Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Prayer Request 12/25 - 12/31

In the classic “24 stories of Filial Piety”, a collection of tales of obedient children, the heroes include the son who strangled a tiger to save his father, and Dong Yong, who sold himself to pay for his father's funeral rites. The new list appears to be more practical and prosaic.In China, Christianity has always been seen as a foreign religion that asks its followers to love Jesus more than parents. We pray that believers do honor their parents and take good care of them; it is one of the best testimonies to win unbelieving parents too.
Data shows that near half of the Chinese households are “empty nested” - without children. Some cities are nearly 70% empty-nested. In 2010, there were 41.5 million 65 years old and older who are living alone; by 2015, one quarter of older Chinese will be living alone. Let us lift up all those elderly who live alone and unable to attend church worship anymore. We pray that more people from church are willing to go visit them, cheer them up and pray and read the Bible with them. May the Lord bless those who bring joy to the elderly saints.
Changing social mores, the lack of a mature social safety net, and a fast-aging population have made officials keener than ever to promote filial piety. Recently, officials have updated an ancient morality text, as they seek to encourage a new generation to show suitable gratitude and respect to their parents. What the Bible said about honoring our parents has not changed at all. We pray that all believers will support our elderly parents, financially, willingly and knowing God does bless us when we do so.
The original 24 Filial Exemplars have been updated and designed by Chinese government bureaucrats to encourage good behavior in the "modern era". There is now a big push in schools to encourage “honoring parents” in songs and promotions. As believers honor and love our parents, even the non-believing parents will be touched. Here, we pray especially for the parents who are still resisting the Gospel - may the Lord hear our prayers and soften their hearts.
The new version of "24 acts of filial piety” starts with: 1. Take spouse and child home to visit parents; 2. Spend holiday with parents as much as possible. We want to pray for those believers who do not have a close relationship with their parents. Some are out of neglect and some are because of past pain and hurt. We ask the Lord to give us His forgiveness, knowing we must forgive because our Heavenly Father has forgiven us first. We too pray for those who have problems with in-laws.
The new version of "24 acts of filial piety” includes3. Give them birthday party; 4. Cook for parents; 5. Call parents at least once a week; 6. Give parents enough spending money. Many of these acts are rather easy, but all of us are guilty of not doing them. It is very difficult to share about Jesus with those who we love and also who know us very well. Let us ask the Lord to remind us that our most important harvest field is right here at home.
Two new things Chinese should do for their parents which caused a bit of confusion are: 7 - get a credit for parents to use and pay for it. Also, 14 - Children should not oppose the remarriage of divorced or widowed parents. Money and remarriage certainly can add many wrinkles and heartaches to parent and child relationship. Let us pray for wisdom, patience, generosity and kindness on our part, as we support our elderly parents.
中國傳統中的「24孝」故事有許的英雄人物:十四歲的孝子打虎救父;漢朝孝子董永賣身葬父等。與傳統「24孝」相比,最近出爐的「新24孝」更簡潔易懂,孩童輕易可朗朗上口。 基督教在中國一直被視為外來宗教,尤其要求信徒不燒香祭祖,似乎有違於傳統對孝道的表達方式。我們禱告所有基督徒都能在生活中孝敬父母,細心照顧他們,成為贏得不信父母的好見證,以實際行動來改變國人對孝親的刻板觀念和對基督教的誤解。
根據數據,目前中國城鄉空巢家庭超過50%,部分大中城市甚至高達70% 2010年,全國65歲以上「空巢老人」有4150萬人,預計2015年將超過5100萬人,佔老年人口的近1/4。讓我們為所有獨居,不再能參與教會崇拜的老人們祈求。願主興起教會中更多信徒願意探問年邁長者,鼓勵並陪伴他們禱告讀經。願主記念並賜福給那些安慰老人的信徒們的愛心擺上。
全國婦聯發布了新版「24孝」行動標準,從「孝」字入手,在全國推行孝道,宣傳新「24孝」行動、傳唱新「24孝」歌曲和童謠,倡導「新24孝」運動。孝敬父母是信徒的本分,更是能感動不信父母親最直接有效的行為。我們特別為那些仍拒絕福音的爸媽們代求,求主聆聽我們不斷的禱告,軟化他們剛硬的心;也賜下恒心 、毅力在每天生活中活出敬虔、孝順的好見証。
新版「24孝」行動標準中第一到第三項是 1.經常帶著愛人、子女回家; 2.節假日盡量與父母共度; 3.為父母舉辦生日宴會。我們為那些與父母親關係疏遠的信徒來禱告, 或許是我們忽視,或許是其中有苦楚及受過傷害,都求主賜給我們擁有寬恕的能力,先饒恕他們,因為天父已經饒恕了我們。 同樣的,我們也為有如婆媳矛盾等姻親不合的家庭來求主賜下醫治。
新版「24孝」行動標準:4.親自給父母做飯; 5.每週給父母打個電話; 6.父母的零花錢不能少。其實這些行動並不是很難做到的,但是我們往往沒能做到。向我們的家人,我們所愛的人分享耶穌,也常是最難的,因為他們認識我們最真實的面貌。 求主提醒我們,我們的家人是我們生命中最重要的禾場,我們每日在親人眼前的更新和變化也是最強而有力為主做的見証。
在新版「24孝」中,有兩項比較特別的項目:第7項「為父母建立『關愛卡』」- 這應該是替父母親開信用卡讓他們使用,而孩子們來支付; 還有就是第14項「支持單身父母再婚,不要一味地反對」父母與成長的子女之間的關係,也會因著錢與再婚的問題而造成緊張。求主加給我們智慧與耐心,用寬廣與良善的心態來鼓勵、支持年邁父母對他們人生所作的決定。

