Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Prayer Request 8/28 - 9/3

In the past Chinese believers have been quite faithful to their churches. However, in recent years there has been a lot more church-hopping and even some splits in the urban churches.​ ​The apostle Paul​ admonished. "If it be possible, be at peace with all people." We pray for the humility of Christ for all of the churches in China as well as that church leaders will listen to and consider the ideas of their members and be willing to take their suggestions.
The so-called "disconnected Christians" in China left their churches because of dissatisfaction with the leadership or disagreement with the practices of their church and "hopped" over to another church.​ Many churches in China boast a large attendance, but only a small percentage participate in fellowship groups or are committed to serve. We pray for more dedicated believers for every church, and many who will be both “listener​s to​ and doers of the Word”, rather​ than​ merely attendee​s​ in church services.
Some “disconnected” Christians are actually in a new city because of work and are searching for a new church. They are not committed to a local church and often do not have a regular church life, until they are settled down. We want to pray specifically for this group of believers. May the ​Lord keep their hearts and minds, so they do not fall prey to temptations and ​be ​able to continue to walk closely with Jesus Christ.
Because of political circumstances, churches in China have always been reserved or suspicious towards newcomers or believers from other churches. They felt the need to “observe” and “be observed​”, ​so ​this invariably led to fewer believers being accepted or trusted. We pray that God will give the church leaders the wisdom to distinguish between "wheat" and "tares" , and enable them to build up a co-worker team to serve.
“Disconnected” believers often left their church​es​ because of difference in opinions or theological stands. They move​d​ between churches and even started​ new fellowship​s​ or churches. New church​es​ started in such circumstances often face considerable challenges. We pray specifically for them and ask God to give them visions and strategies, so they can overcome the bitterness brought about by separation, and remain true to the Bible and fervent for spreading the Gospel.
There are also believers who have left ​churches due to​ their dissatisfaction with the church system. Young Christians advocate personality and assertiveness. They are not willing to “listen” and are more willing to be free. Therefore, when the church is managed by the system, it will inevitably create tension. ​The church must do its utmost to preserve the spirit of oneness that comes from the Holy Spirit. We pray for humility for both leaders and the believers under them. We pray that all of us will love the Lord. ​
Christians in China​ are greatly influenced by popular culture and what they see online about churches overseas. The internet allows them to see what other churches are doing so they are no longer content with the traditional style of worship in their churches. We pray that believers will not simply imitate the appearance and style of worship of other churches but will be deeply motivated by the enthusiasm of others and have a willingness to serve the Lord.​


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Prayer Request 8/21 - 8/27

Urban churches in China face external pressure from the government and overwhelming secularism but the root problem that shakes them from within is a shallow theological and inadequate administrative structure. ​Superficially, urban churches are growing in numbers but we pray for a revival of believers in the cities. Many people are merely going to church but not getting involved in serving God in their churches.​
A real hidden crisis in the churches of China is a lack of unity. Every church cares about its own and not about speaking with another church whether it is a TSPM​ or house, urban or rural, evangelical or charismatic church. God forgives our pride, our boasting, and false humility. We pray for a spirit of unity for all churches, always seeing what we can learn from others, generous in giving our praise and spurring​ one another in love for the Lord.
There is not only lack of unity between churches but also within a church. It is very common in China to have strife between co-workers. People are critical, judgmental, and denounce one another.​ We pray for church leaders who criticize or attack other churches​ or pastors for being unspiritual. It is sad that younger believers will imitate their exact behaviors and harbor a critical spirit. “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.”(Eph.5:21)
Unity of churches in China is not calling for each one to have the same theology, system of worship, or church administration. True unity is expressed in many forms but oneness in truth, in God's spirit, and in mission. Unfortunately, false humility and spiritual pride abound. These are not pleasing to our Lord so we pray that all the leaders will imitate our Lord and model His sacrificial love for the members of their church. "For we being many are one bread and one body." (l Cor. 10:17)​
The greatest hidden crisis and danger churches in China have is the issue of pride, and believers are prideful of the rapid growth and booming ministries of their churches. This is the same way Chinese are very nationalistic and proud of China’s economic and militarily might. We pray for true humility for all believers in China, so they will stand firm before the​ Lord Jesus.
Another hidden crisis of churches in China is the issue of ambition. Some church leaders put enormous emphasis on numeric growth of members and meeting points. It is said, politics​ within churches are just as bad as outside. ​The merciful Lord forgives all of us so we pray that churches in China will have a pure, simplistic approach and a clean heart so a great revival can come. "And I will give you pastors according to Mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding." (Jer. 3:15)
A hidden problem among churches in China is the fast approach to faith. Ministries are done quickly, but the price we are paying is making the truth of God shallow, superficial and all too practical. We praise God for a large number of conversions, but the follow-up and discipleship of new believers are much harder. We pray that God will raise up more teachers willing to disciple, mentor and follow up these baby Christians.

