Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Prayer Request 10/29 - 11/4

It is strictly forbidden to discuss religiously sensitive words in Chinese classrooms. For example, when a student makes a sentence, the word "pray" cannot be paired into "prayer", and teachers will enforce usage of any words with religious meanings. Christian parents want their children to love the Lord, but they have other priorities for their children, academic and other pursuits, and quickly lose the impetus to help children develop habits of prayer and Bible reading. We pray that we will honor the Lord more than our children.
In China, the new textbook for the sixth graders has deleted all religious references. For example, “Bible” and “Book of Prayers” were deleted and changed to "found a few Portuguese books." We pray that believer parents will remember, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Eph 6:4) and spend time to communicate with their children and take an interest in their spiritual growth.
Christian phrases in several renowned Russian short stories mentioned in school textbooks, like "church worship," "God Bless," and "I’ll pray for you" were deleted from textbooks in China. Other references to God were changed to "lao tian ye", a generic term for a deity. Many Christian parents falsely think their children are adequately prepared spiritually, but in fact, they are wrong because their children do not have healthy spiritual lives and have already drifted away from God. We pray for keen awareness for parents, have a good parent-child relationship and always pray for them.
The Chinese government has also deleted any words in dictionaries with religious references. The new Student’s Dictionary no longer has the word “freedom”. Unfortunately, many naive Christian parents still think children should have the freedom to decide whether they should believe in Jesus Christ. We pray for His mercy so believer parents will diligently raise their children to know God and make it their greatest desire and utmost responsibility to teach them.
History textbooks did not escape revisions in China. Previous references to the mistakes made by Chairman Mao were deleted in the newly revised junior-high school history textbook. Parents’ attitude and their expectations determine how children behave and the path they will take the rest of their lives. We pray believers parents will expect their children to love the Lord the whole lives, above all things. We pray that Christian parents will expect their children to love the Lord above all else during their whole lives.
The historical references of the uprising against the tyranny of the late Qin Dynasty (200 AD) were scrubbed from all textbooks. The Chinese government does not want the people to imitate such rebellion and ordered the deletion of all such historical stories for students. Christian parents should not pray for their children only when they are sick or encounter difficulties, rather we pray that parents will make it the priority to pray that children will not follow the way of the world and have the boldness of Daniel and learn from their parents and seek blessing from God.
The story of the "Chen Sheng and Wu Guang Uprising" in the late Qin Dynasty (200 AD), is a story once told to all children in China, praising their sense of justice and bravery to rebel against tyranny. We pray that believer parents will teach their children the Biblical worldview and ethics, and to have faith that God will protect them to love Him, even in the secular society and atheistic education system.

秦朝末年 (公元 200年)的「陳勝、吳廣起義」被視為中國民間家喻戶曉、充滿正義與勇敢反抗暴政的歷史事蹟。由於被認定是官逼民反,挑戰當權體制的典型歷史事例,因而在教科書中刪除這一歷史內容。求主幫助信徒家長以基督教的世界觀和倫理觀來養育兒女。更求神保守孩子處在混亂又似是而非的世俗環境中和無神論的教育體系裡,仍然能信心堅定,持守愛主愛人的真道來行事為人。

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Prayer Request 10/22 - 10/28

In the past, churches in China emphasized much on holiness and spirituality, but nowadays churches have appealed to the masses with the "cheap gospel." Some churches are no different than supermarkets, offering a few hours of “entertainment” in exchange for donations. Other churches are more like clubs, avoiding the topics of holiness and even become dens of thieves. We pray that churches will be a living testimony of Jesus, leading sinners to salvation with His gospel. May His refining fire, especially in a time of great persecution, keep His churches holy and reject all sins.
In the past, house churches in China were “patriarchal” and pastors were unchallenged. As churches gradually adopt the Western model of hiring and termination of pastors, many pastors in the house churches are less willing to talk about sins and want to avoid offending people. We pray that more believers will see the importance of prayer and get involved in prayer ministries. We ask the Lord that more leaders will be willing to invite their members to pray and have a part in the decision-making process of their church.
In the past, church membership in China was very stable and believers were committed. Nowadays, church-hopping is the norm, so believers go where the preaching is appealing and leave churches that make them uncomfortable or point out their sins. We pray that believers will see their pastor as a shepherd who will lead them on the right path, help them grow spiritually, and be committed to their church. Just as Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." (Matthew 16:24)
Some "Christians" in China see their church as a "supermarket" in which they can pick and choose. Such a dangerous attitude is like Simon the sorcerer whom the apostle Peter severely rebuked. None of us should take the church pulpit lightly or treat it as a place of entertainment. Pulpits do not belong to church leaders to use to entertain. The pulpit is for preaching the word of God, The podium belongs to God and those who preach must “correctly handle the word of truth.” (2 Tim. 2:15).
Pornography is especially a big issue for the Christian believers born after 1980 to the 1990's. The internet and social media have plenty of them it in spite of censorship. Young people struggle with addiction to it and constant temptation. “Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16). We pray that there will be more pulpit messages on holiness because if we stay silent, churches will be without discipline and become no different than social gatherings. We too pray that believers will not be self-righteous but show love, compassion, and justice.
This is the time for Christians in China to live a holy and victorious life at all costs. Pulpits everywhere must not avoid the subject of holiness, even though doing so will offend those who live in their sins. "It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.” The truth of God and tempting contents from the devil are all readily available online. We pray for His mercy as all believers must stay alert and diligent to keep ourselves pure.
Cohabitation has become very common among young people in China. More than 30% of those born after 1980 have lived together before marriage, and to some extent, such prevalence is higher than in many Western countries.Many young believers have engaged in premarital sex before they came to know Jesus and many more have an addiction to pornography. We pray for their struggle to break the bondage as they repent and seek His power to overcome.

