pastor's wives can provide good teaching and advice for the young ladies who are struggling with the decision of whether to date unbelievers or not.
In China, marrying a wife who is more accomplished than the husband creates certain problems when the couple wants to apply the Biblical principle of the wife obeying her husband. It is difficult when the husband is an unbeliever and the wife is active in the church. We remember in prayer all the sisters whose husbands are not believers. May the Lord give them faith along with an extra measure of patience and steadfastness in prayer so the salvation of their spouses will come soon.
In the churches in China there are more women than men and they are often more involved and committed than the men. They are usually more decisive and creative and in the long run attract more women members to come. May the Lord richly bless all of the Mary's and Martha's in the churches of China. We pray, too, for unity among all of the sisters so they will serve without jealousy or competition.
Since women outnumber men in the churches in China, worship, praise, and all ceremonies tend to become more feminine. The culture tends to be warm, highly personal, and tender. We praise God for what the ladies have contributed to the growth of the churches, especially during the days of persecution. We pray for these unsung and not fully appreciates heroes. May the Lord bless each of them as they serve Him and give selflessly.
It is a fact that there are more women than men among urban churches in China and among teenagers girls outnumber boys. This phenomenon is most likely due to their obedience and dependency on their parents. Very few churches have any program for youth and many refuse to go to church. We pray for wisdom and persistence for believer parents of teenagers, as they maintain a good relationship with their teens and continue to have a spiritual influence on them.
男弱女強的婚姻使夫妻不容易形成合乎聖經的家庭秩序。當然,夫妻中只有一方信主向來是牧養中的難題,特別是妻子熱心事奉主,而丈夫不信時,尤為艱難。我們為丈夫是未信的姊妹禱告, 求神將更多的信心與耐心加給她們,叫她們不灰心,仍恒切祈求,願主感動丈夫的心,早日得著救恩 。
婦女在教會中不僅人數居多,而且也往往相比弟兄更加投入教會。她們對神單純,願意付代價擺上自己,而且有創意和親和力,因此也就帶領更多女性到教會。願神使用眾多 "馬大" 和 "馬利亞" 般的姊妹們,在教會中充份發揮其恩賜,在主裡同心合意興旺福音,沒有任何嫉妒與競爭。
城市教會由於會衆女性偏多,在詩歌、崇拜、見證和禮儀等方面的安排也明顯較陰柔,教會文化注重和追求營造出溫馨、個人化、温情的氛圍。姊妹向來在中國教會的成長裡扮演了極重要的角色,尤其是在被迫害的日子。但是她們的貢獻和擺上卻常被忽略。 求主記念她們的忠心,也大大賞賜她們的事奉及無私的擺上。
都市教會中的男女比例失衡是事實。在 9 - 18歲的少年中,也是女多男少,因著男孩和女孩在順從和依賴感上有性別差異。中國的教會較少有青少年事工,年輕人也覺得教會無聊。我們要為青年信徒家長祈求,求神加添他們智慧,保持健康的親子關係,能繼續給子女們屬靈的影響。
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Prayer Request 2/12 - 2/18
In the past, the average life expectancy in the southern part of China has been at least five years longer than that of people in the North. This discrepancy is attributed to the widespread use of coal in the northern provinces and the serious pollution which it cost in devastating the health of people there. There are also many differences between house churches in the northern and southern China. In general, churches in the north usually members of a larger group. Let us pray for these churches, the Lord give them unity of hearts, to spread the gospel, to accept and build up one another, and the Body of Jesus Christ.
Scandals involving food and drugs have endangered the lives of many children in China. The most recent one involved hundreds of thousands of children who received faulty vaccines. The news angered the public, rattled confidence in the government and amplified frustration with the health care system.We need to pray for the spiritual health of all the children of believers in China. May the Lord remind all parents to fulfill their responsibilities, not only praying for their children but also teaching them to know the Word of God from a young age.
The current health system cannot adequately support China's population of more than one billion people. Hospitals can no longer meet the needs of the public. The large gaps and inequalities threaten to undermine China's progress, social stability, and financial health. Churches in China are also struggling to meet the need of the growing number of believers. Again, we beseech the Lord to protect His churches in this difficult time, strengthen and comfort those who are oppressed and even forced to change their practice of faith.
The Chinese government said the “two-children” policy is working. While the total number of births dipped to 17.2 million last year, however the percentage of families with two children has climbed from 36 percent in 2013 to 51 percent today. We pray for believer families with two or more children specifically that the Lord will help these parents to teach their children to know God at an early age as well as learning to pray to Him, especially in this time of many restrictions of children going to church.
Experts warn it will be difficult to change people’s reproductive behavior. The Chinese government needs to provide more support to families planning to have a second child by providing more child welfare, such as early education, maternal and child health care. Many Christian parents do not want their children to become a pastor because the life of a church worker is hard and they very likely will not be able to support their parents financially when the parents are old. We pray that believers will honor their parents and even be able to lead them to believe in Jesus.
