Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Prayer Request 8/26 - 9/1

TuesdayJackie​ Chan, kung fu mega star who was designated an anti-drug ambassador by the police in China, apologized for his son's arrest for using drugs there. "I'm extremely furious. I am very much ashamed as a public figure and very sad as a father. His mother is heartbroken. I've failed as a father." Let us pray for all of the Christian families that have prodigal children. Let us not let deep shame and a judgmental attitude prevent us from really praying for families who need support and guidance. May the Lord comfort and hear the prayers of all such heartbroken parents.
Beijing​ has been cracking down on drug abuse but apparently targeting celebrities in the entertainment circle. Jackie Chan has stirred much consternation by saying, "Chinese people need to be ruled' and that Hong Kong and Taiwan are "chaotic because of too much freedom".The Bible tells us, "The Lord loves whom He chastens, and He scourges every son whom He receives." (Hebrews 12:6) We pray for endurance and repentance for those who are experiencing God's discipline now. May we fear Him and His wrath and be free of sinning.
In 2011, the elder Mr. Chan reportedly said he had decided to give away his entire multimillion-dollar fortune to charity, leaving none for his son. “If he is capable, he can make his own money. If he is not, then he will just be wasting my money,” Chan said. We pray that more believers will see the importance and the God-given responsibility of passing on their faith. Often, many Chinese Christians parents have the attitude, “Let my kids decide their faith for themselves.”
In the eyes of young people in China, there is a new Middle Class being formed which consists mostly of people thirty to forty years old. These people possess a strong sense of financial security but due to their good education, they work hard and are enterprising.​ We praise God for the influx of young professional families with a high income and education into many urban churches. These new believers want challenging and practical teaching rather than old- fashioned sermons. We pray for them to have humility and a willingness to be discipled.
​Money is not the only criteria used to determine who belongs to the new Middle Class in China. There is another category of Chinese nouveau riche but they are ridiculed as people who are super rich and lack culture and sophistication. ​This influx of believers who are highly intellectual and financially well-off presents a challenge for pastors. Many of them feel intimidated and intellectually inadequate to minister to these people. We pray for wisdom, discernment, and God-given confidence for every urban pastor.​
The​ new Middle Class in China despise the nouveau riche who are called "tyrants". They are far richer than those in the new Middle Class and spend money without blinking their eyes. The people in the new Middle Class also buy luxury items but they look for a good deal and things with good taste. Young families in the church are usually so busy with work and raising children that many do not attend the Sunday services consistently. We pray for young families and for the pastors who minister to them that they will know how to help them love the Lord very deeply.
As​ a member of the new Middle Class, one does not need to be a golfer but he should either jog or swim at least once a week. He does not have to be a mountain climber but he should have the time and learn about nature through hiking. Young believers have the money, mobility, and interests to occupy them but unfortunately many lack spiritual commitment. Let us pray that more people in this group will hunger for God's Word, spiritual maturity and humility.

在年輕人眼裏,有一股強大的勢力崛起,就是新中產階級。這是以30-40歲左右的人為基礎的大族群,物質的豐富讓他們有強烈的安全感,同時,良好的教育也讓他們保持強烈的進取心。 我們為許多年輕的專業人士家庭加入城市教會感恩,他們擁有高教育水平和收入,對講台信息要求有挑戰性及實際化,而不是傳統的講道。求主賜給他們多有謙卑受教及願意領受造就成為門徒的心智。
金錢不是劃分新中產階級的唯一標準,否則即使物質上達到了標準,現代的年輕人仍會毫不客氣地嘲笑有錢的人只是「土豪」,而不是新中產階級。高教育及收入的會友確實會對牧者有極大的期待,使他倍感壓力,也造成傳道人心中難免的自卑,不知道如何去牧養他們。 求主賜給城市教會牧者大有智慧,能分辨教導,也有來自天上來的信心。
新中產階級絕對看不起所謂的 「土豪」,「雖然土豪的確​​比較有錢,但是品位糟透了」。 這兩類的人都熱愛奢侈品,「土豪」動不動就在高檔專賣店一擲千金,但新中產階級的人會買減價的奢侈品。年輕夫婦因太忙於工作和撫育家人而不固定參與教會事奉及活動,主日聚會也是如此。我們來為年輕夫婦禱告,求主 幫助教會牧者知道如何帶領這群信徒,幫助他們愛主更深。

