Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Prayer Request 7/25 -- 7/31

Nearly 80% of the one million cases of AIDS in China are in rural areas. In the late 1990's the selling of contaminated blood led to the first outbreak of the disease. In some villages in Henan and Anhui the infection rate reaches up to 20% of the population. Unfortunately, churches in those villages (due to fear of the disease and discrimination) have generally discouraged people with AIDS from being part of their fellowship. Let us pray for the thousands of believers who have contracted AIDS and their relationship with their shepherds and other members of their churches .

More than 200,000 professionals involved in China's marriage broking business will soon be required to take training and pass exams to continue. All newly-opened marriage broking companies must have at least four qualified marriage professionals. In China it is hard for women to find a mate who is a believer since there are few Christian men. We remember all the older and godly women who have a burden to match young believers who are dating with other who are seeking God's will in their lives .

In China it is not unusual to see someone outdoors in pajamas in the daytime. Likewise it is interesting to see laborers clad in formal suits with sneakers with labels on the clothing. A new crop of image consultants are trying to improve the image and change the inappropriate dress code in China. Worship in China's house churches varies greatly from that in Western churches. Many insist that only their style of worship is Biblical and attack others who worship in a different way. Let us pray for unity, humility, and Kingdom-mindedness especially among the house churches.

It is predicted that in twenty years China's population will peak at 1.5 billion and then begin to decline. Already the world's largest country, China grew last year by 7.68 million to a population of 1.307 billion. The need for the gospel in China is greater than ever before. The responsibility of Chinese churches is also greater both in evangelism and the training of badly needed church workers. Again we pray for the mighty working of the Holy Spirit among Chinese believers and the soon arrival of the day that China itself becomes a great missionary-sending country .

A survey in Asia asked “Where would you like to be born, if you have a choice?” Chinese chose Singapore (1st), Hong Kong (2nd) and Korea (3rd). Singapore was the top choice for Japanese and Koreans as well. Singapore was preferred because of her beauty, stability and peacefulness. We take this time to give thanks for the Singaporean churches, for her strong emphasis on mission, support for churches in China and training of young Chinese pastors, both Three-self and house churches .

The view and status of women among China’s many ethnic minority groups are generally low. Women in general are considered to be of a lower social strata which includes no education for girls and early marriages to lessen the financial burdens for the family. hanging the view of men toward women is very difficult. Let us pray for the work of the church in these regions, that they will teach Biblically, for education for young girls, and for spiritual growth among all women believers .

Until the early 1980's a Mao suit consisting of a simple buttoned-down jacket usually in a dark color and a pair of shapeless cotton trousers was the standard attire for most Chinese. Now only older people and peasants wear such outfits which are hard to find. Modern China is fashion-conscious and unfortunately churches tend to judge what one wears also. Let us pray against the danger of favoritism in all believers, especially those in the city churches that they won't look down on those who are not so well-dressed.








Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Prayer Request 7/18--7/24

China faces a critical shortage of teachers for grades 5-6. To attract qualified new teachers to serve in the remote villages, Hubei will give 5000 annual bonus to those who stay for 3 years of service. Many teachers have left for better jobs in the cities. No one is offering incentives to go to rural churches. The exodus of rural pastors happens daily. Let us pray for all the believers who have taken up the leadership and teaching role in their congregation. We pray for their walk with God and their studies of the Word .

In Guangxi, about 830,000 children are born every year, mostly from rural, remote and mountainous regions. Many rural families violate the nation's one-child policy and often turn down hospital care for fear of repercussion. Hospital birth rate is below 40%.In these regions, 1 out of 100 births involves a dead mother, with many orphans left behind. We remember all Christians involved in orphanage ministry, for what they do unto the smallest, they have done for Christ Himself .

The government announced successful eradication of iodine deficiency after 10 years of adding iodine to table salt. In remote provinces like Gansu, Christian agencies are helping with large-scale education and supplying iodized salt in the predominantly Muslim regions. Believers are to be the light and salt of the earth. Balancing church works with community relief is often difficult in China. Let us pray for powerful witness through the demonstration of the compassion of Christ .

China scraps plans to make sex-selective abortion a crime. China has 119 boys born for every 100 girls, an imbalance that has grown since it introduced a one-child policy more than 25 years ago. Female believers outnumber male believers in China churches and this trend will most likely continue. We pray for all the young women today who are deciding whether to answer God’s call to serve churches in various capacities and for those who are already serving in leadership positions .

The first divorce company opened to brisk business in Haina, helping 3 couples getting divorced in one week, by offering legal consultant and property distribution. It also provides investigation and obtaining evidences for filing divorce. In 2005, China reports more divorces than marriages. Let us pray for guarding of all believers family and those who are considering leaving their spouses. We too pray for all Christians involving in providing family conflict resolution in several cities .