Grandparents on both sides are expected to help with childcare in China, especially with the one-child generation. Many see this is as an exchange or a requirement for the parents to receive support from their children when they are old. We pray that Christian parents will spend both quality and quantity time with their children and help them to know the love of God, especially families with only one believer or spiritually strong parent. May the Lord grant them strong faith, help them to trust His faithfulness, and be joyful in all things.
In China, young couples are hesitant to have a second child because their parents can only help with the caring for grandkids if they have good health. Maternal grandparents also pressure their daughter to work outside of the house and not to stay at home caring for children. We pray that believer parents can effectively manage their home, especially when they are both the only-child. The Lord gives them wisdom and grace in handling the stress of honoring their aging parents and caring for their children.
In the past, the average life expectancy in the southern part of China has been at least five years longer than that of people in the North. This discrepancy is attributed to the widespread use of coal in the northern provinces and the serious pollution which it cost in devastating the health of people there. There are also many differences between house churches in the northern and southern China. In general, churches in the north usually members of a larger group. Let us pray for these churches, the Lord give them unity of hearts, to spread the gospel, to accept and build up one another, and the Body of Jesus Christ.
Scandals involving food and drugs have endangered the lives of many children in China. The most recent one involved hundreds of thousands of children who received faulty vaccines. The news angered the public, rattled confidence in the government and amplified frustration with the health care system.We need to pray for the spiritual health of all the children of believers in China. May the Lord remind all parents to fulfill their responsibilities, not only praying for their children but also teaching them to know the Word of God from a young age.
The current health system cannot adequately support China's population of more than one billion people. Hospitals can no longer meet the needs of the public. The large gaps and inequalities threaten to undermine China's progress, social stability, and financial health. Churches in China are also struggling to meet the need of the growing number of believers. Again, we beseech the Lord to protect His churches in this difficult time, strengthen and comfort those who are oppressed and even forced to change their practice of faith.
The Chinese government said the “two-children” policy is working. While the total number of births dipped to 17.2 million last year, however the percentage of families with two children has climbed from 36 percent in 2013 to 51 percent today. We pray for believer families with two or more children specifically that the Lord will help these parents to teach their children to know God at an early age as well as learning to pray to Him, especially in this time of many restrictions of children going to church.
Experts warn it will be difficult to change people’s reproductive behavior. The Chinese government needs to provide more support to families planning to have a second child by providing more child welfare, such as early education, maternal and child health care. Many Christian parents do not want their children to become a pastor because the life of a church worker is hard and they very likely will not be able to support their parents financially when the parents are old. We pray that believers will honor their parents and even be able to lead them to believe in Jesus.
Grandparents on both sides are expected to help with childcare in China, especially with the one-child generation. Many see this is as an exchange or a requirement for the parents to receive support from their children when they are old. We pray that Christian parents will spend both quality and quantity time with their children and help them to know the love of God, especially families with only one believer or spiritually strong parent. May the Lord grant them strong faith, help them to trust His faithfulness, and be joyful in all things.
In China, young couples are hesitant to have a second child because their parents can only help with the caring for grandkids if they have good health. Maternal grandparents also pressure their daughter to work outside of the house and not to stay at home caring for children. We pray that believer parents can effectively manage their home, especially when they are both the only-child. The Lord gives them wisdom and grace in handling the stress of honoring their aging parents and caring for their children.
Tuesday, February 05, 2019
Prayer Request 2/5 - 2/11
In the past two decades, hundreds of thousands of young Chinese have studied abroad every year. Some of them became Christians, but less than 20% of those who returned to China have continued to worship and study the Bible. A whopping 80% of the returning Christians have stopped their practice of faith. We pray for good soil for the seed of the gospel to grow, and for more effective discipleship to prepare the new converts in coping with the trials and temptations they will face back in China.
It is difficult for those who became Christians abroad to adapt back to China because the lifestyles are radically different. The longer they stay abroad, the more integrated and shaped by their foreign peers they become. Their life-styles preferences, language, and the idea of liberty and value of human rights are all changed.We praise God for the efforts of local churches to reach out to Chinese students, and pray the Lord gives them much fruit and continues to strengthen the new converts with solid spiritual food so they know the will of God fully before they return.
After studying abroad and returning to China, students discover that their lives, tastes, convictions, and identity are incompatible with the locals. Even the Christian returnees find it difficult to fit in with churches in China. Many believers who return are not mentally prepared for and do not know how to keep their faith in the difficult times they face. We beseech God to provide them mature believers to mentor and guide them, helping these spiritual infants by giving practical advice and encouraging them to grow in the Word of God.
