TuesdayChina’s leader, Xi Jinping said that too many Chinese children wear glasses, and the government was going to do something about it. New controls on online games were among Chinese authorities’ recommendations for reducing adolescent nearsightedness. We pray for wisdom for Christian parents so they know how to deal with children addicted to computer games. And, also that they will know how to discipline effectively, to help children build self-discipline and foster a healthy parent-child relationship.WednesdayIn China, nearly half of elementary and middle school students are near-sighted, and by age 16 to 18, more than 80% need glasses. The prevalence of nearsightedness in East Asia is very high. Eighty to ninety percent of eighteen-year-olds in Singapore and Korea wear glasses. It is natural for believer parents to care about and pray for the health of their children. We ask the Lord to give Christian parents the spiritual insight that His heart delights in all children coming to know Him at an early age and that our children are godly.ThursdayChinese students take a nap after lunch instead of playing outdoors and go home to do homework and various extracurricular studies. Nearsightedness among Chinese children is a social problem rather than hereditary, associated with much time in studying, reading, using electronic devices and few outdoor activities. Chinese believers will allow their children to skip church and let them rest at home. May the Holy Spirit illuminate us to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness first and teach children to care about what God cares about and God will definitely care for what we care about.FridayChinese state media blamed video games for causing young people to become addicted online gaming, lowering their academic performance and worse, incidences of death after prolonged video game playing. Chinese parents consider their children’s poor academic performance as their greatest headache. We pray for improvement of parents and children relationships for Christian families, that the whole family will grow spiritually, knowing more about God and experience His mighty provision and guidance.SaturdayChina will limit the number of new games, possibly limit the amount of time minors can spend playing games, and consider a system for rating games for age appropriateness. Many Chinese Christian parents falsely believe that it is their children’s own decision to choose their faith. We pray that believers will know how to raise children to love the Lord and that is His plan for parents. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Prov.9:10)SundayThe use of the smart-phone in China is ubiquitous, in addition to the most popular, WeChat, which processes a big chunk of the smartphone payments that are now used to make transactions of all kinds in the country. Believers in urban churches in China, especially among the young people use the mobile version of the Bible exclusively. We pray that believers will grow deeper in the knowledge of God. We too pray for more solid and orthodox spiritual content available on mobile phones. We pray that believers will grow deeper in their knowledge of God and we also pray for more solid and orthodox spiritual content available on mobile phones.MondayThe government of China once criticized online games and even called one battle game a "poison on young minds". As a result, the video company had to impose limits on the amount of time young people could play that game daily. Our prayer is that Christian parents in China will realize that every child is God's special gift to them and it is their responsibility to train the children to know what God's will is for them, that they will learn to be self-disciplined and “Flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” (2 Tim. 2:22)
