Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Prayer Request 1/28 - 1/3

To rid Christianity from society, the Communist regime began last year to require all provinces and municipalities to shut down and renovate religious sites. through coercion and inducement, forcing house believers to join the Three-self churches. Many house churches have debated whether to register with the government in the past decades. Those debates seem moot in retrospect now. We pray for church leaders that they will have wisdom in maneuvering the labyrinths of restrictions and repeated inspections by the officials.
The authorities have taken anti-religious activities and missions near the school as illegal activities since last year. In addition to saying it is evil, the action is investigated and punished. Colleges were once the most active and exciting Christian ministries. Now they face bitter coldness. We pray for God's comfort for those who have lost their jobs, apartment leases, and been expelled from the schools. May the Lord supply their needs and they know that He remembers their great sacrifices.
Millions of Chinese attended boarding nurseries and preschools after the Communist revolution in 1949, when large-scale systems of institutional care were established to relieve parents to participate in the revolutionary activities or to work. Many churches in China can no longer have programs for children. We pray that believer parents will seriously teach their children about Jesus Christ and to read the Bible for themselves before they enter the atheistic educational system.
Chinese who were born from 1948 to early 2000 were deeply affected by the common practice of sending children to boarding schools at a very young age. They are the generations of people who run China today. Our parenting skills are usually a reflection or a copy of those of our parents. We pray for Christian parents so they will seek what God desires of us and never honor our own children more than honoring God.
In China, parents have no second thoughts about sending their children to a boarding school, although it is less common now to send children below the age of six than it used to be. Even many of the Chinese millennials today have spent their childhood in a boarding school. Many Chinese believer fathers feel inadequate as the spiritual leader in their homes their authority is often built upon fear. We pray for more fathers who will live out God’s unconditional love and be a godly example to their children.
It is against nature for parents to be separated from their children, let alone sending them away to school. But, it is quite common in China and very acceptable to send children to a boarding school that offers better education, if the school is too far for a daily commute. We pray for believer parents that they will always teach their children about Jesus and help them to build a habit of prayer, even when their children live at home.
restrictions. However, all around us are Chinese people, for example students from China or new immigrants who are eager to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. There are many channels by which to share the gospel, whether it is by preaching in a church, friendship evangelism, or activities that lead to evangelism. We pray that churches in Hong Kong and elsewhere will not miss this opportunity to share the Good News.

共產黨從去年開始要求各省市政府全面關閉與改造宗教場所,先透過威逼利誘,將地下信徒強逼加入受官方掌控的三自教會。許多家庭教會在過去的幾十年裡一直在爭論是否向政府註冊, 現今看似又回到大家爭議的原點。我們相信神把祂的國度分給不同人以不同方式參與,求神幫助屬祂的人持守忠誠,所作的判斷都是來回應從神而來的感動。
現今在中國, 除了校園內,學校附近進行的宗教活動或傳教活動也都被列入非法行為,透過「全國性掃黑除惡」行動進行查懲。大學曾經是福音事工最興旺的地方,現在卻面臨嚴寒季候。我們求神安慰信徒,也求主信實供應信徒的一切需要; 並賜眾人在「無花果樹不發旺、葡萄樹不結果、橄欖樹也不效力、田地不出糧食、圈中絕了羊、棚內也沒有牛」的情況下,仍然因耶和華歡欣,因救我們的神喜樂。(哈3:17-18)
中國在1949年共產主義革命後,建立了大規模機構式育幼護理系統,來解放父母,讓他們有時間參與革命或勞動。成百上千萬中國幼兒被送往寄宿托兒所或幼兒園。中國的許多教會都不能再為孩子們製作節目了。我們祈禱信徒的父母會認真教導他們的孩子關於耶穌基督,並在他們進入無神論教育系統之前能自己閱讀聖經, 接觸真理。
這一代的中國人中, 受寄宿托兒系統影響最深的應該是在1949年年之後的前幾十年出生的人。那時寄宿系統在沒有受到任何質疑的情況下推廣開來,而今他們五六十歲,正掌管著這個國家。我們的育兒技巧通常是我們父母成長經驗的反思或拷貝副本。我們為基督徒的父母祈禱,這樣他們就會尋求上帝對我們的旨意,而不是尊重我們自己的孩子過於尊重順從上帝。
在中國,六歲以下兒童的寄宿托兒所如今已經不是那麼普遍,但仍被視為不錯的選擇。 就連千禧一代的人小時候也有可能被送進這種托兒所。 這種情況在六歲及以上的兒童中非常普遍。許多為人父親的中國信徒認為他們在家庭中扮演的精神領袖角色是不充分的,他們的權威往往建立在恐懼之上。我們為更多的父親祈禱,他們願意在生活中活出上帝無條件的愛,成為他們孩子的敬虔榜樣。
面對中國的宗教政策越趨收緊,福音工作遇上重重限制。可是已有不少福音對象已在我們身旁,比如來自中國的學生,又或是新來的移民,都是你我傳福音的良機。不論是公開佈道、朋輩佈道,還是福音預工的交誼活動等,也是信徒們分享福音的渠道。 求主恩領,幫助香港和海外的教會不要錯失這個福音的機遇,大家共勉: 無論得時不得時,總要救一些人。

