Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Prayer Request 7/4 -- 7/10

From gift money (which should be an even number) to avoiding four (which is similar in sound to the word for death) unflinching faith in "lucky" numbers can be found everywhere in China. Every year Hong Kong and Guangdong get millions of dollars from auctioning license plate with lucky numbers. Ten years of the Cultural Revolution once denounced, condemned, and banned such practices but they have come back. May the Lord grant all believers liberty from the bondage of such deeply ingrained practices .

The city of Shenzhen boasts more than 43% of city bureaus have a woman chief or vice-chief. “Women hold up half of the sky”says a famous Mao’s saying. In fact, Shenzhen also has a huge number of women who owns their business or shops.During the Communist period, the status of women was advanced tremendously. China probably has the highest ration of women serving as pastor too. We take this time to pray for all the women who preach, lead and teach in every congregation. May the Lord give them strength and insight to lead .

A few years ago, when K-Gold jewelry became available, consumer's acceptance was low and was regarded as low-grade products. Older Chinese buys only pure gold. However, it has gained popularity among the younger buyers for its lower price and novelty style. Some would say, the faith of younger Chinese today have not been tested as pure gold.We pray for genuine faith of all believers, may it be intellectuals who embrace Christianity as a solution for modern China, or farmers who seek immediate improvement of their poverty .

The question on the minds of everyone in all of the cities in China is, "Is the price of houses going up or down?" In Shanghai the price near the city center continues to rise but everywhere else near Shanghai it is dropping. In Hangzhou which is considered the best city to live in, the trend is the same. Buying a house near one's church is a luxury in China. An affordable house usually requires a long commute to one's church. Let us pray for all who move to new locations and must find (literally seek out) a church in which they feel comfortable .

Chinese Constitution says, all workers should work no more than 8 hours a day and 44 hours weekly. There is also 1 day off a week and employer must provide paid holidays. However, this law is practically ignored especially for the mingong, farmers who work in the cities. Few Chinese church workers actually take a day off during the week. Let us remember all who labor for Christ serving in churches, may they find physical and spiritual renewal, and most importantly quality time with their family and their children .

Building a new and big house in the village is what many farmers do after working in the cities for several years. Such new houses create a tremendous pressure for others do abandon farmer and seek work elsewhere.Majority of young people in rural area consider leaving farming inevitable. Many have the opportunity to be hear the Gospel in the cities. We pray for churches that overcome their sense of superiority and specifically outreach to the laborers from the countryside .

The AIDS epidemic in Henan was fueled by poor peasants who sold blood plasma in the 1990's. Blood is no longer collected in Henan but the system is now carried out in the even poorer province of Guizhou in the Southwest. Each "donor" now receives 85 yuan ($10.US) compared with 50 yuan in Henan fifteen years ago. Church work in Guizhou has been slow and the soil is hard. Let us pray for all who labor and risk their lives in sharing the gospel and the power of Jesus' blood in this region .


深圳市政府中有高達43% (3千多個)「 巾幗文明崗」——意即婦女擔任市府正副主任(領導)高職,印証了毛澤東的名言:婦女撐起半邊天。該地自己擁有事業的婦女比例亦高居全國之冠。在共產制度下,中國女人的地位提高了許多,中國目前也是全世界女牧師比例最高的國家。求神賜智慧和能力給所有在教會中作領導、講道、和教導的姐妹們,按真道牧養主羊,用成熟靈命和生活見証榮神益人,成爲教會和信徒的好領袖。

中國人崇尚純金首飾, K金常被視爲次品,不太為消費者接納。但由於K金價格較低且款式新穎多變,已日漸受年輕人歡迎。有人說現在年輕基督徒的信仰未曾經過考驗,信心如未經火煉的金子般不純淨。基督徒知識分子把基督教信仰看作解決現代中國問題的管道;農民則希望耶穌使他們賺錢擺脫窮困。我們求神煉淨每位基督徒,使祂兒女都有純正信仰和單純的信心,像精金經得起考驗,不做華而不實的「K金」基督徒。





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