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Prayer Request 8/19 - 8/25

TuesdayGuo Meimei whose name is inextricably​ linked with the Chinese public's distrust of official charities, in a televised confession blamed vanity for her misdeeds. Three years later the Red Cross of China is still struggling to regain its reputation and the trust of the public. Unfortunately, there are many believers who have also been hurt by the leaders of their churches through various misdeeds and misunderstandings. We pray for healing and a renewed trust in the Body of Christ for them. May the Spirit of God comfort them.
The idea​ of philanthropy is a relatively new one in China and in recent years people willing to donate to others have indicated wariness about the lack of transparency in the charitable organizations of the government. Hence, many have chosen to give to private charitable organizations. Lack of transparency both in administration and finances is a big problem for all churches in China, whether house or open churches. Good churches are damaged by the misdeeds of the extremists and the cults. We pray for believers to have faith in their godly leaders and remain generous in their giving.
After a devastating earthquake hit Yunnan recently, killing​ at least 398 people, despite efforts by the Red Cross pleading with them to forget Mei Mei and focus on earthquake relief, people have found it very difficult to overcome their suspicions and give money to help. We pray for churches and mission agencies who are helping with disaster relief. May their acts of compassion be a powerful testimony to the nation and an opportunity to involve all churches in helping the poor churches in China's Southwest region
Pastors of churches in China face the daunting task of balancing Bible teaching with church administration which involves dealing with government officials​ in some delicate situations along with encouraging all members to stay committed to their church family. ​In many regions, most churches have part-time pastors because they cannot afford to pay for a full-time pastor or else they mistakenly believe that preachers should do God's work by faith so they do not need to pay them much. We pray that churches will correct this erroneous idea and will honor God's servants financially.
On the 30th anniversary of the celebration of church reopening, a well-known worship team led a huge concert in Shenzhen. Mainland Christians are very familiar with their songs. More than six thousand young people attended this first ever large-scale worship event in China. We praise God for the passion and fellowship of all the attendees. We pray that the live-video and the buzz generated through social media will lead to great excitement among all China churches and deeply impact their praise and worship.
​Young​ people today are accustomed to entertainment that is fast-paced, diverse, and packed with excitement. As a result, many find it very dull when they attend urban churches in China with a traditional style of worship. ​ We pray for churches in China, especially those in rural areas that they will reach out to young people and that the leaders will be willing to make changes with the younger generation in mind and that older believers will be more accepting and welcoming to the youth.
Some of the urban churches in China wholeheartedly embrace the contemporary style of praise and worship but the older believers complain bitterly about the concert-like feel and their resentment creates tension within the church. Some even quit attending due to their dislike of the style of worship. ​May the Lord have mercy on us and give the leaders of the churches wisdom so they can adjust their traditional style of worship by adding contemporary elements and still have God-centered worship which is inviting to all ages.​

中國教會的牧者們面臨艱鉅的任務,不但要負責聖經教導,且要兼顧教會牧養管理。教會管理不僅是登記造冊,更重要的是要使每個加入教會的人都有委身感,都成為這個教會的會友。 在許多地區,絕大部分的傳道人還是帶職服侍,教會缺乏經濟能力,或是誤認為傳道人應當要不求溫飽,單憑信心做神的聖工。求主繼續改變教會這樣的錯誤心態,停止虧待神的僕人。
教會大量使用流行音樂並改變崇拜模式,往往又讓人感覺像演唱會。老一輩的信徒覺得格格不入,造成教會中有張力,總是有抱怨,不可避免地造成某些信徒的流失。 求主憐憫我們,賜給我們智慧,可以在教會傳統的崇拜架構中,融入當代音樂元素,使整個崇拜既符合上帝的教導,又充滿崇拜的神聖性,讓不同年齡層的信徒能夠投入以神為中心的敬拜。