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Prayer Request 12/18 - 12/24

During the past twelve years banks in Shangqui, Henan have refused to accept small change. The local bus company had to pay their drivers with the change collected from bus fares. On payday the drivers would lug home a huge bag of coins or small bills. Chinese coins are practically worthless due to inflation yet it is common to see many small bills in the offering plate at church. Believers in China are no longer poor but the amount of their offerings has not improved. We ask the Lord to show them how we will all be blessed when we are faithful stewards of what He has entrusted to us and His house will then lack nothing.
Taking the average income as a guide, it takes 25 years to buy an apartment in Beijing, and 30-40 years in Shanghai or Shenzhen. In New York City, it takes about 6 years and 20.8 years in Hong Kong to pay for an apartment. We pray for all believers that their emotions will not go up and down because of the price of homes. We know our hearts should be on the Lord alone and not on the wealth we own, so we can love Him steadfastly.
In China, temporary workers are often used as a convenient scapegoat when something goes wrong. When chengguan officers severely beat a street vendor, the incident was blamed on “temporary workers.” When a building was wrongfully demolished, “temporary workers” get the blame too. In general, urban churches do not reach out to the large number of migrant workers from villages because they are uneducated or unsophisticated. We pray that we all would learn to love those people Jesus would welcome, the sinners and the social outcasts.
It is reported that the property market in China has started slowly to recover. In July, the average price for a new apartment in one hundred cities was 8717 yuan per square meter. This report also said that the road to recover former property will be a long, difficult one. Many Chinese have the ability to buy more than one apartment. Many speculators are stuck with houses bought when the market was high and even Christians are no exception. We pray for genuine faith in God, and contentment and joy from Him to rule their lives rather than the rising or falling price of real estate or the stock market.
Chinese people tend to put money away in savings rather than spending it since there is a lack of services available to finance loans or to borrow money to pay for things. People from the villages who go to work in cities, must accumulate enough cash to buy a house there or they will not be able to enjoy the social benefits city residents do. We pray for those Christians from rural areas who work in cities. They work hard to be able to send money home so they pay a huge price by sacrificing their family relationships to work. We pray for God's strength, a strong faith in Him, and always the strong desire to walk close to Jesus.
Under the one-child policy, Chinese parents know that if they don't have enough savings there might not be anyone to care for them because a young married couples must care for four elderly parents one day. Bible teaches us to honor our parents and not to despise them when they are old. We pray for those elderly parents who worry about whether their children will support them or not, especially those who have relationship problem with the in-laws. May the Lord bring about changes in their hearts and attitudes.
There are many churches springing up in the cities, the vast majority of them are independent and not connected or associated with each others. Believers usually do not know about believers in other, even for those churches who are nearby.We want to pray for these independent churches, for good ministry in worship, fellowship and discipleship. May the Lord release them from the sense of loneliness, but rather be used greatly by God, and become a great testimony in their neighborhood and leading many to Christ.

