Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Prayer Request 12/25 -- 12/31

Being a "human rights lawyer" means a saint-like status in China. Human rights lawyers have defended many high-profile cases, based on the rights and religious freedoms offered by China's Constitution. Such tactics have endeared them to the people but not to the local officials. By nature Chinese do not like to stir up trouble and are quite likely to overlook injustice. We pray for a sense of justice, compassion such as what Jesus had, and a willingness to defend the persecuted in the hearts of all believers.

Television came to China in 1958 and currently about 95% of households there have TV. Chinese audiences are particularly fond of dramas so each year there are nearly 500 series or 10,000 episodes shown over 363 stations. Many believers are literally addicted to TV drama and spend all evening every day watching it. Let us pray for the many believers who are unable to break their habit of watching TV even to the extent of disrupting family lives and neglecting their children and church attendance.

China’s Defense University recently celebrated its 80th anniversary. Since the Sino-Japanese war, this elite school has produced high-ranking, well-educated leadership for the People Liberation Army. Government-approved seminaries and Bible schools provide all the pastors in the Three-Self churches. Let us pray for all the teachers and ask the Lord to give them not only wisdom in imparting Bible knowledge but also passion for churches and close personal walks with Christ.

One expert has said that “the gap of wealth in China is at an unacceptable level.” While absolute poverty may still exist, relative poverty is the overwhelming social concern. Rising costs of living, education costs and medical expenses are outpacing incomes.Many believers feel despondent and wonder why God has not blessed them with more material goods. We pray for all those who have financial burdens and struggle to believe that God is faithful. May we all find Him to be sufficient in all ways.

Confucianism is enjoying resurgence in China as more and more people seek ways to adapt to a culture in which corruption is rampant and materialism has become a driving value. For many Chinese a system of ethical teaching that stresses the importance of avoiding conflict and respect for hierarchy makes perfect sense. Many Chinese feel that Christianity is a Western religion and Confucianism appeals to their nationalistic pride. Let us pray for intellectual believers who will live out their faith and be a powerful testimony to the rest of the nation that Christ is indeed the answer to China's ills and problems.

According to some people the rift between the Three-Self and house churches is narrowing. Some pastors have left the Three-Self Churches and are now serving house churches. In other cities believers in the house churches attend selective programs offered by the Three-Self churches. Let us pray for these “cross-over” believers. May the glory of God be magnified and their spiritual gifts used to edify more believers wherever they are.

It has been a boom year in the Chinese stock and real estate market. It seems that everyone believes that the government will not pop the present bubble of euphoria before the 2008 Olympic Games. Churches in China have endured persecution and survived attacks by occult forces but they are doing poorly combating the present torrent of materialism. May the Lord's mercy protect all of us against materialism and the Chinese churches from becoming merely lukewarm groups of people.








Tuesday, December 18, 2007

PRayer Request 12/18 -- 12/24

33,000 people made decisions to follow Christ after a series of large evangelistic meetings held in Hong Kong. Since the island returned to China's administration in 1997, there have been large gatherings by people of all faiths, including Buddhism and Taoism. Let us pray for churches in Hong Kong as they continue to be a powerful witness in their communities and to the neighboring Guangdong province. Hong Kong is a vital link for church work in China and we pray for their missionary efforts.

Foreign-born Chinese whose mother tongue is English face discrimination in China. Parents in China prefer and even demand Caucasians to teach English to their children, even though some of them are not native English speakers. Many foreign-born Chinese have returned to their native land to work. We pray for those who are there with a goal of winning other young Chinese to Christ as they actively work among college students who wish to learn English.

Insisting on the truth and speaking out against abuse is not something for the faint-hearted, especially in China where money and power converge. A few influential lawyers and writers have spoken out and defended those who were wrongly treated. Many of these people are Christians or are sympathetic to the plight of Chinese churches. Let us remember all who can not enjoy freedom and normalcy of life because of their faith for God and conviction that the Bible is true.

Without a doubt, television is the number one medium in China. What keeps the Chinese glued to their tubes? News and a whopping 489 new soap operas per year, with an average of 21 episodes per soap opera. Perhaps this is one big reason churches are discontinuing, formerly full-attended, evening services. Let us remember all the churches that still have mid-week services and, especially, prayer meetings. May the Lord use these faithful to be powerful watchmen for their flocks.

Working for the government is an attractive and appealing option. Last year half a million people took the "hottest examination in China" to become a government employee hoping to get a plump position with job security and good pay. Very few seminary students know where they will serve after graduation--in government or house churches. Let us remember their studying and involvement in churches as well as their spiritual walk with God, that they will not lose their passion to do God's work.

China will soon become the country with the world's third highest economy. As recently as 1999 she ranked only seventh. Now she has passed Italy, France, and England. We look with great anticipation to see what God will do to use China's churches in His kingdom purposes. As Chinese gain in national pride, we pray that the believers will also see their role in world evangelism and no longer be just receivers but become generous givers.

Amid the huge tide of Chinese workers moving from country to city, as many as a million children have become separated from their parents. The state looks after perhaps 150,000 and the rest are presumable fending for themselves. Rural churches find themselves in the midst of this problem but are totally unable to help because of their limited recourses and dwindling membership. We lift up all the rural believers whose own families are separated because of their work situation. May the Lord give them wisdom in parenting and showing love to their children.








Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Prayer Request 12/11--12/17

China bans exporting any cultural relics predating 1911; the prior regulation set the limits at 1795. 1911 saw the end of the Qing Dynasty, which serves as a convenient social marker for Chinese archeologists. Few Chinese believers know of the church’s heritage before 1949. We take this time to thank the Lord for all the missionaries who came to China and serve. May the Lord bless the descendants of all of China’s missionaries. We, too, pray that more will be inspired to serve because of their legacies.

Chinese ships and seamen make port calls around the world. In Vancouver, Canada, several churches minister to these lonely seamen and have led many, and even the entire ship’s crew, to Christ over the years. We thank the Lord and remember the many who are ministering to Chinese seamen. Their ministry involves giving out Christian literature, Bibles, music and DVDs, gaining the trust of the captain, and then sharing the Gospel with the crew.

Durban is a typical South African city where Chinese are engaged in retail business of all kinds. Their stores are located in the worst areas of the city with mainly Black customers. Chinese work hard seven days a week, hoping to make it rich and return to their homeland. Such a hardworking ethic under great pressure and danger is typical of many Chinese in Africa and South America. Let us pray for the preparation of weary bodies and souls as local churches reach out to them.

Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi was ranked as the second most powerful woman in the world. She is credited as a tough negotiator and an effective international diplomat. In the Chinese church leadership, there are many women pastors who often lead delegations abroad. We pray for all the women church workers in China. In many regions, more than half of the leaders are women. We remember their service, their love for the Lord, their sheep, and their own family needs.

The average Chinese newlywed couple spends about four years’ worth of their combined salaries on their wedding. An average wedding banquet has 20 tables with about 250 guests. A honeymoon is also now a must and costs almost half as much as the banquet. In Chinese churches, young couples who are both believers are rare, since many Christians marry non-believers. Let us pray for all the newlywed couples. May the Lord prepare and soften the hearts of the unbelieving spouses and may the believing spouse be a strong Christian witness.

Young Chinese couples today are spending eight times more on their weddings than they spent twenty years ago. An average couple will spend nearly a year preparing for their big day. In eighty percent of the cases, parents will pay for the wedding. Most Christian parents find themselves unable to say much when their children decide to marry an unbeliever. Let us pray that they will have a good relationship with the new addition to the family and have a very positive influence in sharing Jesus with the new daughter- or son-in-law.

In many churches in China, it is nearly impossible to speak about giving an offering because many believers have the false notion that church workers should live totally by faith. They feel that getting a salary from a church is unspiritual. It is common that a pastor of a large church will receive only a small offering. Let us pray that all believers will dedicate not only their hearts but also their wealth to the Lord.








Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Prayer Request 12/4 --12/10

In 1978, America gave China a small lunar rock as a presidential gift. This year, China officially declared its circumlunar satellite Chang'e-1 a success after it transmitted photos of the surface of the moon. Such an accomplishment is a tremendous boost of national pride. Chinese churches are making strides in foreign missions too, sending workers to Africa, although mainly reaching Chinese there. Let us pray as more Chinese missionaries are equipped and supported to do cross-cultural missions.

Recently, several Chinese blockbuster films have grabbed worldwide attention. In the past, it was the martial art films that attracted Western curiosity. Now, ironically, it is the romance theme with plenty of love-making scenes that is grabbing attention. As China gets more exposure under the Olympic media attention, let us pray for all those who are preparing and finding opportunities to share and witness during the event. We pray specifically for those churches and Christians who will be interviewed by the foreign news media.

Rural Chinese children are increasingly at risk of being sold or forced to become beggars, petty thieves or sex workers as their farmer parents flock to cities looking for work. Babies are abducted or bought from poor families and sold to childless couples. Some rural churches are finally seeing the need to have training for children’s Sunday School programs and teaching on Jesus at a young age. Let us pray for the need of 500,000 copies of such training materials.

Since the economic reform, China has created 150 million "New Social Class" people; they are private business owners and intellectuals like lawyers, doctors, accountants and managers. They are now the most influential segment of population and make a great social impact. Many believe Christians of this "New Social Class" will be the key to future Chinese churches. Let us pray for them, their love for Jesus, and their service in their churches.

There are about 60,000 Chinese in Argentina and they are famous for running midsize supermarkets, 3,900 of them in all. The Chinese stores tend to have lower prices, stay open much longer and do not close on weekends. Working long hours make church ministry and discipleship effort very difficult as meeting times tend to be very late at night. The same thing can be said throughout Latin America. Let us pray for the evangelism effort and the spiritual growth of believers.

Bribery and tax evasion are part of doing business in China. To reap profit one must use "connections" and make shady dealings. Bribery is accepted as part of the cost of business. Many Christian businessmen stay mum about it because they feel they must do it in order to survive. Let us pray for all believers as they struggle with these ethical issues. May we each have faith in God that He will not fail us as we are often swayed to compromise in these circumstances.

Urban Chinese churches have more resources than rural churches. Yet, in general, the quality of preachers could use more improvement, especially in preaching and pastoral care of those who are more educated and fervent believers. As a rule, pastors have little contact with believers and do not visit newcomers at all. Believers have little to do with pastors and do not understand the need of their shepherds. We pray for the improvement of shepherding and their skills.






在中國做生意,若不靠走私、不行賄的話,不單貨品的競爭力受影響,業務拓展更是寸步難行,常常要靠打通關係或賄賂才能順利過關。商人通常也會將賄款當為貨物成本的一部份,以逃避取締,甚至有些基督徒也是這樣做。求神保守基督徒商人能堅定遵照神的教導,持守公義正直不偏左右,並相信神 是不會讓他們羞愧的。