昔日家庭教會多是家長式帶領,牧者有主導地位。隨著西方教會模式逐步向中國家庭教會移植,一些教會開始實行牧師聘任制。在該制度之下,有些牧師講道就不敢得會眾,也避免談論罪的議題。 求主提醒信徒更多參與教會的禱告聚會,教會領袖也願意鼓勵弟兄姊妹同來為教會守望,共建神家,使教會走在合神的心意的路上。
已往中國教會的會友流動不大,教會信徒委身度高。現今卻有到處聽道的風氣,一旦教會的信息或紀律影響了某些信徒的利益,他們就選擇離開,再選一個感受舒服的教會,這是一個非常危險的情況。求主校正信徒的目光,也幫助牧者曉得如何牧養群羊,讓他們能健康成長,對教會有歸屬感並委身服事。 「若有人要跟從我,就當捨己,背起他的十字架,來跟隨我。」(太16:24)。
婚前同居行為在年輕人中變得越來越普遍。三成以上的80後男女曾有過婚前同居行為,在某種程度上已趕上甚至超過了許多西方國家。由於許多年輕人在信主之前就已經有過婚前性行為,或者長期被淫亂視頻或淫亂行為捆綁, 我們為他們在信主之後,在悔改成聖的路面臨許多挑戰有主的恩典和力量來禱告。

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Prayer Request 10/15 - 10/21

Since August 2018, as the result of African swine fever epidemic, China has culled massive numbers of pigs. The price of pork has shot up to 5 USD per kilo, up a staggering 75.5 percent from the same period last year. Increased food cost and devaluation of Renminbi have made people uneasy financially. We pray that believers will trust the Lord, honor the need of His house , and continue to give faithfully, especially in this time of great pressure.
More than 10 cities in China, such as Nanning, Haikou and Xiamen have imposed abuy restriction on pork. It is the peak season for food consumption during the September Mid-Autumn Festival and the National holiday in October, so the government must stabilize the price of pork and guarantee a supply. Most, if not all of the house churches have changed the way they worship and meet at homes in small groups. Open-churches have encountered many restrictions as well. We pray for His comfort so believers will not lose heart, continue to trust God in difficult times and know He is on the throne.
Officials said that at the end of this year, pig production is expected to stabilize. In the second half of next year, pig production will gradually recover, and the price of live pigs will gradually decline.Church offerings have dropped as a result of not being able to meet together and the increase of the cost of living, but some pastors are being paid fully. We pray for all who serve full time in churches that God will provide their needs and they will experience His faithfulness in their ministries.
In addition to the rise in pork prices, fresh fruit, beef, lamb, and poultry prices have risen by 11 to 24 percent, reflecting the recent increase in Chinese food costs.Many churches are poor and unable to pay their pastors who must work elsewhere to support their families. We pray for those who have received the calling to pastor a church that their church will value their service, and give generously to meet the financial obligations of their pastor, so the shepherd can care for His sheep and serve the church.
In China, nearly half of those sixty years and older are “empty-nested” or living alone. A quarter of them reported being lonely and living in poverty. Churches must care for members who are elderly living alone. We praise God for those who have a part in caring for the elderly, knowing 'Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' (Matt. 25:40)
The idea of filial piety has gradually disintegrated in China as young people neglect their elderly parents. There are more sensational cases of elderly parents suing their children for financial support and cases of tragedies of old people dying and the bodies not being discovered until days later.We pray that believers will financially support their elderly parents, and always be reminded of Jesus rebuke to the Pharisees of their hypocrisy, “If a man tells his father or his mother, “Whatever you would have gained from me is given to God”’— then you no longer need to support your parents.” (Mk 7:11-12) .
The government in China has enacted laws to force children to "visit or check on their elderly parents" and urging them to fulfill their financial and emotional obligations. But for the “421” families (a child needs to support two parents and two pairs of grandparents), persuading a grown child to support their elderly parents and grandparents financially and emotionally seemed unrealistic. All Chinese parents expect their children to honor them, but they need to provide an example for their children. Honoring parents needs a model, therefore, we pray that God moves us all to live a blameless life and one of good testimonies.