一份調查報告說,樓市已開始有些復蘇。7月中國100個城市(新建)住宅平均價格為每平方米8717元。然而房地產市場要恢復到曾經呈現的繁榮景象,將是一個漫長、艱難的跋涉。有能力買房子的中國人,持有房屋幾乎都會超過一套,不少買家也被房子套牢,就連信徒也不例外。求主堅定我們對神的信心,敬虔加上知足地在世度日,而不是受房價, 股票起伏的影響,失去在主裡的喜樂與平安。
中國一胎化生育政策導致一對年輕夫婦需要照顧四位老年人。中國父母知道:到退休前,如果不存夠錢, 將來到他們年老時可能會無人照顧。基督徒孝敬父母是理所當然的,奉養年邁雙親也是聖經的重要教導。我們為年長的信徒來禱告,尤其是那些擔心自己的孩子是否會孝順照顧他們的,尤其是家中有婆媳不合的問題,家中充滿了壓力。願主恩待他們,也改變他們兩代的心態。

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Prayer Request 12/11 - 12/17

The Ministry of Education in China requires students at vocational schools to spend time as interns. However there have been recurring problems and abuses. Recently students under the age of sixteen can not work as interns in nightclubs and bars. Students at these schools are considered failures academically and that same attitude prevails in churches. We want to pray that all people, especially those with little education and who are not white-collared workers, will feel welcomed and accepted in every church.
China currently has more than 10,000 vocational schools run by the government. Some of these schools turned their freshmen students into students whereby they can get free labor by mandating them to work in factories and then collecting the money from the "student laborers". Believers in China tend to have the attitude that ministry in the church should be done by people who are paid or have nothing else to do. We need to pray that believers are willing to serve, not only where others can see what they are doing but also silently and doing what other people would consider "lowly chores".
The kind of work performed by "student laborers" is usually simple and at the most requires only a few hours of instruction to learn how to do it. In fact, these jobs are usually done by the regularly hired workers. Student workers must pay their school for the privilege to work. While churches encourage their members to share, most have no meaningful things people can do and there is little training available, especially for young people. Let us pray that churches will know how to inspire believers to serve and train them effectively in the area of caring for others.
The majority of the so-called "student laborers" know they have little chance of getting into college but are not satisfied to settle as "migrant laborers" all of their lives either. They try to get some technical skill by enrolling in vocational schools but they rarely learn any marketable skills. Not every young person in the churches is college bound and those who have high academic achievements find themselves uncomfortable in the churches. Again, we pray for more believers with a high education for the churches in China but we also pray that the churches do not despise those who are poor and less well-educated.
Urban Chinese people currently have a basic knowledge of what Christmas is about and even if they do not know it is a celebration of the birth of Jesus, they go along with the idea of buying gifts and holiday festivities. Merchants even sell nicely wrapped apples on Christmas and call them "Peace Fruit". We pray that more Chinese people will not only understand the superficial meaning of Christmas but they will know the true reason Jesus came into this world. We also pray that churches will become very prominent during this season and the Lord will bless their planned efforts to reach out into their neighborhoods.
In the Western China, some churches have a more solid foundation, but many are weak and struggling. Some churches lack a good grasp of Biblical truth and many others are involved in factionalism or have problem with their financial accountability. We pray for these weakness and problems churches face, may the Lord give them power to confront these challenges. We ask the Lord to send more workers to teach the truth and help them especially in the area of church administration.
Many urban churches have experienced increase in attendances and expansion of ministries. These churches offer many programs and their leaders are so busy with church works and lack the opportunity to grow spiritually themselves. Those who serve much in church are in danger of spiritual crisis because they easily and often experience burnout. We pray for God’s renewal, His blessing on their ministries, so everything they do will continue to grow steadily and healthily.
中國教育部規定,職業學校學生在校期間必須接受一定時間的實習。由於「學生工」問題屢屢發生,最近明令禁止16 歲以下的職校學生到酒吧及夜總會等娛樂場所實習。就讀職業學校在一般人的眼光中,代表學科表現不佳,並非是光彩的,在教會裡會眾的眼中也不例外。我們祈求主的赦免與憐憫,禱告每個中國教會都能以基督看待你我的眼光,用謙和、平等的心來歡迎並接納那些未受高等教育,也不是白領階級的人,一同來到神家中。
中國目前約有1萬多所由政府辦理的國立職業學校。一些職業學校近年來利用低年級學生成為廉價、甚至免費的勞動力,與企業勾結獲利,造成「學生工」問題。中國信徒往往也有此類盲點,誤認教會的事工是支薪的或「有閒」的人該做的,他們自己沒有必要做。 我們為每一位信徒,都有樂意服事神的心志來禱告,求神幫助我們,不單在人前做,且能默默完成人們看為「卑微的」的雜事,因為是忠心為主所擺上的,神必記念。
多數「學生工」自覺讀大學無望,又不甘成為「農民工」,於是進入技校或職業高中學習,企圖習得一技傍身,但往往發現自己根本就學不到一些實質性的技術。並非每個年輕信徒都能考進大學。未能進入大學的, 則認為自己在教會中格格不入,沒有感受到真正被接納。 許多人常為中國教會能有更多高知識份子加入而禱告,但我們更是要為教會能不鄙視窮人和低教育程度的廣大群眾祈求,因為神尤其看顧、憐憫他們跟憐恤你我一樣。
中國城市居民普遍地對基督教的認識日增,縱然不明白聖誕節的意義,也跟得上過節的潮流,使『平安果』(一個用美麗的禮物紙裹著、繫上絲帶的普通蘋果)在平安夜(1224日)特別暢銷!求主幫助更多中國人能了解耶穌基督降生的真正目的,以致得著神要賜福的真的平安。我們 也為在聖誕節期間有許多外展的教會禱告,求神藉著他們的辛勞擺上,祝福他們手中的善工,使更多鄰舍有機會經歷神恩典的豐盛。
有些在中國西部的教會,他們屬靈的根基較穩固,但也有些教會仍很幼嫩, 除了弄不清楚聖經真理外,還有派別之爭,更有財務管理的透明度上的問題。我們為以上教會的現況和軟弱禱告,求主幫助教會能自省檢討,靠主大能面對眼下的挑戰,化危機為轉機,力求改進與突破。也求主差派合宜的工人在教導聖經真理和擬定、執行事工計劃等方面給予支援。
不少城市教會發展得很快,信徒也不斷增多,我們為此感謝神的恩典。不過由於事工發展急速,教會常以活動為主體,小組組長們都是忙忙碌碌地事奉, 缺乏機會彼此分享生命中較深層的問題和想法,這是事奉者常出現的靈命危機。讓我們為所有在城市教會裡忙碌於事奉的肢體們祈求,為他們個人的靈命能在與神緊密聯結的靈修禱告中得著更新,也為他們參與的事工的發展及素質不致下降,能藉著神賜下的智慧、能力穩行高處代禱。