4.13 million college graduates will be looking for work this summer. According to a survey, more and more qualified graduate students feel they have no other choice than to accept the zero-salary policy if they want to work. Working for no pay just to land a position in a company seems very desperate, but many church workers do serve the Lord with little pay. Let us remember all who preach and serve faithfully in church without salary .

A survey of 1,200 enterprises shows that 34% of China’s college graduates demand a salary of 1,000 RMB per month (US$125). However, the trend of lower starting wages for college graduates continues.Experts say people have begun questioning the necessity of college education. Nearly 3,000 students will be entering seminary every year. We pray for those who are in prayer and contemplating equipping themselves to serve full time this fall semester

中國農村目前六年級學生正逢人數高峰,因此師資短缺問題嚴重,很多老師爲了賺更多錢,都到城裏去發展。湖北省爲此頒給執教達三年的農村老師每年5千人民幣獎金。 在農村教會服事的人沒有什麼獎勵,每天都有傳道人離去。讓我們特別為許多信徒們代理離職牧者在教會負責帶領和教導工作來禱告。求神賜他們智慧研讀神的話,並且保守他們常在神的真理中與神同行。



中國取消了把性別選擇性墮胎訂為非法的計劃。中國目前出生的孩童男女比例是119比100。因爲重男輕女的觀念驅使人們墮女胎保男胎,使得這種不平衡自25年前實行一子政策以來不斷加劇。 在中國教會,女信徒人數也遠超過男信徒,而此差距仍逐年增加,未來年輕女信徒可能必須在教會各個崗位上擔當重要的領導角色,讓我們為這些女信徒有信心,並知道如何回應神的呼召來禱告,求神也在愛心信心和知識上操練她們,預備將來成爲教會主幹。



一項針對1200家公司的調查顯示,34% 的中國大學畢業生要求1,000人民幣(120元美金)月薪,但是近年來畢業生的起薪已越來越低,人們開始質疑接受大學教育的必要性。神學院每年約有3,000名新生入學,讓我們為這群準備在秋季進入神學院的新生禱告,求神讓他們除了清楚呼召,更給他們堅定心智,認真接受裝備,成為主忠心良善的工人,等候主差遣。

Monday, July 10, 2006

prayer Request 7/11 -- 7/17

Chinese Bible have been available mostly in the Three-self churches, but that is about to change. Hopefully by the end of this year, Bible will be available in secular bookstore nationwide because the newly printed Chinese Bible will have an ISBN number.With the Bible soon become openly available. Let us pray that many more will be drawn to the Word of God and the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We also remember all who have made sacrifice in the past making Bible available .

Many people who are from the very poor ethnic minority in Guizhou feel it is necessary to sell their blood to add to their finances. If they sell blood twice a month (85 yuan each time), they double their income and the plasma collected goes to make various medicines to fight Hepatitis B. Selling one's blood carries a social stigma similar to that of being a prostitute. We take this time to remember all the poor, despised, and homeless people whom Jesus loves .

There were about 260,000 foreigners holding stable jobs in China in 2005. To qualify for a Chinese green card, to stay without a visa, one must have made “outstanding contributions” or be “of special importance to China.” Obtaining a visa to stay is a headache for nearly all missionaries in China. Many have to exit and reenter China 1-2 times a year. We pray for all foreigners involved in church work and those who have been rejected and must leave China .

The popularity of the "10 yuan" store is much greater than that of the old "1 yuan", "6 yuan", or "8 yuan" stores in nearly every city. People feel they have more choices this way. Low cost and a high volume gives the owner a good profit. In churches, the larger churches always offer stronger preaching and more programs which make it difficult for smaller churches to compete with them. We pray for divine encouragement for churches that are losing members and their discouraged leaders .

According to a survey done in Hebai of 1021 companies, 42% of them did not pay their workers the minimum wage and 76% of the workers did not receive the overtime pay which the law mandated. Serving the Lord as a church worker is never for the money one gets yet low compensation has deterred many who wanted to serve God. It has also contributed to the lack of workers. We pray for those who continue to serve and live by faith. We pray, too for strength and passion for those who serve in a church and also work a full-time job .

Three hundred recent master's degree graduates in law from the respectable Wuhan University could not find jobs and only five of them landed a position as a civil servant. A college degree is no guarantee one will get a job these days in China. We take this time to pray for all those who have received Bible training in the past but are not for some reason serving in a church now. There is a great need for workers in churches but the attrition rate is very high .