官方表示, 今年底生豬產量有望止跌回穩,明年下半年將逐步恢復,屆時價格才會逐步回落。教會無法以過去的方式聚會,加上物價上漲,奉獻必定減少,影響全職工人的薪水分發。我們為全職服事的弟兄姊妹禱告,求主親自的供應,使他們的需用都充足。
在中國,六十歲以上的長者近五成是所謂的「空巢老人」,其中近四分之一老人有孤獨感,且活在貧困線之下。教會中獨居的長者極需要信徒的關心。我們為參與老人事工的信徒和教會感恩,因為『我實在告訴你們,你們所作的,只要是作在我一個最小的弟兄身上,就是作在我的身上了。』(太 25:40)求主祝福和使用那些樂意服事長者的肢體,叫那些孤苦無依的人從神那裡得著平安與喜樂。
中國社會的孝道觀念逐漸解體,年輕子女責任缺失。近年來,出現了老人因缺失關愛或得不到子女的贍養的情況,也有乾脆把子女告上法庭。另外,也常有空巢老人去世多日後才被發現的悲劇。求主幫助我們不但是孝敬父母,也要在經濟上支持他們,免得主耶穌責備:「你們倒說:『人若對父母說:『我所當奉給你的,已經做了各耳板』(供獻的意思),以後你們就不容他再奉養父母。」 (馬可7:11-12)
子女「應當經常看望或者問候老年人」已經正式入法。 政府期望從法律層面敦促子女履行對老人的精神贍養義務。但是對於「421」家庭(一個孩子需供養父母,兩對祖父母)來說,這些試圖說服子女在物質和精神上承擔起贍養老人責任的做法,顯然很不現實。中國家長都願意子女孝順,但是最有效的教導就是自己先成為孝敬父母的榜樣。求主幫助我們成為無可指責的美好見證,凡所作都由心發出。

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Prayer Request 10/8 - 10/14

To further strengthen ideological control and eliminate religious beliefs on campus, Beijing has adopted a series of policies to delete any religious words, like "God" and "Bible" in literary classics, dictionaries, and history textbooks. Christian parents in China are concerned about the atheist indoctrination in schools and the negative effects on children's faith. We know raising a godly child is an act of faith, just as Moses' parents who disobeyed the edict of Pharaoh because they believed God would use their child (Heb. 11:23).
In 2018, China launched a campaign to remove all references to religion in all schools. In 2019, in all textbooks and especially foreign classical literature, all references to "God" were changed to "lao tian ye", a vague and generic term for a deity. Once again, we pray for churches and Christian families in China. May God comfort the believing parents and add faith to them so they will know it is their responsibility to raise godly children. We pray, too, that churches will pray more fervently for the spiritual life of the children of believers and beseech His protection.
China has rolled out new textbooks in history, language, law, and ethics in all primary and secondary schools. The new books include studies of 40 revolutionary heroes, writings by revolutionary leader Mao Zedong, and China’s territorial claims in the disputed South China Sea. Christian parents are very much concerned about their children entering schools and being indoctrinated by atheism and losing their faith in God. We pray for His mercy for churches and Christian families, joy in the time of great pressure, knowing that He is in control of all things and that their steadfast love for Him is what pleases God.
Many Chinese parents see political indoctrination as an anachronism in an era when China’s more than 181 million school children need modern education in math, science and liberal arts to get ahead. We thank God that more Christian parents in China are paying attention to the issues of faith and education of their children. We pray for wisdom for parents that they will use all means to share with children why faith in Jesus is good for them and what teachers teach is not to be believed.
A small number of Chinese parents have started homeschooling in the recent past. Although the exact number is difficult to obtain, they were mostly in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong, covering all ages from kindergarten to high school. But, the government has cracked down on homeschooling lately. We pray specifically for parents of young children that they will be diligent in teaching Bible stories and praying with their children, always taking time to discuss issues of faith and intentionally lay an early foundation of faith.
In China, a second-grade lesson includes the story of the “little hero” Wang Erxiao, a 13-year-old cattle herder who is said to have died in 1942 while trying to protect the office of a Communist newspaper from Japanese soldiers. Let us continue to pray for Christian parents in China. They face unprecedented pressure in educating their children, not only the competition in schools but also making sure their children grow in Christian faith and resisting the atheistic teachings in schools.
While Mr. Xi is hardly the first Chinese leader to turn to patriotism to inspire the people, he has pushed a version that plays up the party’s role as a force for restoring China’s greatness. In some areas, students are required to report relatives who are Christians and they are warned that anyone who believes in Jesus will be expelled from schools. We believe that God can help the young Christian to stand firm in faith even under great persecution, just like Daniel and his friends who refused to compromise and to defile themselves.