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Prayer Request 12/4 - 12/10

There are many weary pastors in the house churches who have no place to go to heal, be refreshed, re-equipped, and spiritually renewed. The idea of an annual vacation or time off is foreign to people in the house churches and the fact that so many pastors are emotionally spent is dangerous. We beseech the Lord to heal these injured and weary preachers so they may experience the kind of healing the prophet Elijah found when he was nourished by God in a miraculous way and then returned to be strong in doing God's work.
In the house churches in China there are very few places where weary pastors can recover or recoup their strength. There are hardly any spiritual mentors who can provide guidance for the weary younger pastors and when they feel spent emotionally, pastors are criticized as unspiritual. Older pastors will criticize younger pastors as "unable to endure suffering and making sacrifices for Jesus". China has a great shortage of church workers and we urgently pray for mercy for those pastors who are weary and disappointed.
The wives of the pastors of house churches are very much neglected and lonely and this is causing a crisis. The culture of the country is very masochistic and has an erroneous view of what a pastor's wife should be which makes the situation much worse and causes church members not to value the role and importance of their pastor's wife. We thank the Lord for the contributions and ministries of the wives of our pastors. We pray for a vibrant and joyful spirit for them, that the Holy Spirit will comfort them, and that they will be encouraged by the praise and respect they receive, and also that they are affirmed by their families.
The wives of the pastors of house churches often shoulder heavy loads. They are expected to support their husbands, they are called on to do counseling and care for the sisters (whether married or unmarried) in the church. They often serve in silence and are unappreciated. May the Lord correct the wrong views we have toward the wives of our pastors. We pray that there will be ladies in the church who will befriend their pastor's wife and pray with her and care about her. We pray, too, that their husbands will know how to help them and be considerate of them.
Unfortunately many churches in China neither value nor respect the role a pastor's wife plays. In many ways they are treated unfairly and even neglected. It is sad to see many of them suffer from depression and find no joy in serving in their churches. We need to pray for the marital relationship of pastors and their wives, that they will learn to serve as a team in their churches. May the Lord encourage them and help them not to become discouraged or give up because their church treats them so immaturely. We pray, too, that the people in the churches will respect the wife of their pastor as a person and not just as a worker whom they do not need to pay.
Children of pastors in China are often ignored by their parents because the church work demands so much of their time. Pastors often become negligent or even absentee fathers to their children. We ask the Lord to be gracious to every believer who serves Him and to bless their families so their families will know that God does not forget each little thing we do for Him and that God blesses the whole family because one person is showing the love of God in His name.
In China preacher's children are at risk because there are so many unreasonable demands and expectations placed on them by church members. Many of them have behavioral problems, spiritual crises, and even become disgusted with the church. We pray for mercy for the sons and daughters of all pastors in the churches in China. May the Lord safeguard their hearts and protect them from the negative things found in the churches. We pray that pastors will be good parents, keep their promises to their children, and completely fulfill their roles and responsibilities as parents.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Prayer Request 11/27 - 12/3