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Prayer Request 1/21 - 1/27

China has shown signs of relaxing the hukou (residency) system. Recently, the Guangdong Public Security Bureau has replaced the Temporary Residence Permit with the Residence Permit. It is estimated that in the next five years, there will be equal numbers of people living in cities and the countryside in China. In the past, many urban churches have flourished but rural churches have generally declined. The massive exodus of young people from the villages has crippled the rural churches. We pray for the rural believers who are left disheartened and disappointed. May the Lord comfort them and renew their churches.
The number of rural believers has declined, but the most disheartening reality is the exodus of coworkers (e.g. volunteer preachers, choir members, youth leaders, etc.) who were the backbone of the rural churches. However, only some of them have joined churches in the cities, many were lost to the church.We praise God for everyone who has continued to serve in the local churches wherever they are. We pray specifically for those who have stopped attending churches. May the Lord lead them back.
In the past, rural preachers used the example of Demas in the Bible to preach against young believers going to work in the cities. But, the reality is that young people work in cities, not seeking pleasures of the world, and farmland is diminishing while the cost of living continues to rise.The economic condition of rural families has improved, but family structures and relationships are in shambles. We pray for rural Christian families, especially those with parents and children who are separated, so they can find ways to make up the missing communication and bonding.
To retain people, rural churches must provide solid Biblical teaching, stir passion for rural ministry more than nostalgia, and manage to provide some solutions to social and economic issues like the rapidly rising cost of living.We pray that God will raise up an army of people who have a burden for rural churches, willing to stay and nourish the believers. We give thanks to God for those who have stayed and continue to serve in their church, even with declining attendance. May the Lord reward them for their faithful services.
We envision a city church forming a close relationship with one or several rural churches in China, such a bond is built on friendship, rather than control or command, without a sense of disparity or superiority, but one that is of sharing the grace of God and of equality and mutual respect. We pray that urban churches in China will not forget and forsake the poor rural churches. May the Lord raise up many city believers who care deeply about rural ministry and will self-initiate ways to support churches in the countryside, especially those without a pastor.
Programs to train pastors have been shut down or severely curtailed inside China recently. We pray that some urban churches will support those who intend to serve in the rural churches by providing them training, enabling them to return and serve, by supporting them financially initially to allow them to return and forming a partnership between the sending and receiving churches as the bond grows deeper.
Almost all young people and more than half of middle-aged people have moved from rural to urban areas in China, and the urban population has risen sharply. Rural churches face the crises of the aging population, no young people, lack of pastors and resources, these are facts with little or no solutions in sight. You might ask, “Is there still hope for the rural church in China?” Let us beseech the Lord that rural churches will at least train up their young people before they move to the cities en masse, and that they will do their very best to lay a foundation of faith so they will survive spiritually in the cities.

去年初中國政府發佈,除13個城區人口在500萬以上的超大城市和特大城市外,其餘城市將全面放開放寬落戶限制。最近廣東省公安局把臨時居住許可証都换發成一般居住證了. 有估計再過五年,中國城鄉人口會各佔一半。過去,許多城市教會發展了,可是農村教會卻普遍衰微,農村教會出現青黃不接的危機。我們來為農村教會的弟兄姊妹禱告,願神親自安慰他們,不灰心失望,靠著主無論得時不得時,總要盡力完成神交託的使命。
有農村傳道人用底馬貪愛世界的例子來評斷中青年一代會友,事實上農民外移是為生存而不是為享受。另外,因種種原因,農村耕地日漸減少,而農村消費卻在逐年提高。許多農村家庭經濟條件固然有了改進,但是家庭關係卻反道而行。我們為農村信徒家庭禱告,求神保守祝福父母子女分隔兩地的家庭,讓他們在有限的資源下,用其他方式來維繫感情, 鞏固親子關係的聯結。
農村教會希望信徒能留守家園,除了憑著信仰、鄉土的情感之外,還得要切實地解 決信徒生活與生存需要的問題。我們禱告神興起對農村教㑹有負担的精兵, 願意留在那里餵養信徒. 也求神親自供應農民的需要,改變人心讓嚮往與神親密的關係過於家道的豐富。我們又為農村教會同工們在聚會人數日漸下降, 仍忠心的擺上感恩,願主親自報答他們。
近年在中國,許多屬靈領袖的培訓聚會都遭禁止,聚會點也被查封,還有信徒家屬 被勒令監督有信仰的親人,警告若再聚會就要嚴懲。我們求主興起一些城市教會支持農村教會的事奉人員 ,又幫助一些在城市務工的信徒在接受裝備後, 有負担回鄉服事, 跟城市教會形成友好的合作關係, 城市教會也願意擔負他們的生活需用。我們更要為農村教會牧者能繼續牧養,為主發光禱告。