當前中國城市教會正面臨嚴峻的考驗。外在的壓力、世俗的誘惑,固然會動搖教會;然而最致命的問題卻是隱藏於教會自身 — 根基不穩固,結構不合理。表面上,城市教會人數大有增多,可是我們要為信徒靈命扎實,經歷復興來祈求。不是只有參加聚會,而是更願意參與教會事工和委身投入服侍。
在有些教會内部裡,同工間相咬相吞,彼此論斷指責、缺乏寬容與接納。我們要為中國教會領袖禱告,當他們責備某些教會情況、批評某傳道人不屬靈時,年輕的信徒往往也會依樣畫葫蘆,仿傚他們的苛責與不接納的行徑,滋長隨意批評論斷的心態,對靈性造成極大的虧損。求主教導我們: 當存敬畏基督的心,彼此順服。(弗5:21)
教會自身隱藏另一個危機之一是野心。許多教會世俗化地發展人際關係的手段,在中國教會隨處可見。 有些教會領袖更將發展教會作為滿足自己野心的目標,自豪於人數增長與事工的效果。求主憐憫赦免我們的自義和不足,願中國教會都能保持當初單純、質樸、潔淨的心,以此迎接大復興。「我也必將合我心的牧者賜給你們。他們必以知識和智慧牧養你們。」(耶 3:15)

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Prayer Request 8 /14 - 8/20

Since the new religious policy was implemented in China, many house churches have been shut down due to their "illegal religious activities". Christianity is now perceived of as a political danger which is vulnerable to "foreign infiltration" so it is tightly controlled. This crackdown has caused believers to be scattered and some have even left their churches or ministries. We pray for continuing love and fervor for those who now worship in smaller groups in their homes. May the Lord use them to take the gospel to more people and places (Acts 8:1-4)
The new religious policy in China allows house churches to be registered in their neighborhoods. However, many overzealous local officials are forcing house churches to join the Three-self churches, rather than simply register with the authorities (and technically be able to worship openly). We know there are always many difficulties involved in complying to the laws of the land. Many church leaders have strong personal convictions and have had bad experiences. We pray these people would have wisdom and vision as well as favor with the authorities.
As the religious policy in China tightens, some house churches are forced to relocate. Local officials often threaten the landlords to "get rid of the tenants engaged in illegal activities" lest they themselves face fines or seizure of property, so they would either cancel the lease or raise the rent steeply so a house church could no longer afford it. Many churches have to meet in smaller groups at homes, rather than together in their rented facilities. Let us pray for churches who are debating the very thorny question of whether to register with the authorities in order to worship legally. May the Lord give them peace and faith in these difficult days.
The new religious policy has also deeply affected student ministries on many college campuses in China. There is a lot more pressure from teachers than in the past, and school officials specifically warn students not to attend these small Bible study groups. In general, there has been a drop in attendance. Many young people come to know about Christ for the first time through campus ministries. We pray for boldness and strength for both the leaders and the students. May the Lord reward their dedication and bless them with a good harvest of souls.
Even as the religious policy tightens in China, many believers have shown resilience in dealing with pressure and continue to rely on the Lord. More and more people have realized the importance of discipleship through families and small fellowship groups and sharing the truth orally, instead of relying on books and handouts. We pray that Christian parents will realize that it is the responsibility of parents to rear godly children and not delegate that responsibility to God Himself or to the churches or Sunday schools. May there be a revival of family worship in the homes of Chinese believers.
China's divorce laws state that residential property is not regarded as jointly owned and does not need to be divided equally in the event of a divorce. Instead, whoever paid for the apartment or house is the legal owner and gets to keep it in its entirety. The divorce rate in China is rising and in churches too. We pray for more Christian families to bear witness for Christ in this time of high divorce rates and “quick marriage, quick divorce” among the young people. We specifically pray for Christian fathers to wake up and take up their God-given responsibilities for their families.
The law in China now readily grants a divorce if evidence of physical violence, abuse, or abandonment​ can be proven and interventions have failed. ​We pray that churches will attempt to provide​ at least some teaching on preserving marriages. Pastors are often overwhelmed with many ministry demands, and we ask the Lord to raise up mature older believers whom young couples can model and seek for guidance and encouragement.

