Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Prayer Request 12/27 - 1/2

China has been urbanizing since 2000. Urbanization has not only influenced Chinese society greatly but has also promoted the development of urban churches in China. We praise God for the rise of urban churches which is a new beginning for Christianity in China. May the Lord help the urban churches to adapt to the changing times and to manifest His power and grace. We pray that all churches will have a great influence on moral in Chinese society.
The urbanization of China is changing the demographic of churches in China. Rural churches are losing members because the young people seek work in cities. Churches and ministries decline because many are left with only elderly people and the "left behind" children. As urban churches grow and mature, we pray that rural churches will not just become weak and hopeless. We too pray for revival of rural churches, may the Lord strengthen and give courage to those who serve in churches in small towns and villages.
Urban pastors in China agree that city churches there face four key challenges. One is the current mobile and floating nature of the population of China which leads to short and unpredictable church membership and attendance so training for discipleship of believers and for co-workers is difficult. May the Lord give church leadership wisdom in finding ways to follow up each of their sheep as well as a strategy to train their co-workers intentionally and effectively.
Many urban pastors in China admit their leadership skill is their biggest weakness. They know how to preach, take care of the needs of the smaller congregation, but they feel inadequate to plan, organize and lead the church to grow. Not everyone is gifted to be a leader and secular leadership skills cannot be blindly used in the church. We pray for the gift of leadership for pastors in China, that they will seek a vision from God Himself, and be a humble servant like Jesus was, not lording it over the sheep but be willing to serve them.
Another big issue urban churches in China face is that of courtship and dating for the single people, especially the sisters. Historically there are more girls than fellows in churches so many single sisters have to struggle with the decision of marrying a non-believer or staying single. Churches should to be sensitive to the needs and pressures all young ladies face. We pray that there will be an innovative way to bring these Christian singles together and the church leaders will know how to minister to them.
A hugely important issue for urban churches in China is their minimal participation in society and in their neighborhoods. Many churches are simply invisible and make no impact on their community. A majority of the churches are unregistered house churches that struggle with the decision to register with the government. We pray about their legal status and their desire to participate more in their communities and even in mission efforts.
Urbanization of China has lead to great prosperity. However, there is a tremendous and increasing spiritual hunger and thirst as a result of people moving into cities. We pray that churches will realize their need and mobilize at this time, that they will seize the opportunity to meet the need of the spiritual vacuum among so many Chinese and that Christians will increase their efforts to share the gospel with people all around them.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Prayer Request 12/20 - 12/26

To meet the soaring demand for higher education which many families consider a pathway into the growing middle class, ​the government in China has built hundreds of universities in recent years.​ Many young people there are first exposed to Christianity in college. We pray for the evangelistic efforts of young Christians who invite their friends to Bible study groups. May the Lord reward them with great fruit and much joy.
Chinese children spend years preparing for the gaokao, the all-powerful national exam that determines admission to universities in China. A few points on the examination mean the difference between a good and a bad university, and a life of wealth or poverty. ​We pray for those young Christians who could not get into the university of their choice. May the Lord give them faith that our Heavenly Father has prepared the best for us so they will honor Him in every part of their lives.​
College enrollment in China reached 26.2 million in 2015, up from 3.4 million in 1998m with much of the increase found in the three-year polytechnic programs.​ ​The total number of​ people graduating from college is rapidly increasing and this are more college graduates in churches as well. We pray for the need of higher education for pastors in China so they can communicate more clearly and understand their younger congregations better.
In China, nearly all college students graduate within four years according to official statistics so they feel there is no need to work hard. The feeling is "They don't really flunk anyone. The contract is, if you got in here, you get out."​Recently school officials have been pressuring Christian teachers who are involved in Bible studies for students. We pray for all of the ministries on or near college campuses. May the Lord give them safety and boldness in sharing Jesus.
The slowing economy in China has made it difficult for university graduates to find work, with about one-fifth​ of them remaining unemployed immediately after graduation and many settling into low-paying jobs. The shortcomings of the educational system leave many students struggling to find programs that match their aspirations. We praise the Lord for the many Christian groups that attract large attendance and even a large number of conversions. We pray for the difficult part of follow-up and helping these baby Christians to find continuing church life.
Primary and secondary schools in China are often derided as grueling, test-driven institutions that churn out students who can recite basic facts but have little capacity for deep reasoning. To the majority of these students, their study is motivated mostly by the fear of examinations. Many are impressed by how Christians can recite the Scripture so well. We praise God for this emphasis on Bible memorization but we pray, too, that none of us will become legalistic or fail to apply the principles in it and live out God's Word.
Critics argue that teachers in China​ place an unhealthy emphasis on test preparation and rote memorization at the expense of critical thinking skills and creativity. They also say international exams overrule the strength of China's system because they exclude students from the poorer regions. Many Christians in China like to debate their views of the Bible and often get into heated arguments. We pray that each of us will have a deep and balanced conviction of Who God is and also have the humility to learn that others love the Lord just as much as we do.