星期二中國國家主席習近平說:中國有太多的兒童需要戴眼鏡,政府要對此採取行動。因此當局開始對現象採取行動;其中一項措施是對網路遊戲實行新管制。我們來為信徒家長禱告,求主賜他們智慧,能教導迷於網絡遊戲的孩子,知道如何有效管教和幫助孩子建立自律的生活,又能保持良好的親子關係。星期三中國中小學生近視患病率為一半 ,到了16-18歲,超過百分之八十都需要戴眼鏡。整個東亞地區的近視發病率都很高,新加坡、韓國等地18歲青少年中有80%~90%近視。求主賜信徒家長有屬靈的看見,不僅為孩子健康成長禱告,更著意為孩子能從小就認識神,體會神的愛來代求。願神從我們得到敬虔的後裔。星期四中國學生通常午飯後要睡午覺而不是在外面玩耍,回家後要做作業和各種課外練習。兒童的近視問題是社會問題而非遺傳,視力下降與冗長的學習時間、大量用眼閱讀、使用電子設備及甚少戶外活動顯著相關。有些信徒家長會選擇讓孩子不上教會,在家休息。願聖靈光照我們,先求神的國和祂的義,也教導子女關心神所關心的,神必定關心我們所關心的。星期五中國官方媒體指電玩遊戲讓年輕人沉迷其中,導致學習成績下降或其他更糟糕的後果。孩子成績不好是家長最頭痛的事,然而,沒有比家庭不和,親子關係劍拔弩張更不討神喜悅。我們為信徒家庭在親子關係大有改進,祈求神額外施恩憐憫。求神幫助家長和子女都能更認識神,經歷神的帶領和供應。星期六中國媒體監管機構,監控發行的新遊戲數量,去年更啟動了”健康系統”接入了公安權威數據系統,限制12 歲以下,每日限玩一小時。同時每日晚上 9 點至隔日早上 8 點禁玩。12 歲以上未成年人每日限玩 2 小時,超過時間後將被強制下線。。許多信徒家長錯誤認為在孩子成長過程中,該讓他們自己選擇信仰,不必加以干涉。求主幫助信徒知道養育兒女愛主是神的心意,敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端,認識至聖者便是聰明。(箴言9:10)。星期日騰訊運營微信APP,並處理大量智慧型手機支付的業務;手機支付如今在中國已經應用於各種交易中。中國城市教會的信徒,尤其是年輕一代都是使用手機版的聖經,而不用紙的聖經已經是個事實。我們為信徒在神的話語上有更多更深的認識來禱告,也願手機版屬靈資源的質與量更精良、便易搜索,使更多人得著屬靈餵養和幫助。星期一政府曾經指著一個網路遊戲為荼害年輕人心靈的「毒藥」。因此,製作遊戲的公司對年輕人每天玩該遊戲的時間進行了限制。求主幫助家長看重每個孩子都是神所賜的獨特産業,幫助孩子從小認識神,一生行在神的旨意中。也求神幫助年輕人自律,靠著主「逃避少年的私慾,同那清心禱告主的人追求公義、信德、仁愛、和平。」 (提後 2:22)
TuesdayChina forbids anyone under 18 to believe in any religion. Forbidding summer camps for adolescents is to make sure young people will not be converted during these summer activities. Bible clearly tells us, “And what does the one God seek? Godly offspring. (Mal. 2:15)” We pray that all Chinese Christian parents will know that the best things they can give their children are godly examples and persistent prayers for them.WednesdayThere are many house churches in Northeast China that are loosely organized. They have spread widely both in cities and villages. However, in recent years, rural house churches face mounting problems of aging, secularization, and decline in attendance. We pray for a revival of God's churches and His protection on those who love and serve Him. We ask Him to corrupt the attacks of cults and punish those wolves in sheepskins who treat the House of God as their own enterprise.ThursdayHouse churches in rural China are going through a transition as villagers move to cities for work. The churches are rapidly becoming older and secular and Northeastern China is no exception. If house churches remain as they were two decades ago, they will certainly decline rapidly. Aging of rural pastors is also a serious problem. We pray for all of the older pastors in China that they will share their rich pastoral experience and be willing to mentor the younger ones.FridayThe mandatory retirement age in China is age sixty for men and only fifty-five for women--very early. For women who are in management it is only fifty years old, however. Many believers are retired and in only their fifties and sixties but they still have a lot of energy and are able to help in many aspects of ministry in the churches. Some are even equipped to be pastors. We pray that many of these people will be called by the Lord to serve Him and be effective as they serve with their maturity and experience.SaturdayDomestic violence is a social ill that is found in the homes of church members as well as in other places. If churches are to be cities "set on a hill" or lights "on lampstands" perhaps they should participate in counseling cases of domestic violence as a way to share the gospel. We pray that the Lord will help people in the churches to repent first rather than being judgmental and mindlessly quoting Bible passages and that they will be sensitive and compassionate to the victims of abuse in various situations.SundayThe number of elderly people in large cities in China has soared. In Shanghai, nearly thirty percent of the people are over sixty years old which represents a gain of over five percent from a year ago and strains the country's rudimentary system of caring for elderly urban people. It’s not only children putting caregiving demands on urban Chinese women. Let us pray for all the Chinese sisters who have the responsibility of caring for their elderly relatives. We pray they can share the joy and the gospel with those whom they care for.MondayIn China, it is the duty of married couples to care for their elderly parents. However, the bulk of the responsibility usually falls on the adult females. Wives are often expected to care for their own parents as well as their husbands’ parents. Let us pray for strength and cheerful hearts for all Christians who shoulder the responsibility of caring for their elderly parents. We know honoring our parents is all about providing and caring for them, and doing so brings about the promised blessing of God.