自從新宗教政策實施以來,更多的家庭教會因著“非法宗教活動”被關閉。基督教似乎比其他宗教更有政治危險性,由於易受 “外國滲透”,而受到官方更嚴密管制。教會被關門,導致信徒分散,有些信徒甚至放棄信仰。我們為那些分散在家中,以小組方式崇拜的信徒禱告,求神保守他們,愛主更深,多有火熱,也因著信徒被分散,將福音傳給帶更多的人(使徒行傳8:1-4)。
隨著宗教政策的收緊,有些家庭教會被迫搬遷。地方官員也會威脅房東終止 “從事非法活動的房客”,不然就被罰款或扣押。因此,房東會急著取消租約,或是大幅提高租金,迫使教會放棄活動。許多教會需要放棄租用的房子,改成以小組在家中聚會。我們為那些正在討論是否要註冊的家庭教會禱告,求主賜給他們平安和信心。
在家庭暴力的問題上,如果一方能證實自己身體遭暴力、虐待或被遺棄,且曾嘗試尋求調停仍無效,新的中國婚姻法會批准離異。 求主幫助教會能提供適當的婚姻輔導。傳道人可能無法兼顧教會各方面的需要,求主使用更多靈命成熟的年長肢體,能成為年輕夫婦效法的榜樣,也能以恩慈給予輔導和鼓勵。

Monday, August 06, 2018

Prayer Request 8/7 - 8/13

Filial piety is valued highly in the Chinese culture, so the Biblical concept of “leaving one's parents after marriage” is an abhorrent idea for Chinese believers. Let us pray for the relationship between believers and their parents/in-laws. May the Lord answer their prayers for the salvation of their unbelieving parents and may He heal those who have a strained relationship.
Modern day responsibilities of parents in China include buying an apartment for children entering marriage. Young Chinese have grown used to this gift too. However, parents also expect their children to care for them in retirement. We pray for young Christian married couples as they cope with the spoken and unspoken expectations from their parents, that they will be a good witness to their parents.
One difficulty Christians in China face is what to do about funeral practices there, especially among non-believing relatives. Families are obliged to held elaborate and even extravagant rituals and ceremonies to show their affection for the deceased. We pray for Christians who are involved in the funeral of unbelieving relatives that the Lord will give them wisdom and guide them to be able to honor the deceased and win the favor and understanding of family members but still not compromise their faith in Jesus Christ.
In China, unbelieving families follow the local customs and superstitions for a funeral. The common practices include Taoist monks chanting, ‘warriors’ carrying the coffin, and loud band to escort the procession. Some Christians invite a church choir to sing instead. We pray for spiritual discernment for believers who are involved in planning a funeral, that they will know what is superstition or contrary to Bible teaching and be able to apply the essence of their faith in the mix of myriads of customs and traditions.
Funerals in China now include offering of floral wreaths and incense. These are practices Christians should avoid since they are meant as worship to the deceased. However, laying flowers next to the deceased is a Christian practice that is not worshipping like the offering of incense. We pray that believers will always have a good relationship with their families, especially at the time of funerals. May the Lord give them wisdom to help their families, to be generous and a good witness for Jesus.
In China, there is a customary “cleansing banquet” after the funeral. Christians have no need for such purification, but spending time with relatives during such a meal is a good thing. Believers know that superstition and folk customs are of no value. We pray that they will always be eager to help and to be there to comfort so their families do not see them as cold and heartless.
In China, Christians face the question of whether to wear the funeral sack clothing or not. This is a superstitious practice, so many believers wear black or white instead. Christians should not participate in the burning of paper money for the afterlife but they do need to gently communicate with their families why they don't do this. If they feel they must conform, they can help others fold the money but not in the burning of it. May the Lord give each of us wisdom and a good relationship with our unbelieving family members, especially our parents and in-laws.

現代家長有一個必需要盡的責任,就是為計劃結婚的孩子買一棟房子,這也成了中國年輕人對父母想當然爾的期待。同時,家長也期望年輕夫婦能在他們生活有需要時及晚年或退休後照顧他們和養老。我們為年輕信徒夫妻在面對和處理父母的期望時 (不論是有聲或無言的),都能給父母美好的見證。
中國基督徒可能遇到的另一種難題是如何操辦喪禮。因為近年的喪禮越來越盛大, 還添加了很多儀式,人們往往用舖張奢華的方式來表示他們對死者的愛意。我們為那些要籌備親人喪禮的基督徒禱告,求主使他們知道神的帶領,並且能夠有智慧找到正面的方式來尊榮逝者,讓至親好友能諒解而不至妥協信仰。
基督徒要儘量避免一般喪禮中有捻香及獻「花圈」,這些祭拜神靈的儀式。基督教喪禮中,雖將鮮花放置遺體旁,但並沒有祭拜神靈的涵義,是可行的。求主幫助信徒平時就能得到家人的體諒,也事先有良好的溝通。 尤其在家中有喪事時,求主賜信徒有智慧多幫助家人、誠懇投入,流露基督馨香之氣,讓人看到基督徒不一樣的人生觀、價値觀。
中國式喪禮結束後,常有「解穢宴」招待吊喪的親友。基督徒不須解穢,但可藉著用餐有更多機會去陪伴或安慰喪家,也是好事。我們知道迷信與傳統殤禮習俗對逝者及生者的靈魂得救都是無用的。求主幫助信徒在社會禮俗中,該出現時,絕不缺席;能幫的忙也絕不推辭, 好使家人、親友看到我們與哀者同哀的誠意,非冷漠無情。