近來經濟發展放緩,使大學畢業生較難找工作。其中約有五分之一在畢業後隨即進入失業狀態,還有不少勉強做著薪資不高的工作。 高等教育制度的缺陷使學生難以找到與志向相符的課程修習。中國校園的事工興旺和多人歸主是我們所感恩的。我們繼續為學生事工最難的一環--信主之後的跟進和畢業後能持續教會生活來禱告。
批評者指出,教師過分強調預備應試和死記硬背的學習方法,卻犧牲了教導學生擁有批判性思維能力和創造力。 國際考試也誇大了中國教育體制的成功,因這些考試把貧困地區的學生排除在外。不少中國信徒好爭辯對聖經文意不同觀點的理解。求主賜我們對祂有正確及更深的認識,還加上謙卑與尊重別人,體認到他人也是一樣的愛神。

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Prayer Request 12/13 - 12/19

The ordinary person in China has little idea of the origin and true meaning of Christmas but he/she will brave cold weather to line up in front of a church to get in to attend a Christmas Eve service.We pray for all of the preparation and effort to invite people during the Christmas season. May the Lord use these special services to welcome the unreached and may the Holy Spirit move in their hearts so that some will respond and accept Jesus as their personal Savior.
In Beijing, Shanghai and many of the larger cities in China, churches offer Christmas Eve services as well as those on Christmas Day which curious people who usually would not step inside a church will attend. Many curiosity seekers get into a long line to see the "Christmas show":. We pray that churches will have adequate plans so they can follow up on all those who attend, attract them to return to worship, and even join small groups.
When churches in China (whether large or small) have a special Christmas service, the church building predictably will be packed. For churches​ there, Christmas is a great time to share the gospel openly. We pray for believers to get excited and have the boldness to witness to their neighbors and be willing to invite them as well as their relatives and friends to church.
Christmas is one of the rare and precious occasions for churches in China to have multi-generational services. Usually there are presentations by the seniors, adults of all ages, and especially the children.​ ​We pray for more opportunities for church members of all ages to be together, learning from and edifying each other. We thank the Lord for all of the little ones who perform in the Christmas programs. May the Lord help them to know Jesus well while they're still young.
In China, the slogan of “China Dream” is ubiquitous, it is a vision of a cohesive, equal society, increasingly wealthy and healthy, and happily wedded to Communist Party rule, ardent patriotism and traditional values. The nationalistic and patriotic sentiment do not bode well for churches in China, since Christianity is still deeply suspected of having foreign ties and agenda. We pray for growth of churches and spiritual growth of all believers in China
As China’s total wealth has rapidly grown, there are increasingly pronounced imbalances in Chinese society. This is reflected not only in the polarization of incomes and wealth, but also in plainly observable disparities in education, health and other social protections. The disparity of rich and poor churches in China is also widening. We pray church leaders, especially those in the cities will step up and offer some solution to this problem and try to provide some assistance now.
The top one percent of Chinese households possess one-third of the country's domestic wealth while the bottom quarter of them hold only one percent of it. The disparity is greatest in access to housing, education, and health care. Christian philanthropy is still in its infant stage in China. We pray that believers who are blessed by the Lord will first give themselves to God then devote their efforts to helping churches that have few resources. We pray many more wealthy believers will step up and give for the sake of God's Kingdom.


Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Prayer Request 12/6 - 12/12

In China, the slogan of “China Dream” is ubiquitous, it is a vision of a cohesive, equal society, increasingly wealthy and healthy, and happily wedded to Communist Party rule, ardent patriotism and traditional values. The nationalistic and patriotic sentiment do not bode well for churches in China, since Christianity is still deeply suspected of having foreign ties and agenda. We pray for growth of churches and spiritual growth of all believers in China
As China’s total wealth has rapidly grown, there are increasingly pronounced imbalances in Chinese society. This is reflected not only in the polarization of incomes and wealth, but also in plainly observable disparities in education, health and other social protections. The disparity of rich and poor churches in China is also widening. We pray church leaders, especially those in the cities will step up and offer some solution to this problem and try to provide some assistance now.
The top one percent of Chinese households possess one-third of the country's domestic wealth while the bottom quarter of them hold only one percent of it. The disparity is greatest in access to housing, education, and health care. Christian philanthropy is still in its infant stage in China. We pray that believers who are blessed by the Lord will first give themselves to God then devote their efforts to helping churches that have few resources. We pray many more wealthy believers will step up and give for the sake of God's Kingdom.
​In every society, family background plays a powerful role in determining the level of education of ​the people there, but in China political privilege is also an important factor. Having a father who is a Communist Party member also has a clear, positive effect on the number of years an individual will be able to go to school. Many families in China encourage their children to join the Party so they will have the opportunity to advance better. We pray for faith and trust in God for believers who struggle to know how to give their children some advantages in getting ahead.
In China, discrimination against girls has weakened, but it remains a powerful factor in the opportunity for schooling. On average, boys receive 1.5 more years of schooling than girls. Many church workers are female and they face pressure from their family to get married or take on other better jobs. This is particular hard when their parents are not yet believers. We remember their physical and emotional need.
Unequal access to health care has been a source of dissatisfaction for many in China, especially residents of the countryside and small towns where medical insurance has been less widely available and where there are fewer doctors and hospitals. ​Many workers in rural churches must farm to support themselves since they have little money for health care o​r education for their children. We pray that God will bless them with not only good health to serve Him and the Lord will help their children to do well in school.
Christmas is one of the rare and precious occasions for churches in China to have multi-generational services. Usually there are presentations by the seniors, adults of all ages, and especially the children.​ ​We pray for more opportunities for church members of all ages to be together, learning from and edifying each other. We thank the Lord for all of the little ones who perform in the Christmas programs. May the Lord help them to know Jesus well while they're still young.