星期二政府禁止未滿十八歲的青少年接受任何宗教信仰。禁辦夏令營會也是防範年輕人信主。近年中國的宗教政策越來越緊縮,連三自教會都受到許多限制。聖經告訴我們,「(神)為何只造一人呢?乃是祂願人得虔誠的後裔。」(瑪 2:15) 求主幫助中國信徒家長知道,給孩子最好的禮物,就是日常敬虔的榜樣與持續不斷的禱告。星期三東北地區有不少家庭教會。家庭教會為信徒自發組織,遍佈城市與鄉村,傳福音火熱,發展迅速。但是,近年農村的家庭教會普遍面臨老齡化、世俗化,且正在萎縮。我們禱告,求主復興祂的教會,親自堅固、扶持忠心愛主的信徒。更求主敗壞異端邪教的計謀,並懲治把神的家當做自己伸展權勢舞台的惡僕。星期四現今的中國農村家庭教會正面臨轉型,因農村人口逐漸向城市轉移,家庭教會面臨老齡化、世俗化, 東北地區也不例外。若家庭教會的聚會模式仍停留在二十年前的狀態,教會將會走向萎縮。農村教會所面對的一大問題是教牧人員的老年化。我們要為年紀大的教牧同工禱告,願他們能將豐富的教牧經驗傳給接棒者,又與年輕一代在溝通和牧養輔導諮商上能有更多互動和成長。星期五中國的退休年齡和其它國家相比起來算早,當前的法定退休年齡為男六十歲,女五十五歲(幹部)或50歲(工人)。教會中有很多五、六十歲的退休人士精力充沛,可以全然投入為神的工作,甚至成為教會的傳道或教師。求神呼召和使用他們成為神家合用的人,讓他們在黄金銀髮年歲仍能活出主的愛,成為神祝福的管道。星期六家暴的問題不僅限於一般社會中,連教會會衆裡亦有。教會在世上該作光作鹽,先鞏固好自己的家庭,如遇上社區有家暴情況的家庭,未嘗不是信徒們傳福音的契機。求主幫助教會先改變我們好定罪的傾向,不一味用聖經指責,而是根據不同的情況作應對, 更是有主耶穌那樣的憐憫心腸來關懷協助。星期日中國特大城市的老齡人口正在劇增,也為中國城市嚴峻的養老系統帶來壓力。上海如今有一千四百萬年齡超過60歲的長者,比去年增加百分之五。孩子並非中國都市女性唯一要照顧的對象。我們為所有負責照顧年老親屬的弟兄姐妹禱告,求主賜給他們力量和更多的忍耐、溫柔和喜樂,使她們所照顧的,也能分享到神的喜樂和福音。星期一大部分都市家庭中已婚夫婦都負責照顧老人,其中主要責任落在女方身上。除了自己父母外,妻子們還常要擔當照顧公婆的責任。人若不看顧親屬、 就是背了真道、 比不信的人還不好. 不看顧自己家裡的人、 更是如此。(提前5:8) 讓我們為所有照顧年邁父母責任的信徒求能力與喜樂。 孝敬父母就是供養與照顧他們,也是帶有神祝福的應許。
TuesdayBeijing city government rolled out the "social credit" system which aims to make it “difficult to move” for those deemed “untrustworthy”. It will be used to reward or punish people and organizations for “trustworthiness” across a range of measures. We strongly believe Christians can offer China great value to the society and nation as well. We also believe, that God is in control and that His hand is leading His children as well as cleansing His church in China.WednesdayMillions of Chinese nationals have been blocked from booking flights or trains as Beijing seeks to implement its controversial "social credit" system, which allows the government to closely monitor and judge each of its 1.3 billion citizens based on their behavior and activity. It is very unique that China can control the movement of her citizens with advanced technologies. The Holy Spirit reminds us that God knows our hearts and thoughts, and we all will give account for our deeds and (delete give account for our deeds) receive a reward according to our deeds. ThursdayThe government of China implemented a bold plan to blacklist those who score low on the "social credit system". It will also disclose the records of those "unworthy" individuals and enterprises on a regular basis and form a pattern of distrust and punishment. Being blacklisted is detrimental to finding and keeping employment in China. We pray especially for college students who were sternly warned by officials not to attend Bible study or fellowship, that the Lord will grant them much comfort and they will keep their faith.FridayIn China, for citizens deemed untrustworthy, going everywhere is limited. Those people who have violated the law and lose the trust of the government will pay a heavy price. The credit system has been implemented in some areas and in recent months, millions of people are blocked from booking flights and high-speed trains. The Chinese government monitors its citizens and churches alike closely, especially the movement of pastors and believers across the borders. We pray again for the churches that they will endure the blistering winter with joy and hope.SaturdayAccording to the state-run news, as of May 2018, the government of China had blocked 11.14 million people from flights and 4.25 million from taking high-speed train trips. Legally, attending unregistered house churches is an act of unlawful gathering and subject to arrest, too. We pray for all believers who are in this predicament, that the Lord will give them comfort and wisdom knowing how to continue their ministries.SundayIn China, people are awarded credit points for activities such as doing volunteer work and donating blood while those who violate traffic laws and charge "under the table" fees are punished. Other infractions include smoking in non-smoking zones, buying too many video games, and posting fake news online. In China, it is never easy to be a Christian and each must pay a huge price to admit publicly one's Christian faith. We pray for believers who