Monday, August 11, 2014

Prayer Request 8/12 - 8/18

Macau on the southeast coast of China, next to Hong Kong already has its own Venice, complete with a Grand Canal and a Rialto Bridge. Soon, it will get its Eiffel Tower and a giant resort modeled on the Palace of Versailles. Macao is a hard soil is for the Gospel to penetrate. Christianity came to Macau early but churches there are mostly small and struggling. We pray for fruitful results from the effort to share the gospel with casino workers and streams of visitors who come every day.
The revenue from gambling in Macau was nearly seven times more than that of Las Vegas in 2013 and still continues to grow. Nearly twenty million people (one in five of people who ventured outside of mainland China last year) went to Macau to gamble, shop, and sightsee. It is a fact that Chinese people like to gamble but gambling kills marriages and homes. We pray for Christian homes where the husband or father gambles. We know that gambling does a great deal of damage to the spouse and children. May the Lord be merciful to them.
Casino operators have faith that Beijing, despite a recent clampdown on corruption and ostentatious spending, is content to let gambling thrive in Macau, which is a special administrative region of China with its own regulations and casino gambling is allowed, unlike on the mainland.One thing is certain and that is that in China the official policy does change. Many churches face conflict with local authorities in matters of their church buildings, whether it is getting a permit or enforcing compliance to code. We pray for wisdom and favor for all churches in dealing with the officials.
Gamblers from China play in Macau to win, not to have fun. They drink tea and coffee, not alcohol. It is common to see people eating noodles bought from outside at the gambling tables. They play with thousands of dollars each time. Chinese gamblers are intense and lose big. Gambling is pervasive but many see it as acceptable and recreational. We pray for courage and wisdom for believers as they try to convince their loved one to stop gambling. We believe the Holy Spirit can break the bondage of addiction of all kinds.
​The churches in Wenzhou are probably the best example of local church autonomy that you will find in China.​ For example, some districts have over twenty churches where the pastor in charge is personally responsible and provides input for each of these churches but does not possess absolute authority over the matters of the church. We pray that churches will have leaders who are pleasing to God and that every congregation will have a good shepherd and co-workers who seek His heart in unity as they serve the Lord without strife or bickering.
In the countryside there are always some Christians who feel their Buddhist and Taoist neighbors are unsaved sinners bent for hell. Such an attitude antagonizes people and creates many misunderstandings along with friction which makes the work of spreading the gospel hard among villagers.​ Although such incidents are not common, we pray that churches will have a good witness among the followers of Buddhism and Taoism. May the Lord have mercy on all the villages where churches are outnumbered by the many temples.
Many of the older leaders and pastors in the rural churches of China are deeply influenced by the traditional​ Chinese folk lore of hero bandits. They see themselves as hero figures so they lead and manage their churches as their own territory. May the Lord have mercy and give grace to the rural churches in China, especially those whose pastors have little education. May He help them to be wise and able to grasp the Word of God, discerning the truth, and not be misled or deceived.
仳鄰香港的澳門處於東南沿海,還有自己的「威尼斯」,其間大運河、里阿爾托橋樣樣俱全。不久將來,又有一座埃菲爾鐵塔及一個以凡爾賽宮為原型的大型度假村落成。 澳門真是一塊福音的硬土, 基督教很早就傳入澳門,歷史雖悠久,但教會一直都小又微弱。我們為向賭場的工作人員和針對成千上萬遊客的福音事工禱告,求主賜他們智慧,無論得時不得時,總要盡力多救些人。
上澳門的中國賭客不會把賭博僅當作娛樂,而是存心要贏錢,所以也大筆下注,每次都是成千上萬。 他們一邊賭,一邊喝茶或咖啡,很少喝酒。肚子餓了就吃外面餐廳叫進來的麵食,繼續邊吃邊賭。中國人賭錢激烈驚人,時時傾家蕩產。賭博非常普遍,乃因許多人認為「小賭宜情」。我們求主賜信徒有勇氣和智慧,來勸誡家人戒賭;我們相信聖靈的大能能打破種種心癮的束縛。
有些老一代的農村教會領袖和傳道人深受江湖社團、民間社團的影響,愛看《三國演義》、《水滸傳》等中國傳統書籍,把教會看為自己的地盤。求主憐憫恩待今天的農村教會,幫助他們能抓住神的話,能分辦真理,使他們有真知識,跟隨合乎聖經的教導,不被撒但所施的技倆矇騙或誤導 。