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Prayer Request 1/7 - 1/13

Nearly one percent of China's population, roughly thirteen million children, are the so-called "black children" because they do not have the proof of official identity known as the hukou (household registration card) which is required to attend a school.We pray for the “black children” and their parents who are Christians, as they face a lot of red tape and few options for schooling and obtaining affordable healthcare. May God give them faith and the determination to give their children a solid foundation of faith and a godly model.
More than sixty percent of “black children” were born in violation of China’s one-child policy, some were abandoned children, and others were born out of wedlock. Children who are born without a birth permit or hukou will not have a birth certificate, and they literally are not considered to be in existence legally. Churches in China tend to look down on those who are lowly and despised as poor and lazy. Our Lord cares for orphans and dispossessed and churches should welcome and accept them even though they are poor and lowly.
Children in China without a hukou (proof of residency) are not eligible for health care or government-provided education. They cannot obtain a passport or a driver’s license. They will not be able to marry or work legally. We praise God for all the middle class and intellectuals in urban churches, and we pray that none of us forgets how much our God cares for orphans and the dispossessed, and all that we have comes from the Lord.
Every parent in China knows the importance and the added value of having a good education for their children. And, they are keenly aware that good education is nearly impossible because of where they live and their inability to afford the cost. We pray for great faith for Christian parents who face the financial burden of their children’s education. May the Lord provide their needs and help them continue to do their part in teaching their children God’s way because being a parent is an act of faith.
The age of Chinese teenagers first playing online games is getting younger, at 6 to 14 years old. Often, it is primary and secondary school students who start playing online games. Many parents use mobile phones and games to occupy their children and to keep children from disturbing them. We ask the Lord to give Christian parents wisdom, not only to provide education, but also to teach their children to read the Bible and pray on their own.
Almost all mobile phones used by the children are registered under their parents' names. But, players can easily avoid the new restriction by simply claiming that they are adults, and the game companies cannot enforce the restriction. The long-term separation from the parents suffered by the left-behind children makes them victims of mobile game addiction. We pray for children of all rural believers, even though churches cannot replace the parental responsibilities. However, we ask God to raise up people who have a burden for the left-behind children of the believer's families.
Parents in China buy smartwatches for their children for their GPS location and social functions. Compared to allowing the children to play games on phones, smartwatches seem like a better option for parents to buy. Besides worrying for the safety of their children, believer parents also fear their children will drift away from the faith. We pray that the voice of the Holy Spirit will always be louder than "noises" from all kinds of entertainment, so they will not give in to fleshly desires and be able to overcome temptations.

「黑戶孩子」中有60%以上是違規「一胎化」的超生子女,其他還包括棄嬰、未婚生育等多種原因導致的無戶籍人口。教會有些信徒往往會輕看那些生活處在低下階層的人,認為他們或許是品性差劣和好逸惡勞。懇求恩主時常提醒屬祂的人,要胸懷謙卑以基督的心為心,不以貌取人. 願主幫助我們能真誠地歡迎並接納所有人,雖然他們可能是那些生活條件窮困或教育程度較低的人。
沒有戶口(居住證明)的兒童是沒有資格得到護照、醫療保健或享有政府提供教育的。將來他們亦無法取得駕駛執照、辦理結婚手續或合法的工作。我們為中國城市教會的中產階級和知識分子禱告,求神幫助信徒們更多關心社區裡的貧窮人、孤兒和寡婦等等弱勢群體。把握機會在社區中活出光和盬的好見證, 並為著自己從主所領受的一切恩惠常存感恩的心。
中國青少年首次接觸網絡遊戲的年齡日趨低齡化,其中以6至14歲,也就是中小學階段是青少年接觸網絡遊戲的主要時期。許多家長為了圖得安靜不讓小孩子打擾自己,從幼小就用手機觀賞或遊戲安撫孩子。 求主賜給信徒家長智慧,不是一味的打發孩子,而是用心的教養他們,不單單是在學業方面,更重要的是教導孩子能自己讀聖經和禱告, 在靈性上扎下深根一生蒙福。