choose not to profess their faith in public that the Lord will strengthen them and help them grow spiritually.MondayPunishments are not clearly detailed in China’s government plan beyond making travel difficult. Punishment is also believed to include slowing of internet speeds, limiting access to good schools for individuals or their children, banning people from certain jobs, booking at certain hotels and ownership of pets. We pray for those that face fines, penalties, loss of jobs, detainment and even prison for their belief. We also ask the Lord to strengthen them and their families and provide for them. Pray also for those that persecute them.
TuesdayIn China, there is a big problem with aging. Many people are aging at once. In the past eighteen years, the percentage of people over age sixty has nearly doubled (10% to 17.3%). An urgent concern facing urban Christian families is how to care for aging parents. We pray that believers will have wisdom, tenderness, and patience as they care for their elderly parents.WednesdayBy 2030, China will become a society with many old people ahead of the government population prediction, with 25% of the population over age 60 years old. Churches in China already have a high percentage of elderly people will be much “greyer” in the near future. We pray for good strategies in place now to minister to the elderly, especially the spiritual health and evangelism for older people.ThursdayIn China, it is commonly said that being old is not terrible, but being old and poor is. The poverty rate of people over 60 in China is about 17.5%, which is much higher than the average of that of developing countries. We pray that some Christians in China would consider how to help in the care of the elderly, not only in their churches but also those lonely and poor people in their communities.FridayPastors in China carry a heavy workload. They face a potential crisis in their family lives too. Their families really need our attention and the prayers of their congregations to stand in the gaps. We pray that God will give grace and mercy to each of the people who work in churches so they will see the seriousness of the issues whether in their families or of those in their particular church and that the Lord will renew them in strength and refresh them with excitement anew to serve Him and give glory to God in all they do.SaturdayChildren of pastors in China are at high risk of being unbelievers themselves. Although they grow up in Christian homes, like Eli and Samuel's children in the Bible, children of godly parents are not necessarily godly people. May the Lord give blessings to the descendants of the righteous and remind them of the example of their parents as they fear God. Then, may they themselves want to fervently serve the Lord.SundayThe children of pastors in China face the constant pressure to "please the entire church" and are told by their parents to behave in front of the members of the church so it is easy for these children to become hypocritical and judgmental. We pray for all the pastor's kids in China, even as they see the “dark side” and the weaknesses of believers, that they will not lose faith in God, knowing the Heavenly Father always honors those who serve Him faithfully. MondayPastor's children in China often feel neglected or ignored because their parents are so involved with the ministry needs in their churches. The children do not understand why their parents are so dedicated to the church and yet sacrifice them. We ask the Lord to remind all church workers in China to fulfill their role and responsibility as parents, that they will keep the promises they make to their children, show that they genuinely care for them, and also be good role models for them
