Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Prayer Request 8/27 - 9/2

There are giant factory-cities in many places in China which are essentially a world of their own. They include factories that employ tens of thousands of young people with their own dormitories, restaurants, and recreational facilities. And many of these workers are from Christian families and they are a long way from home. May the Lord give them work and interpersonal skills so they can quickly adjust to life and continue to read their Bibles and pray so they will not drift away from God.
The demanding around-the-clock work schedule of millions of young workers in the mega factory cities in China means that many of them can escape from the tedious work routines only at night and that means they spend their free time in the high life of nearby night clubs. Every night young workers dance to vent their anger and stress. Leaving home often means leaving God for many young believers. We pray that young Christians working in these factory-cities can quickly find churches or fellow Christians, have the boldness to share, and stay vibrant in their faith. May the Lord protect their minds and thoughts.
In China’s factory towns, summer is the low season so many workers get a day or two off on weekends which gives them the motivation to return to the assembly line on Monday. There are some meeting points where these workers from rural regions congregate and worship together. We pray for these gatherings and ask the Lord to use them helping those who attend to grow deeper spiritually and also lead other workers to Jesus.
Employees in the mega-factories in China must wear matching uniforms. They say the supervisors routinely curse and yell at them. In the residential compounds, rows of brick dormitories house up to eight workers in a room filled with metal bunk beds, plus a combination shower-toilet—not much else. Some factories, however, are owned by Christians who allow some sharing of the gospel, such as handing out gospel tracts or booklets and even the showing of Christian films. We pray that these will sow good seeds and lead some of the workers to Christ.
The vast majority of workers in the mega-factories in China do not consider their job as a lifetime career but for now they are content to bask in the joys of youth—meeting people of the opposite sex and getting drunk with co-workers. Late at night the “love hotels” are packed because factory dormitories are separated by gender. The likely reasons for Christian youth to drift away from their faith include: long work hours, little time to rest, the inability to find churches or Christians friends. Let us pray for these believers who once were active Christians but now are no longer walking with Jesus. May the Lord have mercy on them.
By and large Chinese migrant workers work in the factories but a few own small businesses in the coastal provinces—workers coming from the inland provinces.  So factories present a huge opportunity to share the gospel to young people from deeper inland. This trend of young people moving to cities for work will continue. Yet they are often neglected in terms of being reached and ministered to. May the Lord have mercy and we pray that churches will answer the call to share the gospel of salvation through Jesus with them.
Those who come from the villages to seek work in the cities are often more receptive to the gospel than others since they are away from home and their hearts are open to the warmth in the church or fellowship group. We pray the urban churches will pay more attention to the needs of this part of the population and feel the burden of the Lord to send people to help these young people adapt to their environment and use their spare time to arrange for meetings to help them grow spiritually that those believers who feel “We are migrant workers” can join them or form a spiritual home (meeting point) to learn to pray and grow spiritually.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Prayer Request 8/20 - 8/26

When tourists from China go abroad now, they have silk scarves, Swiss watches, and Louis Vuitton handbags on their “must buy” list along with a load of milk powder. Their obsession with foreign milk powder stems from a distrust of the domestic brands. Chinese Christians have a certain amount of mistrust about the management of both their churches and the funds managed by the churches. There is no real legal entity for house churches but we pray they will have more transparency and be able to encourage the members to serve willingly as well as to support them financially.
People from China are buying up milk powder for infants everywhere they can get it outside of China. Consequently, that has led to a shortage of this product in several countries from neighboring Hong Kong (a formal offense there) to the Netherlands and New Zealand. Very few churches in China have a meaningful ministry for toddlers and little children. Most believers with little children simply stop going to church because of the lack of childcare and programs for the children. We pray that churches will quickly provide such services and keep young parents involved in their churches.
The safety of milk powder is the number one concern among pregnant women and families with new babies. People ask their friends, “When you travel overseas, can you help me get some milk powder?” Last year forty-one percent of the people of China said that food safety was a very serious problem compared with only twelve percent in 2008. We pray for Christian families who are pregnant or have just had a new baby. Many young parents have their own parents helping them care for their new child. May the Lord give them wisdom, assurance, and strength in their new responsibilities and adjustment to their in-laws who are not believers.
People in China are asking, “How can we trust food made in China after reading all of these horrendous stories about the safety of food here. We are the parents of our children and nobody can accuse us for merely wanting the best for our babies. It is not that we don’t love our country, we just dare not take the risk.” All parents want the best for their only child. We pray that believers will give thanks to God for the new child, dedicate him/her to the Lord, and commit to teach him/her to follow God’s commandments.
There are giant factory-cities in many places in China which are essentially a world of their own. They include factories that employ tens of thousands of young people with their own dormitories, restaurants, and recreational facilities. Many of these workers are from Christian families and they are a long way from home. May the Lord give them work and interpersonal skills so they can quickly adjust to life and continue to read their Bibles and pray so they will not drift away from God.
Every Chinese political leader has his own slogan from "Three Represents" to "Harmonious Society" but the phrase used by the new president of China "Chinese Dream" is widely considered as the governing catch phrase and it has a more captivating ring. Chinese Christians also like to throw out catchy slogans but unfortutately, these remain unbiblical and unrealistic. We pray that nationalistic fervor and a sense of ethnic superiority wil not be mixed with the Biblical commands to take the gospel to the unreached and show them the love of Jesus Christ.
The "China Dream" reinforces the Communist party's theory that it remains the only guarantor of future prosperity and national rejuvenation for the country. To achieve this dream requires that they follow the path laid out by China which is socialism with a Chinese twist. The danger of a slogan is that it can become only words rather than plans and actions. Let us pray that the churches in China will truly be one-hearted rather than divided with mistrust and slandering each other.