An estimated twenty-five percent of the luxury purchases in the world are now made by Chinese nationals--a fivefold increase from five percent in 2007. China remains the market where brands of luxury items are recruiting customers rather than serving repeats. Chinese believers are much better off financially than they were in the past but their giving has not increased much. We pray for thanksgiving for them and also that they will willingly and joyfully give to the Lord.
The market for luxury goods is booming in China because of the expansion by retailers in all of the cities which means there is a trend to open shops selling luxury goods in cities as large as Paris or San Francisco for the first time. The number of churches in smaller cities is actually greater than that in the big ones in China. In the so-called mid-sized cities, many churches have no full-time pastors. Let us pray for vision, wisdom, boldness, and a strong witness for those brothers and sisters who lead these churches.
The Chinese government faces the problem of an ever-increasing foreign trade reserve. Officials are concerned on how to spend this huge fund, about devaluation of the US dollars and investment returns. Chinese companies also worry about the safety, liquidity and preservation of their trade reserves. Although majority of Chinese believers are better off today than twenty years ago financially, the giving has not increased significantly in most churches. We ask the Lord to give all believers a heart of thanksgiving and generosity, rather than feeling they are still poorer compared to others.
Chinese churches shun away from talking about money and finances as if it is not spiritual. Money matters, compensation for pastors and tithing are generally taboo subjects. These all contribute to the neglect of pastors. We pray for changing of the attitude of all believers, of giving thanks for what we have and willingness to give to God with gladness. May the Lord change Chinese believers' attitudes toward God’s servants, willing to care for them more financially.
Many farmers move into cities but can still collect dividends from the agricultural collective back home, land compensation, or even resettlement benefits if their land was bought. Cities want to have the cheap laborers from the villages but prefer not to offer them adequate social benefits. Urban residents, however, commonly dislike and despise the migrant workers from the villages. We pray that rural believers would show the love of Jesus to migrant laborers in their neighborhood and have the burden to share the gospel with them.
The decline of the church in rural China is quite evident. The majority of rural believers working in the cities are plugged into local churches there or even stop attending church. Thus, the vast majority of rural believers who move into the cities are lost to the church where they grew up. May the Lord have mercy on all the ministries designed to reach out and care for migrant workers in the cities. We need to pray for churches in the countryside to know how to disciples their young believers so they will not be lost to the temptations they face in the cities.
The one-child policy in China implies that one young couple will have to care for four elderly people and as the villages have become more urbanized, the expense of caring for the elderly has quickly risen. It is Biblical for believers to honor their parents and care for them when they are old. Let us pray that young Christians will be willing to care for their aging parents and treat them with love and tenderness, thus through these actions and coupled with their testimony, lead them to know Jesus Christ as Savior.

據估計全球25%奢侈品的購買者是中國人 - 這個數字是2007年的五倍。 中國奢侈品市場被看好是因為,新的客人不斷地的增加,而不僅僅是原有客源重覆消費. 中國肢體經濟條件大幅改進,但對教會的奉獻雖有提昇但卻沒有顯著的增加。我們為弟兄姊妹能甘心樂意的奉獻代禱。
許多人的戶口在農村,可以享受到村集體經濟分紅,征地補償,回遷安置房等收益。 對城市而言,需要外地人做廉價的勞工,卻又希望盡量少承擔對他們的公共服務和社會保障。城市的居民一般對外地來的人存著排斥的態度。 我們再次為城市教會禱告,求主賜下愛心,對在教會附近的外來農民工多有關懷,也有向他們傳福音的負擔。