星期二中國老齡化的特色是老化人口成長速度快、規模大。十八年間,六十歲以上人口幾乎倍增(從10%上升到17.3%)。城市基督徒家庭也正面臨一個緊迫問題,就是如何照顧家中的老齡長輩。求神在信徒照顧年邁父母親時,賜下充足的愛心、溫柔、忍耐與智慧。星期三據估算,到了2030年中國將提前進入超級老齡化社會,即六十歲以上人口大約佔全国人口的25%。中國教會現在已是普遍的高齡化,在不久的將來將會變得更加「蒼白」。求主幫助教會懂得如何牧養年長信徒,特別是針對如何維繫他們的靈命強健和積極向社區老人傳福音。星期四有句俗話:「年老不可怕,不夠錢養老才可怕。」中國六十歲以上人口的貧困率約為17.5%,遠高於發展國家的平均水平。我們為神能興起一些中國信徒參與老人照顧的事工禱告,目標是不僅照顧好教會內的長者,更能普遍關注到社區中的孤獨和貧窮的老人們。星期五傳道人除了在事奉上嚴重超負荷外,他們的家庭亦存著潛在危機。傳道人的家庭需要更多的關懷和禱告,從而防患於未然,不給撒但留下破口。求主額外施恩憐憫,幫助傳道人看見事情的嚴重性 ,使他們能歸回安息,重新得力,奔跑不困倦,行走不疲乏;在服事上更火熱更有信心,並將所得榮耀歸給神。星期六傳道人的子女是高危的未信主群體。雖然成長時有比別人更多的機會聽到福音,認識主耶穌。敬虔傳道人的孩子未必一定會敬畏主,正如聖經上有許多慘痛的例子:以利和撒母耳的兩個兒子。願恩主賜福義人的後代,也保守傳道人的子女從小看見父母的服事榜樣,自己也生發敬畏神的心,愛慕服事主的蒙福之路。星期日傳道人子女從小就被父母教導要有敬虔樣式。他們往往面對在教會內「要得讚賞」的試探,也很容易落入偽善和被論斷的試探裡。我們來為傳道人的子女祈求,雖然會看見弟兄姊妹軟弱或「黑暗」的一面,但不失去對神的信心,也堅定相信若有人忠心服事主,天父必尊重他。星期一傳道人子女往往因父母教會的服事過重,會覺得被忽略。傳道人也因沒有時間陪伴子女,對子女「情感虧欠」。有些孩子會對父母在教會的擺上不認同,甚至有成為「犧性品」的感受。求主提醒傳道人服事教會和家庭要平衡,在親子關係上盡責,對孩子遵守諾言、愛護陪伴,成為他們靈命和生活上的好榜樣。
TuesdayChina has swapped its socialist dream for an American-style of cars and sprawling suburbs. The number of automobiles has increased more than tenfold in the past decade, to sixty-four million. Availability of parking space is a key factor determining whether a church in China can grow and expand now. We pray for wisdom and vision for church leaders as they consider and plan how they can expand their ministries and serve effectively those members who live far away.WednesdayWhen the Seventh Ring Road is completed, the 900km (560-mile) highway will surround Beijing at such a distance that most of it will run through the neighboring province of Hebei. Parts of it are actually 175km from Beijing’s center. Many urban churches in China are considering how to plant new churches in their expanding suburbs as roads improve. We pray for strong growth in all the new church plants as they reach out to the new neighbors who usually know very little about Christianity.ThursdayBreakneck urban growth has propelled China’s rise in the past three decades. Migration from the countryside has helped expand the urban population by five hundred million — the biggest movement of humanity the planet has seen in such a short time. Rural churches have suffered much decline as they have lost members in droves. We pray that rural believers will not feel discouraged, but rather will work with church leaders to discover new ways to share Jesus with their neighbors and minister to those who remain in the villages. FridayOver half of the population of China now lives in the cities. Although some people live in the basements of apartments or in shacks built in courtyards, the cities in China have by and large avoided the squalor of those in many developing countries. We praise God for the increasing numbers of believers in the cities of China. May the Lord help them not to be content with what has been done but rather redouble their efforts to find ways to minister to the younger and well-educated people without neglecting the older blue-colored people.SaturdayUnprecedented urban growth has created large cities in China—more than one hundred of them have more than a million people—but that some are supersized. Giant cities are polluted, pricey and congested. Average travel speed in Beijing is half that in New York or Singapore. Many urban churches are now affiliated with each other or led by one pastor, very much like a denomination. We pray for godly leadership and coworker teams, healthy church growth without a competitive spirit and a willingness to share their resources with smaller churches.SundayThere are 30 “megacities” worldwide, six are in China: Shanghai (23m), Beijing (19.5m), Chongqing (13m), Guangzhou (12m), Shenzhen (11m) and Tianjin (11m). Churches are doing well in some megacities but remain weak in others. Some cities have tighter police supervision than others. We pray for revival for churches that have been stagnant or members who have become lukewarm.MondayOfficials in China can expropriate rural land easily and at little cost. Doing so is far cheaper than redeveloping existing urban areas. Industrial land is heavily subsidized, so factories have remained in urban areas rather than move to cheaper sites on city outskirts. Expansion of cities opens a new opportunity for evangelism and church planting in all the new communities. We pray that many churches will see the precious window of opportunity and act on it with good and sustainable strategies.