自2018 年起,在全中國校園發起抵制宗教信仰運動,刪除一切涉及宗教色彩的內容。2019 年初,所有納入教科書的文學著作、語文課本,尤其是外國的古典文學,其中的 「上帝」都改成「老天爺」。我們再次為教會和信徒家庭向神求憐憫,願神安慰信徒家長,加添他們信心,知道他們為神養育愛主的孩子是應當的,也是蒙福的。同時,教會也能同為信徒第二代的靈命守望禱告,求神保守。
教育部在中小學裡開始使用新版歷史、語文、法律和思想品德教科書,這些新課本中包括四十名革命英雄的故事、革命領袖毛澤東的著作,亦包括關於南海主權的書籍。學校和社會灌輸給孩子的知識與家長教導的背道而馳,家長無疑是與世界爭奪孩子,求主給父母屬天的智慧。 我們為中國教會,信徒的家庭求神的憐憫, 在壓力中仍有喜樂,深知神掌管一切,他們堅持愛主是神所紀念的。
有些家長因著種種原因,開始讓孩子「在家上學」。雖然準確的數目難以得著,這種家庭在沿海一線城市等地比較多,也涵蓋幼兒園至高中的各個階段。 我們為家中有年幼孩子的信徒禱告,求主提醒他們要認真與孩子分享信仰,把握機會與孩子研讀神的話,趁早為孩子奠定良好的信仰根基。

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Prayer Request 10/1 - 10/7

“Where does our happy life come from? Who gave it to us?” the teacher asked. “It comes from the blood of revolutionary martyrs! From the Red Army!” A student proudly said. This is a glimpse of patriotic education among the grade-schoolers in China. The Bible does not specify the age of accountability but clearly says children are saved by believing in Jesus(Matt. 18:6). We pray for Christian parents that they will know they are the most important teachers and the life-long models for their children to learn about God.
For decades, the Chinese Communist Party has pushed a stiff regimen of ideological education on students, requiring tedious lessons on Marx and Mao and canned lectures on the virtues of patriotism and loyalty. Nearly 65% of Christians believed in Jesus at the ages of 4 to 14 years old. We pray that believer parents will know how critical this ten year period is and make sure to help their children to come to know the Lord and sincerely follow Jesus.
Now, amid fears that the party is losing its grip on young minds, President Xi Jinping is reshaping political education across China’s more than 283,000 primary and secondary schools for a new era. Parents need to spend time on the spiritual development of their children, especially when children are small and their parental influence is still great. We pray that Christian parents will intentionally and with a plan to teach the Bible and pray with their children.
Textbooks are getting a larger dose of Communist Party lore in China, including glorified tales about the party’s fights against foreign invaders like Japan. Schools are adding courses on traditional medicine and Confucian thought to highlight China’s achievements as a civilization. Many Chinese mothers are the so-called “tiger mom” who will do anything to make sure their children perform well scholastically. We pray for Christian mothers that they will take the time to pray with and share their passion for the Lord with their children.
In China, in the students’ curriculum, the government is also scaling back discussion of iconoclastic writers like Lu Xun, amid concerns that exposing students to social criticism may inspire disobedience.Although most Christian parents know they are responsible for the moral and spiritual growth of their children, they still delegate it to their church. May the Lord forgive us, change us and help us to be serious about the effort to teach.
In a stern directive issued, the party ordered schools to intensify efforts to promote “Chinese traditional and socialist culture"— a mix of party loyalty and patriotic pride in China’s past. The spiritual foundation of a child is shaped before the age of nine. And their spiritual identity is established before the age of 13. We pray for believer parents in China that they can raise children who will love the Lord, in the atheistic educational system.
In a new approach, the Communist Party of China is presenting itself less as a vanguard of proletarian revolution and more as a force for reviving China and restoring it to its rightful place as a world power.God has entrusted parents to nurture their children spiritually, instead of the church. We pray that more Christian parents will appreciate the seriousness of this sacred duty, and will teach and share the Biblical moral guidelines and values to their children from an early age.

在一份措辭嚴厲的發表中,官方要求學校「加強中華優秀傳統文化和社會主義先進文化教育」— 對黨忠誠,對中國歷史的愛國主義自豪感。孩子的屬靈根基在九歲前基本定形;並且,13歲以前他們的屬靈身份已確立。我們為中國信徒家長能在無神論的教育制度中,仍然為神養育愛主的第二代來祈求。