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Prayer Request 12/31 - 1/6

A recent Hong Kong survey shows that the main reason a believer left a church was his/her disappointment with the church and they dislike their church culture. Responses also included issues with church polity, how the church handled issues, and their church's response to political and social issues.Chinese churches rarely admit or speak about our own errors in church ministry and therefore deny ourselves the room to improve. We pray that church leaders will be more transparent and willing to talk about how we can improve the way ministries are done.
Respondents also complained about their churches being more like a community centers or lacking any spiritual emphasis. People who gave such responses say that they prefer to experience faith individually and have less interaction with others. Chinese churches rarely allow discussion of how to better our ministry for the fear of causing dissension. We pray for unity in all churches and genuine humility and to see that others are better than ourselves.
Christians in Hong Kong who have left their churches also mentioned the following reasons. Their life challenges, especially the busy work and life, unable to experience God in their church, and subsequently choose to spend time on things outside the church. Even mature or strong believers can become lukewarm spiritually. We pray for ourselves that none of us will boast in our own strength just like Peter who denied Jesus three times.
Those who left their churches said in the survey that they realize a church does not equal God, and they will not abandon their faith, simply because of the problems of the church. So many churches fail to grow, not because of no newcomers, but of people leaving; both young people and frustrated coworkers. We pray that church leaders will seriously improve this gaping hole and strive to make their church healthy.
Most of the respondents mentioned that they have less Bible reading and prayers after leaving their church, but they still claim God has an important role in life.Church life is really about people, not about projects. We all need to repent from where we have fallen and became weary and cold, and commit to walking closely with our Lord again.
Almost all who have left their church are mature believers and many have served in their church as a leader. They all claim that they have a strong faith and are still serious Christians. We pray for God's comfort and revival for all who have left their church and even have started to doubt their faith, just like the prophet Elijah who experienced renewal in the cave.
The reasons given for Hong Kong Christians who left their churches in a survey included, church polity, poor conflict resolution, more emphasis on rules than grace, criticism, feeling hurt, lack of tolerance, hypocrisy, division, too many ministries, too social outreach programs in the church. We need to acknowledge people's disappointment, anger, helplessness and fatigue. Let us all be encouraged that "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them" (Hebrews 6:10 ).

一份香港教會調查中顯示,會眾離開堂會的主要原因是教會一些做法叫人失望,以及不喜歡該教會的文化。回應也是主要針對教會制度和處理事情手法,以及教會對社會政治議題的回應。中國教會很少承認或談論我們在教會事工中的錯誤,並且總是否認自己有改進的餘地。我們祈禱教會領袖能更加重視溝通,決策過程透明化, 並願意與會眾談論並檢討如何改進各部的工作方式。
香港教會調查中一些受訪者抱怨: 教會像社區中心,缺乏靈性上的交流,寧願在個人層面經歷信仰,不被其他人影響。中國教會較少討論如何改善既有的事工,因為害怕引起一些不同意見造成的紛爭。我們祈求所有教會能胸懷團結和真誠的謙卑,並看到別人比我們更好而受激勵見賢思齊。
香港教會調查受訪者也提及實際生活上的挑戰,特別是工作和生活忙碌,加上在教會內未能經歷上帝,所以選擇花時間在返教會以外的事情上。即使是靈性成熟或堅強的信徒,有時候在精神上也會變得冷淡。我們要時常為自己祈禱,不落入像彼得三次否認耶穌那樣, 在先前以自己的意氣誇耀。
調查中這些已離開自己教會的會友,堅持他們能清楚分辨教會不等於上帝,所以不會因為教會的問題離開上帝。如此多的教會未能成長,並不是沒有新人加入,而是因為人們離開, 包括了年輕人和受挫沮喪的同工。我們祈禱教會領袖們能認真改善, 堵住這個破口,並努力增強他們教會的健康。
大部份的受訪者都提及自己少了讀經祈禱等的信仰行為,但他們都分享到神在生命中重要和堅定的角色。離堂會後仍維持與上帝的關係。真實的教會生活是關注於人,而不是關於項目。我們都需要悔改,看看我們在哪裡墮落並變冷,就在那裡靠主恩典站起來, 並承諾再次與主密切同行。
所有受訪中離開自己教會的人都是信主多年的成熟信徒,相當多曾擔任事奉崗位和領袖角色。但在離開教會後仍然確認自己的信仰,並承認自己為基督徒。我們要為所有離開教會甚至開始懷疑他們信仰的人祈求主的安慰和復興,就像在洞穴中經歷更新的先知以利亞一樣, 走過流淚谷, 卻在將來得享豐收的歡呼。
在調查中, 人們離開教會的原因包括:教會政體不良,衝突未解決,強調規條而不是恩典,遭受批評,感到受傷,缺乏寬容,虛偽,分裂,過多的事工部委,過多的社會外展計劃。我們需要承認人們感受到的失望,憤怒,無助和疲勞。讓我們所有人都得到從上而來的安慰和鼓勵,上帝會記念我們以他的名義所做的一切善行。