星期二中國的社會主義理想隨著汽車保有量增加和城郊擴張,已經轉變成美國式的小康社會。過去十年,汽車保有量增長超過十倍,達6400萬輛。城市教會需要有足夠的停車位才能符合增長需要。我們禱告:為城市教會有遠見和智慧能繼續成長及發展,有效地服事居住在離教會較遠的信徒。星期三北京七環路全長940公里,其中北京市約90公里,河北約850公里,途經河北張家口、涿州、廊坊、承德及北京市大興區、通州區和平谷區等地,某些路段距北京市中心達175公里。來往郊區的交通便利使不少城市教會有心在郊區成立新聚會點。這些新區的居民一般都沒有接觸過教會,求主賜給這些新的聚會點和教會有美好成長。星期四「對內改革、對外開放」的政策在中國實行了四十年,令城市極速發展,來自農村地區的移民使城市人口暴增超過五億,這是地球上迄今為止最巨大的短期人口遷移。農村教會的沒落是個事實。求主幫助農村教會的信徒和牧者不灰心,有智慧和主的恩典向村民傳揚基督的福音,更加關顧留守信徒的靈命需要。星期五超過半數國民已屬城市人口。雖然其中有人宿於公寓或停車場的地下室,有人避於大院小棚屋,但中國城市大體上避免了多數發展中國家出現的髒亂現象。我們為城市信徒的增長來感謝神!求主繼續祝福及保護教會,又賜下智慧能更有效地服事年輕、高教育程度的弟兄姊妹和慕道朋友,同時也不忘記關懷社區中的長者和藍領人士。星期六隨著人民遷移到城市發展,讓中國產生了許多大型城市(人口多於一百萬的超過100個)。現今城市污染嚴重、物價高漲、交通擁堵,北京的平均車速只相當於紐約和新加坡的一半。許多城市教會是由團隊組織或是一個牧者帶領,如同宗派。我們為他們有敬虔的領袖和同工團隊禱告,求主賜他們健康成長,沒有任何爭競,願意彼此分享資源。星期日全世界三十個「超大城市」( 人口超過千萬)中, 有六個位於中國;分別是:上海(2300萬)、北京(1950萬)、重慶(1300萬)、廣州(1200萬)、深圳(1100萬)和天津(1100萬)。這些大城市中,教會有的興旺,有的荒涼。在一些城市中,教會被緊緊盯住,發展不易。我們為超大城市的教會禱告,求神啟示祂的話語,讓信徒的信心有根有基,不要像主所責備的 "老底嘉教會" 般對信仰不冷不熱。星期一中國的官方可輕易以低廉價格徵用農村土地,這比重新開發舊城區便宜得多。市區的工業用地也能拿到大額補助,因此工廠都留在市內,不願遷往郊外更便宜的地區。城市往郊區發展其實是傳道和植堂的大好時機,求主讓更多教會能把握機會多作主工,弟兄姊妹擬定好的策略和計劃不紙上談兵,以行動促使神的道快快傳開。