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Prayer Request 8/5 - 8/11

TuesdayExternal oppression on the churches in China has lessened in recent years but the lure of money, fame, and power along with the seemingly unending enjoyment of worldly pleasure have replaced the imprisonment, exile, or severe criticism they formerly received.​ We commit to pray for every believer to resist the temptations of this world and strive to live like Jesus Christ. May the Lord have mercy on us because a lack here is the chief reason believers become lukewarm and churches lose their zeal and even become desolate.
Following the tragic knifing incidences in recent days, many​ young Han Chinese for the first time in their lives are pondering the issue of ethnic minorities . Churches serving ethnic minorities badly need our attention and prayer along with evangelism and training of believers. May the Lord raise prayer warriors among us who pray for those who work with these ethnic minority groups who need more churches to partner with them in order to speed up evangelistic efforts among their own people.
Recently​ several key charismatic pastors in Asia ran into problems regarding their handling of church finances. Each one of the has a large influence and impact on Chinese churches both inside and outside of China. Unfortunately, such scandals are not uncommon in China but they are often hushed up because people believe they do not glorify God. We pray that churches in China will be more healthy, transparent, and accountable in administration and finances. We pray especially for believers who have been hurt by church scandals and now refuse to attend worship services. May the Lord turn our eyes to focus on only Him, our Savior, and not on people.
Urban churches in China​ typically fall into two camps. One of them emphasizes the teachings of Watchman Nee while the other group espouses those of Wang Mingdao, stressing Calvinism. Unfortunately this has led to disagreement and division. House churches like to brag about their theology or certain Bible teachings. We pray for humility for all believers and pastors so they will not become foolish as the Corinthian believers did and brag about the giants of faith but lose their unity and witness.
Not a few pastors in China look down on the traditions of the church in the West, feeling they would rather create their own system. Other pastors feel strongly that "parent-style leadership" is best for their churches but that leads to a dictatorial style of church management with no transparency. We know that reform does not come overnight but we have faith that our God will raise up faithful shepherds everywhere. We pray for good shepherds, for the protection of their thoughts and minds so they will be able to provide nourishment for the sheep with the words God gives them, and that they will guard against self-deceit and self-righteousness.
Churches in China​ have their share of problems but they often deal with moral failure by either dumping the responsibility on others or denying their responsibility. Church scandals will not diminish the salvation of Jesus but they proclaim loudly His righteousness. May the Lord have mercy on all churches helping them to emphasize His righteousness and holiness and never compromising themselves in regard to money or sex. We need to constantly be reminded that we are sinners saved through His grace lest we fall into the snares and traps of the evil one.
​In​ recent years the "prosperity" or "success" theology which is proposed by well-known charismatic Asian pastors has attracted many Christians in China. We know that God's blessing is not simply financial and that believing in God does not always being prosperity. Sometimes it even brings persecution. We pray that believers will be mature and discerning realizing that they can praise God whether they receive material blessings or not. We want to love the Giver of all good things, not merely the good things He gives.

今天教會面對的外在逼迫減弱了,教會面臨的不再是監禁、流放、批鬥等壓力,而是金錢、名聲、權力、感官享受等等世界價值觀的引誘。我們為每一個信徒,如何在日常生活中對抗世界價值觀的誘惑,堅持活出基督的生命樣式來祈求。這也是許多信徒冷淡,教會不再火熱甚至荒涼的最大原因, 求主憐憫我們。
華人教會存在的問題很多,但問題出現後更多的是躲避、推脫、推卸責任, 尤其是在處理牧者跌倒的事上。教會醜聞絲毫不能抹黑基督的救恩真理,反而使神的公義得到了彰顯。求主憐憫眾教會,叫我們看重神的公義和聖潔,在金錢、性的誘惑裡絕不妥協。讓我們也彼此提醒,我們都是蒙恩得救的罪人,若不是神的恩典保守,我們也同樣落在惡者的詭計網羅中沈淪。
近年來,成功神學在中國教會非常受歡迎,吸引了許多信徒跟隨。最近幾位跌倒的亞洲靈恩派的名牧都是強調成功神學的。事實上,神的祝福並不僅僅是金錢,信神也不一定都會帶來物質豐富,反而有可能為信仰受逼迫。 我們為信徒有分辨的靈禱告,凡事連於元首,並為能夠與神同行而感謝祂。又求主幫助我們單單愛那賜恩典的神,而不是愛神賜的恩典而已。