A mere 56 people work in various departments for Olympic planning this summer after having completed the Beijing Olympic Volunteer Training Program in June.Volunteering to work without compensation is still a very foreign concept for most Chinese. In most churches the work is generally done by elderly or retired people. There is still a great lack of young people involved in volunteering. Let us pray for this selfish tendency in all of us and for more giving among the young believers in churches in China .






最近有300名武漢大學法律碩士班畢業生找不到工作,僅有5人覓得普通公務員之職。看來在中國擁有文憑不再是工作保障。 反觀教會卻是工人短缺,一些受過神學訓練的人因種種原因不在教會服事,也有些人服事不能持久。讓我們為這些現象禱告,求神興起更多能負主軛的工人,並給教會領袖有栽培和訓練新血輪的智慧和恩賜。


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Prayer Request 7/4 -- 7/10

From gift money (which should be an even number) to avoiding four (which is similar in sound to the word for death) unflinching faith in "lucky" numbers can be found everywhere in China. Every year Hong Kong and Guangdong get millions of dollars from auctioning license plate with lucky numbers. Ten years of the Cultural Revolution once denounced, condemned, and banned such practices but they have come back. May the Lord grant all believers liberty from the bondage of such deeply ingrained practices .

The city of Shenzhen boasts more than 43% of city bureaus have a woman chief or vice-chief. “Women hold up half of the sky”says a famous Mao’s saying. In fact, Shenzhen also has a huge number of women who owns their business or shops.During the Communist period, the status of women was advanced tremendously. China probably has the highest ration of women serving as pastor too. We take this time to pray for all the women who preach, lead and teach in every congregation. May the Lord give them strength and insight to lead .

A few years ago, when K-Gold jewelry became available, consumer's acceptance was low and was regarded as low-grade products. Older Chinese buys only pure gold. However, it has gained popularity among the younger buyers for its lower price and novelty style. Some would say, the faith of younger Chinese today have not been tested as pure gold.We pray for genuine faith of all believers, may it be intellectuals who embrace Christianity as a solution for modern China, or farmers who seek immediate improvement of their poverty .

The question on the minds of everyone in all of the cities in China is, "Is the price of houses going up or down?" In Shanghai the price near the city center continues to rise but everywhere else near Shanghai it is dropping. In Hangzhou which is considered the best city to live in, the trend is the same. Buying a house near one's church is a luxury in China. An affordable house usually requires a long commute to one's church. Let us pray for all who move to new locations and must find (literally seek out) a church in which they feel comfortable .

Chinese Constitution says, all workers should work no more than 8 hours a day and 44 hours weekly. There is also 1 day off a week and employer must provide paid holidays. However, this law is practically ignored especially for the mingong, farmers who work in the cities. Few Chinese church workers actually take a day off during the week. Let us remember all who labor for Christ serving in churches, may they find physical and spiritual renewal, and most importantly quality time with their family and their children .

Building a new and big house in the village is what many farmers do after working in the cities for several years. Such new houses create a tremendous pressure for others do abandon farmer and seek work elsewhere.Majority of young people in rural area consider leaving farming inevitable. Many have the opportunity to be hear the Gospel in the cities. We pray for churches that overcome their sense of superiority and specifically outreach to the laborers from the countryside .

The AIDS epidemic in Henan was fueled by poor peasants who sold blood plasma in the 1990's. Blood is no longer collected in Henan but the system is now carried out in the even poorer province of Guizhou in the Southwest. Each "donor" now receives 85 yuan ($10.US) compared with 50 yuan in Henan fifteen years ago. Church work in Guizhou has been slow and the soil is hard. Let us pray for all who labor and risk their lives in sharing the gospel and the power of Jesus' blood in this region .


深圳市政府中有高達43% (3千多個)「 巾幗文明崗」——意即婦女擔任市府正副主任(領導)高職,印証了毛澤東的名言:婦女撐起半邊天。該地自己擁有事業的婦女比例亦高居全國之冠。在共產制度下,中國女人的地位提高了許多,中國目前也是全世界女牧師比例最高的國家。求神賜智慧和能力給所有在教會中作領導、講道、和教導的姐妹們,按真道牧養主羊,用成熟靈命和生活見証榮神益人,成爲教會和信徒的好領袖。

中國人崇尚純金首飾, K金常被視爲次品,不太為消費者接納。但由於K金價格較低且款式新穎多變,已日漸受年輕人歡迎。有人說現在年輕基督徒的信仰未曾經過考驗,信心如未經火煉的金子般不純淨。基督徒知識分子把基督教信仰看作解決現代中國問題的管道;農民則希望耶穌使他們賺錢擺脫窮困。我們求神煉淨每位基督徒,使祂兒女都有純正信仰和單純的信心,像精金經得起考驗,不做華而不實的「K金」基督徒。



