Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Prayer Request 9/27--10/3

During the past two years 1,379 college graduates have gone west to Xingjian, a region where many of the Chinese Muslim minorities live, to work as volunteer teachers and helpers in community development. This year 818 others will join them. In this area ministry on university campuses is booming. Many who go there to teach English bear good spiritual fruit. Let us remember the work there, especially that among the Muslims .

"Military training" is a requirement for all new high school students both male and female. While many parents are weary of this physically demanding training, it is the best time for the Party to recruit new members. More than a thousand students will enter twenty seminaries this month. "Political Doctrine" will be a part of their curriculum. Let us pray for spiritual revival for all of the seminary teachers and students in China .

The mandatory retirement age for men is sixty but for women it is five years earlier. Should women be forced to retire at the age of fifty-five? Several lawsuits are being watched closely as women demand a higher retirement age. Many women retire to care for their grandchildren, start a small business, or play the stock market. Chinese churches have yet to involve many men and women who are 50-65 years old and available to serve in the church. Let us pray for this group of ready workers and their Bible training .

In the last three years Beijing has added nearly one million mingong (migrant laborers--nearly ten percent of the people living there) to its population. Seventy-seven percent of them come from neighboring provinces, have worked on the 2008 Olympic construction projects, and are fifteen to thirty-five years old. The city faces a potential crisis when this construction phase finishes and is followed by mass unemployment. Let us pray for the efforts of the Beijing churches to reach out to this group of migrant workers .

Experts say that seventy percent of Chinese parents lack adequate parenting skills. Overprotective parents lead to a generation of young people who have bad temperaments and are unable to tolerate setbacks. Such a deficit is already reflected in the high teen suicide rate in China. There are neither religious teachings nor campaigns to condemn or prevent suicides and suicide crisis services are available only in Beijing, Fujian, and Anhui. Let us pray for a loud voice from the church to answer this crisis which has risen to epidemic proportions .

About seventy to eighty percent of divorces in China are caused by an extra-marital affair. The Women's Federation recommends a reasonable and rational approach by using a trial separation and broader social acceptance of this reality(extra-marital affair damaging marriages). Believers face the same pitfalls and sins in their marriages. Let us pray for divine protection, badly needed marital counseling, and strong teaching from the pulpits .

Government admits the gap between the rich and the poor is approaching a dangerous level. Average urban income is $1,000 a year, while countryside still averages $300. Simmering discontent of the poor has provoked protest and violent labor clashes recently. Chinese believers fall in between these two extremes as well. Let us remember the poor and needy believers, their unfaltering faith in Christ and how urban churches can assist .




中國首都北京外來流動人口3年內增加了100萬 (多屬建築勞工,占全市居民的10%) 這些從鄰省遷來從事奧運工程的外來民工中,77%是15至35歲的青年人。等工程告一段落後,這些面臨失業的人,極有可能將形成阻礙北京社會治安和經濟發展上的隱患。讓我們為當地教會針對外來民工的福音事工來守望代禱。

中國心理專家認爲: 70%家長的教育方式不合格,導致年輕人整體適應力差,抗挫力差。其中30%是過分保護, 30%是過分監督,還有10%是傳統的嚴厲懲罰。目前這代青少年成長環境較優越,又缺乏反對自殺的宗教或法律禁令,以致國內青少年自殺率高居不下。全國僅有北京、福建、安徽設有自殺防範熱線,讓我們禱告眾教會能發出強大的迴響,防堵此一時代流行的危機。



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