After many years of persecution, people in the churches of China are often skeptical of people who claim to be Christians but are outside of their own system and do not welcome them into their churches. At the same time, people returning from abroad have high expectations for the churches they are going to and hope to find a church that is equally warm and welcoming as those they found overseas and invariably they are disappointed. We ask the Lord for mercy and to raise up people who are willing to better prepare these young Christians who are going back to China so they will make a good connection with believers there and reduce the tragic loss of so many newborn believers.
Young Christians who return to China from abroad find it difficult to make new Christian friends or even feel accepted by a church there due to their age, education, and social status. Usually, they will give up after visiting two or three churches that all cause them to feel the same way. For returnees to continue in faith, they must have a close-knit group of Christian friends to support each other and be able to trust and accept one another. We pray for more believers in China who can care for and encourage the young believers who have recently returned from abroad.
Many of the believers who return from abroad to China attend the open church for the first month after they get back. Then they become very busy, often working overtime at their jobs. Since they do not have Christian friends, they quickly give up their faith. We ask the Lord to give every believer who returns to China the spirit of Daniel and his friends so they will not defile themselves but have the courage to refuse any demand that is contrary to their faith. May God raise up disciples among them who will love Him and be passionate about the spiritual condition of other returnees.
There are great differences between churches in China and those abroad. It is impossible and unreasonable to measure the churches in China with the expectations for overseas churches. However, the majority of the young Christians returning home do not realize this fact. We ask the Lord to give wisdom to the overseas church and help many returnees to get connected with suitable churches before moving back. We pray, too, that God will raise up believers in China to care for the very new and young believers.
國內和國外的教會有極大不同,期望國內教會像海外的一樣是不可能也不合理的。可是絕大多的年輕海歸信徒卻不明白這樣的現實。 求主賜海外教會有恩典和智慧,能預先為回國信徒取得合適國内教會的聯絡。求主也興起國內信徒有恩慈為主來關心在海外信主的幼苗。
In the past two decades, hundreds of thousands of young Chinese have studied abroad every year. Some of them became Christians, but less than 20% of those who returned to China have continued to worship and study the Bible. A whopping 80% of the returning Christians have stopped their practice of faith. We pray for good soil for the seed of the gospel to grow, and for more effective discipleship to prepare the new converts in coping with the trials and temptations they will face back in China.
It is difficult for those who became Christians abroad to adapt back to China because the lifestyles are radically different. The longer they stay abroad, the more integrated and shaped by their foreign peers they become. Their life-styles preferences, language, and the idea of liberty and value of human rights are all changed.We praise God for the efforts of local churches to reach out to Chinese students, and pray the Lord gives them much fruit and continues to strengthen the new converts with solid spiritual food so they know the will of God fully before they return.
After studying abroad and returning to China, students discover that their lives, tastes, convictions, and identity are incompatible with the locals. Even the Christian returnees find it difficult to fit in with churches in China. Many believers who return are not mentally prepared for and do not know how to keep their faith in the difficult times they face. We beseech God to provide them mature believers to mentor and guide them, helping these spiritual infants by giving practical advice and encouraging them to grow in the Word of God.
After many years of persecution, people in the churches of China are often skeptical of people who claim to be Christians but are outside of their own system and do not welcome them into their churches. At the same time, people returning from abroad have high expectations for the churches they are going to and hope to find a church that is equally warm and welcoming as those they found overseas and invariably they are disappointed. We ask the Lord for mercy and to raise up people who are willing to better prepare these young Christians who are going back to China so they will make a good connection with believers there and reduce the tragic loss of so many newborn believers.
Young Christians who return to China from abroad find it difficult to make new Christian friends or even feel accepted by a church there due to their age, education, and social status. Usually, they will give up after visiting two or three churches that all cause them to feel the same way. For returnees to continue in faith, they must have a close-knit group of Christian friends to support each other and be able to trust and accept one another. We pray for more believers in China who can care for and encourage the young believers who have recently returned from abroad.
Many of the believers who return from abroad to China attend the open church for the first month after they get back. Then they become very busy, often working overtime at their jobs. Since they do not have Christian friends, they quickly give up their faith. We ask the Lord to give every believer who returns to China the spirit of Daniel and his friends so they will not defile themselves but have the courage to refuse any demand that is contrary to their faith. May God raise up disciples among them who will love Him and be passionate about the spiritual condition of other returnees.
There are great differences between churches in China and those abroad. It is impossible and unreasonable to measure the churches in China with the expectations for overseas churches. However, the majority of the young Christians returning home do not realize this fact. We ask the Lord to give wisdom to the overseas church and help many returnees to get connected with suitable churches before moving back. We pray, too, that God will raise up believers in China to care for the very new and young believers.
國內和國外的教會有極大不同,期望國內教會像海外的一樣是不可能也不合理的。可是絕大多的年輕海歸信徒卻不明白這樣的現實。 求主賜海外教會有恩典和智慧,能預先為回國信徒取得合適國内教會的聯絡。求主也興起國內信徒有恩慈為主來關心在海外信主的幼苗。

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