中國遊客過去在國外必不可少的採購品是絲巾、瑞士名錶和路易威登(Louis Vuitton)手提包,如今還要加上奶粉。中國父母「迷戀」外國奶粉是基於對國產品牌的不信任 。有些信徒對教會領袖的行政管理及奉獻款的使用也缺乏信任。讓我們為教會的難處禱告,求主憐憫並幫助教會能有更高透明度,鼓勵弟兄姐妹因而甘心樂意參與服事、擺上奉獻。
每一個中國政治領導人都有自己的口號,從「三個代表」 到「和諧社會」。但最新的執政口號「中國夢」,卻是非常的不同,也相當的迷人。華人信徒也常常使用一些動人的口號。遺憾的是,有些口號本身並不一定符合聖經的教導也可能不切實際。求主幫助我們不將神的命令與自我民族優越感混為一談,而是單單地順服神的心意,要把福音傳給未得之民,將耶穌基督的愛分享給他們。

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Prayer Request 8/13 - 8/19

China issued a directive banning the construction of government buildings for the next five years which is the newest tactic which the government is using to attempt to discourage corruption and foster frugality at a time of broad popular resentment against high-living bureaucrats. As citizens become skeptical and even doubtful about any big building projects, we need to pray for churches that are embarking on building projects. We ask the Lord to guard the hearts of both leaders and members of the churches. May the fundraising efforts bring about unity and glorify God.
Beijing has tried to rein in the widely-mocked penchant for grandiosity among local officials. Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province attracted critical attention across China last fall after they began construction on what was initially planned to be the largest government building in Asia. Many cities now boast huge and elegant church buildings. We thank the Lord and pray that these big churches will become beacons and testimonies of God's love. We pray, too, for the smaller house churches near the big churches, for their continuing growth in ministry.
Competency in English is a hurdle for rural students who want to qualify for anything but the worst universities in China. Many villages have no steady English teacher and the students are supposed to learn English early. Most parents cannot find nor can they afford an English tutor. Teaching English is undoubtedly a great way to do evangelism in China. It is also alarming that many Western cults are using this same approach to gather followers. Today we pray for good fruit for the English teachers who are trying to lead people to Christ.
Many high schools in China are boarding schools, an arrangement that allows the local government to impose hefty fees on parents. In these schools tuition is about $200 (USD) a semester. Food is $10 a week. Books, tutorials, and exam fees are all extra and often increase in price. Education is a huge expense for working parents in China and they lose their influence on their children once they go to boarding school. We pray along with Christian parents who are concerned about their child who is away from home continuing in his Faith in Jesus.
Life in a high school boarding school in China is rigorous. Wake-up is at 5:30 followed by a study time until breakfast at 7:30. Classes begin at 8:30 a.m. and run until 10:30 p.m. except for two hours off for lunch and dinner. Occasionally they get to see a patriotic movie for entertainment. Even on Saturday and Sunday they must spent time studying.It is hard for a Christian to hold on to his/her faith at such a young age in these boarding schools whose only purpose is to get these students into a university. We pray for everyone in a boarding school who had a Christian upbringing that they will study well but most importantly that they will hold on to their faith in Christ and their testimony for Him.
There are many hurdles stacked against students from rural areas who want to go to college in China. One is the looming heavy cost for their parents. Also, few children from poor families earn top marks on the national college entrance exams so they are shunted to schools of lower quality which receive the smallest government subsidies. aLet us pray for believers in the countryside who have so much hope and expectation for their children. It is not difficult to see why many of these believers are led astray by cults and false teachings that emphasize and promise success, wealth, and a good future for their children.
Higher education is rapidly losing its role as a leveler of society in China or as a safety valve for talented but poor youths to escape poverty. In the past, the people who received higher education teanded to be relatively better off but now many college graduates cannot find a job. Let us pray for wisdom and good testimonies for believers who are teachers and professors. They can often provide advice to parents as well as encourage and gain the confidence of young people in churches, especially those who are not necessarily college-bound.


Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Prayer Request 8/6 - 8/12

The Urban Administrative Law Enforcement (Chengguan) are quasi-police in various cities in China who are mostly responsible for the arrest of unlicensed street vendors. Recently the chengguan have come under public wrath for their heavy-handed dealing with these people. On their way to church Christians walk by countless street vendors but do not stop to share Christ with them. May the Spirit of the Lord quicken each of us to see the lost souls all around us and help us to be willing to daily share our testimony with them.
The market economy in China actually dates back to the street vendors of the 1980’s when the government encouraged them to work as a way to boost the local economy. Later these people became the large scale malls. Street vendors have the public sympathy but in general they are looked down upon. We give thanks to God that today more believers than before are educated and are well-off financially but we pray that the church in China will have a heart for the poor and those who are dispossessed.
The majority of the cities in China discourage street vendors and even ban them on major streets and tourist spots. Chengguan often use tough tactics to clamp down on illegal street vendors. Because of this they have earned for themselves the ugly reputation of bad police. May the Lord continue to remind us today as He revealed to the prophet Micah, “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does Jehovah require of you but to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?
Social changes have been taking place incredibly fast in China, particularly during the past two years, as people have moved from the country to cities and towns. As a whole, Chinese people tend to be introverted so they tend not to make friends with their neighbors in a new environment. We pray for young Christians as they deal with their loneliness and the need for friendship, and intimacy. We pray that God will give them godly friends and that they will find meaning and discover joy in God whether they are single or dating.
Millions of young Chinese are plunging enthusiastically into the world of apps for social contacts which are often location-based and with a hookup element. New technology and the old lust and desire together produce new possibilities for adults to casual sex.Many young believers struggle with following God’s command on sexual purity and their need for friendships of the opposite sex, We pray that all of us will see that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and have faith in God that He knows our need and has a great plan for us.
Chinese churches have fewer salaried staff in contrast with the Western churches. The danger of those who serve in church is the delicate balance of ministry load and their own personal spiritual development. We remember all believers who are involved in serving in church. May their spiritual lives be vibrant, their zeal not diminished. May the Lord renew us all and the churches will put emphasis on training healthy church workers.
Only 51.3 percent of migrants hold fixed-term employment contracts with their bosses and they work an average of 54.6 hours per week, far above the 40-hour legal limit. Over 30 percent of the country's migrant workers are employed without a proper contract. In many ways pastors face a situation similar to that of the migrant workers. Chinese believers should be considerate of their shepherds and not merely demand that they themselves be cared for. They should care for their pastors, especially those who labor faithfully, never mistreating them but honoring and loving them.

現在多數大城市對沿街擺攤的態度,從支持轉為限制和取締。在城市主要街道和主要景區,城管對違​​規商販採取強硬態度,常常在這些衝突中產生摩擦而造成弱勢者傷亡,城管的輿論形象幾乎崩潰。 求主再次提醒我們,如同彌迦書68提醒我們的:世人哪,耶和華已指示你何為善。他向你所要的是什麼呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行。
數以百萬計的中國年輕人一頭扎進了社交應用的網路世界裡,這些通常基於位置的應用帶有成人交友的元素。新的技術及性和慾望,兩者相結合產生這個新的可能性。 許多年輕信徒雖然知道神的誡命,但是在保持性的純潔及與異性交友上卻是無法自拔。 我們來為信徒都知道我們的身體是聖靈的殿,求主加添我們信心,相信神知道我們的需要,也在我們生命中有祂美好的計劃。
傳道人和農民工在許多地方都有相似點。流動人口的工作時間普遍較長,平均每週工作54.6小時,遠超過勞動法規定的每週40小時。此外,流動人口勞動合同簽訂率亦普遍較低。求主幫助信徒合情合理的照顧那些為自己的靈命擔憂, 時刻警醒的傳道人,在物質上他們不缺乏。