Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Prayer Request 8/5 - 8/11

TuesdayExternal oppression on the churches in China has lessened in recent years but the lure of money, fame, and power along with the seemingly unending enjoyment of worldly pleasure have replaced the imprisonment, exile, or severe criticism they formerly received.​ We commit to pray for every believer to resist the temptations of this world and strive to live like Jesus Christ. May the Lord have mercy on us because a lack here is the chief reason believers become lukewarm and churches lose their zeal and even become desolate.
Following the tragic knifing incidences in recent days, many​ young Han Chinese for the first time in their lives are pondering the issue of ethnic minorities . Churches serving ethnic minorities badly need our attention and prayer along with evangelism and training of believers. May the Lord raise prayer warriors among us who pray for those who work with these ethnic minority groups who need more churches to partner with them in order to speed up evangelistic efforts among their own people.
Recently​ several key charismatic pastors in Asia ran into problems regarding their handling of church finances. Each one of the has a large influence and impact on Chinese churches both inside and outside of China. Unfortunately, such scandals are not uncommon in China but they are often hushed up because people believe they do not glorify God. We pray that churches in China will be more healthy, transparent, and accountable in administration and finances. We pray especially for believers who have been hurt by church scandals and now refuse to attend worship services. May the Lord turn our eyes to focus on only Him, our Savior, and not on people.
Urban churches in China​ typically fall into two camps. One of them emphasizes the teachings of Watchman Nee while the other group espouses those of Wang Mingdao, stressing Calvinism. Unfortunately this has led to disagreement and division. House churches like to brag about their theology or certain Bible teachings. We pray for humility for all believers and pastors so they will not become foolish as the Corinthian believers did and brag about the giants of faith but lose their unity and witness.
Not a few pastors in China look down on the traditions of the church in the West, feeling they would rather create their own system. Other pastors feel strongly that "parent-style leadership" is best for their churches but that leads to a dictatorial style of church management with no transparency. We know that reform does not come overnight but we have faith that our God will raise up faithful shepherds everywhere. We pray for good shepherds, for the protection of their thoughts and minds so they will be able to provide nourishment for the sheep with the words God gives them, and that they will guard against self-deceit and self-righteousness.
Churches in China​ have their share of problems but they often deal with moral failure by either dumping the responsibility on others or denying their responsibility. Church scandals will not diminish the salvation of Jesus but they proclaim loudly His righteousness. May the Lord have mercy on all churches helping them to emphasize His righteousness and holiness and never compromising themselves in regard to money or sex. We need to constantly be reminded that we are sinners saved through His grace lest we fall into the snares and traps of the evil one.
​In​ recent years the "prosperity" or "success" theology which is proposed by well-known charismatic Asian pastors has attracted many Christians in China. We know that God's blessing is not simply financial and that believing in God does not always being prosperity. Sometimes it even brings persecution. We pray that believers will be mature and discerning realizing that they can praise God whether they receive material blessings or not. We want to love the Giver of all good things, not merely the good things He gives.

今天教會面對的外在逼迫減弱了,教會面臨的不再是監禁、流放、批鬥等壓力,而是金錢、名聲、權力、感官享受等等世界價值觀的引誘。我們為每一個信徒,如何在日常生活中對抗世界價值觀的誘惑,堅持活出基督的生命樣式來祈求。這也是許多信徒冷淡,教會不再火熱甚至荒涼的最大原因, 求主憐憫我們。
華人教會存在的問題很多,但問題出現後更多的是躲避、推脫、推卸責任, 尤其是在處理牧者跌倒的事上。教會醜聞絲毫不能抹黑基督的救恩真理,反而使神的公義得到了彰顯。求主憐憫眾教會,叫我們看重神的公義和聖潔,在金錢、性的誘惑裡絕不妥協。讓我們也彼此提醒,我們都是蒙恩得救的罪人,若不是神的恩典保守,我們也同樣落在惡者的詭計網羅中沈淪。
近年來,成功神學在中國教會非常受歡迎,吸引了許多信徒跟隨。最近幾位跌倒的亞洲靈恩派的名牧都是強調成功神學的。事實上,神的祝福並不僅僅是金錢,信神也不一定都會帶來物質豐富,反而有可能為信仰受逼迫。 我們為信徒有分辨的靈禱告,凡事連於元首,並為能夠與神同行而感謝祂。又求主幫助我們單單愛那賜恩典的神,而不是愛神賜的恩典而已。

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